
Bedroom Article Quilt Chapter--Duvet 2

 LOFT生活 2013-08-08
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【 term parameters 】
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1. [filling RongLiang]

RongLiang filling is not measure down the indicators of quality, it is to point to a duvet filled the weight of all the feather.
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2. [downcontent] 

Downcontent is down in the proportion of wool, expressed in the form of a percentage. Outdoor duvet downcontent generally over 80%, the content of the data on the surface of the cloth with soft nap is 80%, feather, accounted for 20%.
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3. [volume]

Volume is an important indicator, measure the degree of feather warm refers to under certain conditions every ounce (30 g) down the value of volume cubic inches. Is like an ounce of feather is 600 cubic inch of space, called the down volume for 600. Down the higher the volume, that in the same filling RongLiang feather can be fixed under a larger volume of air to heat preservation and heat insulation, so down the warmth retention property, the better. Volume in China is not a hard targets, and measurement of the relative error is bigger also.

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 【 function Term 】
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1. The warmth retention property, high elasticity, high volume, and with a light, soft. The characteristics of soft.

With HanRongLv 50% down test, its light volume is equivalent to 2.8 times that of cotton wool 2.2 times.
The weight of the same volume of natural eiderdown quilts, duvets the lightest, about 1/3 of the quilt, wool yarn by 1/2, duvets so not only soft and warm, and sense of touch skin.

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2. The air is dry, the platoon is wet sex is strong, do not harden, what other heat preservation material does not have the good performance of the moisture absorption of divergence, known as "breathing quilt".

In the family of the quilt, are the most expensive in duvet, duvet the warmth retention property, no doubt, because of the feather itself is triangle skeleton structure, so the air storage capacity is large, good insulating property, to maintain the body temperature of the quilt, not susceptible to the influence of the indoor temperature, this is the general duvets, can be used in the bedroom is not necessarily a low temperature, may only be used three seasons, spring, autumn, winter.
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3. Durable, but also have certain effect on the beauty.

Duvet not harden, deformation, very durable, usually a duvet can use more than 30 years.
At ordinary times as long as pay attention to when using sharp Liverpool will not be cut, do not directly with the sun, in the open air to dry on a regular basis to keep down the performance. Central nervous to stability, and it can make quickly into the sweet dreams, it also has a certain effect on beauty, the same is true of "natural beauty lies under the duvet".

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4. Suitable for patients with high blood pressure and prevent rheumatism and arthritis.

Patients with high blood pressure during sleep, it is not too heavy a quilt cover, or have an effect on blood pressure. The duvet in all the most soft bedding materials, patients with no pressure.
Because of the cold and damp, people are vulnerable to the erosion of wind chill and suffers from rheumatism and arthritis.
Duvet in addition to its superior thermal performance, but also wet permeability, make human body from the water out, the body is dry, should not be suffering from rheumatism and arthritis.

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【Identify the term】
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1. [the press]
Will be natural duvet relax smooth, to restore its natural three minutes, reoccupy hand press the quilt, then the hand, if you can rebound soon recover, is the best.

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2. [touch]
With touch pinch try its soft degree, whether full or too little rushes greater than thick long feather, feather tube, etc. Such as soft and full of small feather is authentic products.

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For dust flap forcibly quilt, overflow, dust overflow quantity is less, the better.
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4. [Knead ]

Rub your quilt, with both hands if you have any plush drill, its fabric is imitation velvet, unfavorable choose and buy.
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5. [Smell] 
Close to take a deep breath duvet several times, no peculiar smell is the best.
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6. [phase modulation]
Ok one weighed down with the hand, watch the size of the volume and weight of the light volume, the bigger the better.

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【 technics 1 filling pile 】
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1. [wool filling machine filling]

Use electronic measuring eiderdown, reach the weight on the foot switch, filling pile machine after at a time. The fan position with clothing exports and fan blow down into the garment interlining.

A. can use small 18 millimeters in diameter filling pile pipe, is suitable for the filling narrow clothing parts, these parts by hand is difficult to fill.
B. filling process, the wind to blow down loose, easy to process after the racket flat clothing
C. export product requirements to minimize manual touch down.
D. can use wool filling machine factory duvets, increase the new product, duvet processing is simple, high efficiency.
A feather of weighing filling with hand speed.
B due to using the wind filling, work place hard to avoid has a little down.
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2. [manual]

In electronic counter scale, put an exposure of 400 X 500 X 500 mm tank, filled with down and feather, make electronic display is 0, the box down with the hand directly into garment interlining, can show the weight of the filling on the electronic scale.
Clothing down less dosage, most populated channel is short, so usually can use manual filling.
Down without damage and loss.
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3. [funnel ]

Put a sheet on electronic counter scale, funnel, top diameter of 200 mm, and under 100, 200. (can be made according to the actual garment size, 2, 3 different sizes of funnel) make electronic display is 0, with the hand slipped down tight inside the funnel to the specified weight. Put a funnel on the garment interlining, from funnel flowing has been stabbed by hand into clothing.

