
The Guardian

 silverdew沐 2013-09-13

Starting next week, I will be telling the story of how orchestral music's most famous form has shaped musical history by curating a non-chronological, entirely personal (and therefore doubtlessly controversial!) canon of the 50 symphonies that I think are responsible for telling us most about how the form has changed the musical world, and the world outside the concert hall too.

Over the year, I hope what will come over is the sense that the development of a supposedly abstract musical structure isn't simply about compositional invention or experimentation, but about how we hear ourselves and our place in the world: from the courtly entertainment of the early Rococo symphony to the world-changing idealism of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Brahms, Bruckner, and Mahler; from a social order bounded by conventions and their transgressions in the 18th century, as in the music of Haydn and Mozart, to a more recent age of creative freedoms and limitless possibilities, the symphonies by Berio(yes, that's what his Sinfonia actually is!), Peter Maxwell DaviesOliver Knussen, or Per N?rg?rd.

But before all that comes the most basic question of defining my terms: what is a symphony? It's usually how we refer to the multi-movement form that evolved in the early 18th century in central Europe (from the Baroque suite and the operatic overture) as a self-contained work of purely instrumental music, and which went on to become the single most prestigious expression of musical architecture in the late 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, the highpoint of many composers' ambition and achievement.

But it's much, much more than that. A symphony isn't just a structure, a musical formula, or a set of containers - three or four movements of contrasting speeds and characters - that composers merely had to fill in to qualify as "symphonic" writers. The symphony is really a way of thinking about what music actually is, what it's really for.

Because if you accept the idea that instrumental music is capable of "saying" anything at all, then it's in the symphony that that power is released most grandly, most extravagantly, and most directly. The symphony is the ultimate embodiment of the idealist notion of music being the "highest of the arts", a place beyond words or representative images in which transcendent feelings were given pure, unadulterated expression. 

But the problem with thinking of the symphony as idealistic transcendence is that you lose sight of how it communicates and who it communicates to. A symphony is always public: in terms of who it's written for, in the ever-changing and ever-expanding orchestral forces that composers have been able to call on, and who hears it, from private aristocratic gatherings at the end of the 18th century, bourgeois entertainments in the 19th, to today's huge auditoriums. The story of the symphony from Haydn's genre-defining pieces that were composed for his handful of musicians at the court in Esterhazy to Mahler's symphonies, with their forces of hundreds is a drama that's as much social as it is musical. It's about who paid the composer and the musicians, about what the symphony was heard to represent, and about what role composers were supposed to fulfil in society.

It's often said that the story of the symphony is bounded by historical time, and that we're now living in a post-symphonic age. That's because a symphonic frame of mind, with its associations of order and coherence doesn't fit with our more fractured and fractious sensibilities. What I hope you might hear in exploring the 50 symphonies over the next 12 months is rather the opposite: the extremities, disturbances, and strangenesses at the heart of the symphonies of the 18th and 19th centuries, and the urge to create some kind of order from chaos in the works of the later 20th and 21st.

Other threads I hope we'll pick up along the way: the paradox of pieces that aren't called symphonies but which really are "symphonic" in the musical language they speak - Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde is only the most obvious example. And then there's astonishing range of ways of playing the canonic symphonies of Mozart, Brahms, Bruckner, Mahler - and everyone else! - that we can all now instantly hear at our fingermousetips.The difference is actually a revelation of completely different views of what the "same" piece of music means. That's a process of renewal that continues any time these great pieces are properly, intelligently, passionately played - which means that Beethoven's 5th Symphony, for example, isn't a fixed work so much as a palimpsest of musical histories that only gets richer and richer each time it's played, heard, and thought about.

The symphony, then, ain't over yet. And talking of Beethoven's 5th, that's a very good place to start next week… see you then.

curate:To act as curator of; organize and oversee
chronological:arranged in the order of time
canon:A group of literary works that are generally accepted as representing a field
transgress:to violate a law, command, moral code, etc.
prestigious:having status or glamour; impressive or influential
transcendent:exceeding or surpassing in degree or excellence
unadulterated:not diluted or made impure by adulterating; pure
bourgeois: a member of the middle class.
fracture:to break or cause to break; split
paradox:a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that is or may be true
palimpsest:a parchment or the like from which writing has been partially or completely erased to make room for another text.

