

 秘哉巴比伦 2013-09-22

关键字:供应链管理  战略采购管理  职业发展 

编者注:虽然供应链管理成为中国电子产业谈论的热点,但现实中的供应链管理人员却处于迷茫和焦躁之中。不久前,《国际电子商情》组织的的2005年中国电子业供应链管理人员薪酬和职业发展网上调查发现,仅23%的回复者对目前的工作表示满意,收入偏低(43%)和缺少职业发展机会(42%)是目前他们最大的困惑。为了改变自己的工作状态,26%的受访者希望换一家公司,在过去的2004年,有22%回复者的更换了工作。更令人吃惊的是,有高达15%的供应链管理人员试图转行。供应链管理人员的职业发展之路通向何方? 供应链管理人员如何在公司中体现自己的价值并获得更为合理的薪酬?让我们一起聆听资深业内人士的精彩观点吧。


当我们谈论供应链管理(supply chain management)的时候,必须搞清楚它的具体内容。我个人认为,主要有两部分的工作。当然,由于公司策略和历史不同,不同的公司有不同的表现形式。

第一部分:供应链管理(supply chain management)



第二部分:战略采购管理(strategic commodity management)

这部分工作与成本有关,不过是从总体拥有成本(total cost ownership, TCO)角度来看。在当今的各种产业中,销货成本(cost of good sold, COGS)是决定一家公司竞争能力的关键指标之一,华尔街对这类数据非常敏感。战略采购管理(sourcing或者initial purchasing等)能够为改善COGS贡献大量价值。该职业最后会发展成首席采购官(Chief purchasing officer, CPO),属于公司的高管之一。


从股东的角度来看,显然他们需要人才来帮助公司制订供应链管理策略(SCM)或供应基础管理(supply base management, SBM)策略。关键词是为企业增加价值。


而供应基础管理(SBM)策略,是一种管理上游供应链和成本的流程。有效的供应基础管理流程能够直接为公司的利润做出贡献,通过供应商早期参与(earlier supplier involvement, ESI)引入新的技术,并会显著改善COGS状况和供应链灵活性。





When we talk about the supply chain management, we have to make it clear what is exactly in the basket. There are two part of main job from my personal perspective, however different company organize it differently, but very important, it is really in line with their company strategy as well as their history

Part 1, supply chain management

This is talking about how to integrate the supply chain (including value chain, goods flow, information flow) to deliver the best service (not only products) to customer with the lowest cost possible to support the company’s market strategy and business strategy.

You can smell from above how important the job it is. So certainly this position can be the right hand guy of GM or CEO and for sure it is a very senior job in a lot of Fortune magazine 500 companies.

Part 2, strategic commodity management

This is a job about cost but from TCO (total cost ownership) angle. In today’s various industries, COGS (cost of good sold) is one of the critical indicators to one company’s competitive position, and Wall Street is very sensitive to this kind data. Strategic commodity management or sourcing or initial purchasing can add a lot of value to COGS improvement. The destination of this career path is called CPO (Chief purchasing officer) , one of the top executive in company

So if you are ambitious enough, you can start to climb up now.

From stakeholders standard point of view, it is very clear they need talented people to help the company to create either SCM (supply chain management) strategy or SBM (supply base management) strategy. The key word is to add value to business.

SCM strategy should be well designed to support the marketing strategy and business strategy, however it has to link back to financial indicators e.g. cash flow, inventory level etc.

SBM strategy, is kind of process to manage the upstream supply chain and cost. The effective SBM process can direct contribute to the bottom line of the company, bring in new technology through ESI (earlier supplier involvement), and significantly enhance its COGS position and supply chain flexibility.

In short, as far as you or your team can add value to business and quantify such value, you will be ok, but that’s only one of the conditions to be successful. And you may still need build up business knowledge, really understand the company strategy and business, improve your leadership and management skills etc. If you can do all of these, you are all set, but I am not trying to say it is an easy journey, so you have to commit yourself to fight headwind.

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