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4. [automatic milling machine]

Have 2 feather barrels of automatic weighing, rotation weighing down, workers put the mattress interlayer set on the mouth filling pile, the machine automatically weighing barrel for good feather blowing.

A. 30% faster than human.
B. site neat, luxurious.
A. is expensive. Covers an area of 20-30 square meters.
B. down automatically several circulation and consumption.
C. the weight still have error.

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【 technics structure of 2 】

Refers to the duvet feather filling pile structure, which is surrounded by the fabric down and formed a a small space.
Mainly can be divided into the three-dimensional box structure and double jaw structure and other structures are derived on the structure of two kinds of by-products.
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1. [the three-dimensional structure of box] 

By adding vertical line between the inside and outside material to form a box structure. Advantage is down.
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2. [double jaw structure]

Direct suture material both inside and outside, to form a tubular space. Advantage is that weight is reduced greatly. In the quilt.
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【Common terms】
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1. [down]

Feather by excluding MAO's feather bar, on the barbs grow many of the cluster of filaments. It looks more like a dandelion seeds. Feather light, villous, geese, ducks and other waterfowl is used as the lining to keep warm. Birds, such as chicken and so on is not down.
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2. [feathers]

Birds feathers, mainly covering the outer layer, its structure is flat.
A feather from its one end to the other side is solid base, the base on both sides of a flat structure consisting of a series of fiber.
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3. [feather and down]

Feather is flat structure, its main function is used as a flight, smaller feathers for protection. Feather is a three-dimensional structure, soft, fluffy, mainly used for heat preservation.
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4. [preservation]

Because the three dimensional structure of down and feather, so it can "inflation".
Feather filaments under the same weight of each cluster can be fixed more air than other artificial materials.
Every ounce of down about 2 million fine filament, these filaments overlapping and intertwined constitute a fixed air to heat preservation and heat insulation layer.
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5. [production]

Down and feather after a special process of washing, drying, classification by blast.
After the selection of equipment, the best of the feather floated to the highest box next to the middle of the box, feathers, because they are more heavy, so fell to the bottom of the box.
Execution of the entire process must be correct, in order to remove odor and ensure permanent down the fluffy.
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6. [Good down]

In general, the best feather has always come from larger, more mature birds. Than the birds of the same age mature, goose down is better than duck down. However, from the older duck feather is better than the young goose of velvet. More down with very high thermal insulation - weight ratio. Use this kind of down and feather duvets or down sleeping bag will be very light and very warm. And they can use the decades.
On the other hand, the low quality of the white goose down contains small velvet. It will not loose, insulation - weight ratio is low. Even if is to use more of the weight of cloth with soft nap, it is not like the former so warm. From small birds feather not only volume is low, and in a relatively short period of time they "collapse". Because their fiber is too fragile. It is often expensive and cheap the difference between goose down.
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7. [plush duck down]

Flocking eiderdown fluff from the duck, and is considered by some as having the best quality of the feather. Also, it is also the most expensive.
What is unique about this kind of pile, it is clingy to eider, special heat preservation effect is achieved. Eider is a kind of migratory birds are protected, down only by not disturb the birds of the manual collection from the bird's nest.
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8. Iceland eider Eiderducks]

Iceland duck belong to the government to protect poultry and not any hunting; So, collect the farmers or fishers must patiently duck eggs, Iceland Eiderducks spawn when mother duck will bite off down, spread on the stone, stay ducklings hatch flew away, gatherers can take Icelandic eiderdown fluff.
Iceland duck down precious that is, each Eiderducks can only produce about 25 grams of Icelandic eiderdown fluff, deducted dry grass, deadwood, impurities, and very small feather, net weight is only about 15 grams, washing plus 5% - 5% of the water and soil loss, the remaining 12 grams left and right sides. Think of a picture, the collector in a boat to the offshore islands, risking their lives to climb on the island, the world's most precious down: only for collection of a fine quilt value a car come as a surprise.
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9. [quality climate and ]

Climate does not affect the quality of the cloth with soft nap, but affect the number of velvet. In the cold region of birds will grow more hair to keep warm. The quality of the pile itself only has something to do with the degree of maturity to which a bird.
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10. [color and quality] 

Has nothing to do. White hair is more popular because it is in light color material won't show something different inside. Again, the quality of the pile itself is only related to the degree of maturity to which a bird. For example, eider hair is dark brown.
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11. [source]

Most of the feather from the east, representing about 50% of the world's supply. Many of the white goose down with different from good to very poor quality. Many high quality feather from Europe.
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