安东?布鲁克纳(德语:Anton Bruckner,1824年9月4日-1896年10月11日)生于奥地利安斯菲尔登,于维也纳逝世,是一位奥地利作曲家, 管风琴演奏者和音乐教育家。他最具代表性的作品是他那规模宏大的交响曲。他的作品对二十世纪的音乐史有着巨大而广泛的影响。
约翰内斯?勃拉姆斯(德语:Johannes Brahms,德语: [jo?han?s ?b?a?ms],1833年5月7日-1897年4月3日)是浪漫主义中期德国作曲家。生于汉堡,逝于维也纳。他的大部分创作时期是在维也纳度过的,是维也纳的音乐领袖人物。他被一些评论家将其与巴赫、贝多芬排列在一起称为三B。勃拉姆斯创作许多钢琴曲、室内乐、交响乐及合唱曲。勃拉姆斯本身也是炫技钢琴家,首演过许多自己的作品。
古斯塔夫?马勒(德语:Gustav Mahler,德语发音: [?ɡ?staf ?ma?l?],1860年7月7日-1911年5月18日)是奥地利晚期浪漫主义作曲家,也是当时领先的指挥家。作为作曲家,他是19世纪德奥传统和20世纪早期的现代主义音乐之间承前启后的桥梁。马勒之后,十二音和无调性音乐等先锋理念崛起,传统调性音乐的辉煌时代走向终结。他的指挥成就在生前就已得到广泛认可,但他所创作的音乐一度被忽视,在纳粹德国时期甚至被禁止,直至第二次世界大战后才得到复兴,其价值方为人所知。到如今,马勒的音乐位列是演出和录音最频繁的作品。
弗朗茨?约瑟夫?海顿(德语:Franz Joseph Haydn,1732年3月31日-1809年5月31日),德意志/奥地利作曲家。海顿是继巴赫之后的第一位伟大的器乐作曲家,是古典主义音乐的杰出代表。被誉称交响乐之父和弦乐四重奏之父。他一生写作了104首交响曲,两部神剧《创世纪》和《四季》,同时也写作了大量的弦乐四重奏,钢琴奏鸣曲,以及一些歌剧、轻歌剧、12部弥撒曲和声乐作品。他同莫扎特和贝多芬三人为维也纳古典乐派的杰出代表,绰号为“海顿老爹”。
沃尔夫冈?阿马德乌斯?莫扎特(德语:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于萨尔兹堡,逝世于维也纳,是欧洲最伟大的古典主义音乐作曲家之一。35岁便英年早逝的莫扎特,留下的重要作品总括当时所有的音乐类型。根据当代的考证显示,在钢琴和小提琴相关的创作,他无疑是一个天份极高的艺术家,谱出的协奏曲、交响曲、奏鸣曲、小夜曲、嬉游曲等等成为后来古典音乐的主要形式,他同时也是歌剧方面的专家,他的成就至今不朽于时代的变迁。此外其作曲风格同时兼具旋律及艺术性,悦耳开朗,令其作品地位足以与巴赫及贝多芬相提并论,亦能让人感受到音乐由巴洛克时期转向古典主义时期。
卢西亚诺?贝里奥(意大利语:Luciano Berio,1925年10月24日-2003年5月27日),意大利作曲家。曾与马代尔纳共建电子音乐实验室。后来应米约之邀赴美国加州任教。返欧后在巴黎等地从事音乐研究。2003年在罗马去世。贝里奥是20世纪下半叶很重要的一位先锋派作曲家,他的音乐风格结合了序列主义、电子音乐、机遇音乐、以及“拼贴”手法,作品中常有摘用前人名作的例子。同时他也没有远离意大利的歌剧传统,曾改编过很多前辈大师的作品。他续完的新版本普契尼《图兰朵》于2002年首演。
彼得?马克斯韦尔?戴维斯爵士,CBE(英语:Sir Peter Maxwell Davies,1934年9月8日-),一般简称为马克斯韦尔?戴维斯,英国作曲家。早年在曼彻斯特音乐学院求学,与同学伯特威斯尔,戈尔等组成合奏团。1956年到达姆施塔特学习,1962-1964年师从塞欣斯和巴比特。1970年移居奥克尼群岛,专心创作。1993年受封勋爵,2004年任女王音乐指导。马克斯韦尔?戴维斯是英国著名的先锋派作曲家,对序列音乐有强烈兴趣,同时其作品又受到文艺复兴音乐和东方音乐的影响,形成独特的创作风格。截至2012年10月,他写成的作品达320首。
奥利佛?克努森(英语:Oliver Knussen1952年6月11日-),出生于苏格兰格拉斯哥),是英国当代作曲家和指挥家。15岁的克努森于1968年在卡内基音乐厅亲自指挥了伦敦交响乐团演出他的《第一号交响曲(Symphony No.1)》。
珀尔?纳尔戈尔(丹麦语:Per N?rg?rd,1932年7月13日-),丹麦作曲家。20世纪下半叶比较重要的作曲家之一。曾受教于沃恩?霍尔姆波以及娜迪娅?布朗热,他在创作中运用复杂的对位技巧以及序列主义的一些技法。他的创造性行为包括发明了“无限音列”。

c小调第五交响曲,作品67号(Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67),又名命运交响曲(Fate Symphony),德国作曲家路德维希?凡?贝多芬最为著名的作品之一,完成于1805年末至1808年初。此曲声望之高,演出次数之多,可谓"交响曲之冠"。


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