

 率我真 2013-09-28



高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客shall 表命令、警告、允诺、威胁及法律/规章规定

You shall have the book tomorrow.

If you park your car here, you'll be fined

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客 should


I'm surprised that he should have failed the exam.


If the teacher should find it, you would be in toruble.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 英语绿色通道

 高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客be about to do 马上或正要做马上,除when外,不与其他时间连用 (be about to do sth when....正在这时)

    be to do 主观意愿决定要做某事

   be going to do 计划、安排或推测天气  The clouds are gathering,it's going to rain.

   will do 1) 将要做  2)临时决定要做某事

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客need / dare not do  (dare/need为情态动词)

    dont need /dare to do (dare/need 为实意动词

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客used to do sth------否定 usen't to do sth或didn't use to do sth

    would do sth------否定 wouldn't do sth  (过去常做某事,现在仍有可能还做)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客 ... no use(useless)/senseless/good/a waste of time+doing sth

There's no need +to do sth

There's no need to argue with him about it.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客It is not +时间+before...+现在时;It was not+时间+before...+过去时

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客a bit/little均可表程度 

eg: a little /a bit tired 有点累了

a bit of +名词

a little +名词 (注意没of)

eg: a little water;  a bit of water

    not a little=very much  eg: I like it not a lillte=I like it very much.

    not a bit=not at all       eg: I don't like it a bit.=I don't like it at all.

eg: I like it not a little=I like it very much.

I don't like it a bit=I don''t like it at all.

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客表示“值得...”

  be (well) worth sth/doing sth

   be worthy to be done/ of being done/of sth

   be worthwhile doing sth/to do sth

It is worth one's while to do sth

eg: The work is worth our while

a worthwhile task

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客be supposed to do sht  按理应该/应当....

    Supposing/Suppose that.... 假设....

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客tend to do sth 倾向于做某事,易于做某事 

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 英语绿色通道.

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客custom 主要指“社会习俗”,其后可跟to do sth

    habit 主要指“个人习惯” , 其后跟of doing sth

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客后跟doing 句型

It's/There's no use/useless/no point(没必要)no good /senseless(没意义)a waste of time+doing sth

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客There is no need to do sth没必要做某事

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客scores of ... (right)  two score of ... (right)    two scores of ... (wrong)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客dozens of... (right) two dozen of...(right)     two dozen of...(wrong)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客advise------advice

    advise doiing sth (R)

    advise sb (not) to do sth (R)

    advise to do sth  (W)

   advise sb into/out off doing sth (R)

  ....advise that ...(should ) do...虚拟

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客suggest----suggestion

  suggest doing (R)

  suggest sb against doing sth (R)

  suggest sb to do sth (W)

  ....suggest that...(should ) do....虚拟

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客suggest 若表"说明”或“暗示”之意时,不用虚拟

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客冒险作某事:risk doing sth (right) ; risk to do sth (wrong) ; take a risk to do sth (right)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客because 表直接原因,可回答why? ;

since 表显然或已知的理由,多译为: 既然。eg: Since every one is here, let's start.

as用于说明原因 eg: As it was late, I went home directly.

for 表附加或推断的理由,不位于句首,,其前有逗号。eg: He must be ill, for he is absent today.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客表“再...也不过分”

1)can not...too+adj/adv+enough 2)can never ...too+adj/adv 3) can hardly...too +adj/adv

eg: You can not be too careful enough when cross the street.

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客not+ 比较级+than  表示该比较级相反的意义

He is not richer than I=He is as poor as I (表明两人都不富有)

但,He is not richer than I. 仅表“他不比我富有”,也许两人都挺富有。

no more than=only    I have no more than five dollars. 我只有5美元

not more than=less than   I have not more than five dollars.  我有不到5美元。

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客too much 修饰不可数名词,“太多”之意,是数量上的概念

    much too 后跟形容词或副词,“太...”的意思,表程度

eg: too much water ;   much too heavy

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客wait for ....等待...., 等候....

    wait on sb 服侍/伺候/招待某人

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客see (to it ) that....务必

    See to it that you are here punctually tomorrow   明天你务必要准时这里

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客by and by 不久

   She's already got her air ticket and will go abroad by and by.

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客smart clothes 漂亮/时髦的衣服

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客heavy

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 英语绿色通道

 高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客They had a chat over a cup of coffee. (over: 从事...之际)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客Engines are to machines what hearts are to animals. (本句型:A is to B what C is to D 句意是A对于B就如同C对于D)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客The flat is equipped with modern conveniences.( modern conveniceces现代化设备)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客-----Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


    A. I don't  B. I won't  C. I can't  D. I haven't  (祈使句否定答语用 I won't; 肯定答语用 I will)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客doubt 若在肯定句中其后用whether/if;若否定或问句则用that

I don't doubt that the nwes is true.

I doubt whether the news is true.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客by the metre=in metres 按米(卖)

若为具体计量单位,by后有冠词the,若为笼统非具体单位则不用冠词the.如:by the kilo 按公斤;by weight 按重量

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客向...提供...

supply sb/unit(单位)with sth=supply sth to ...

provide sth for sb=provide sb wiith sth

offer sb sth=offer sth to sb.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客It is (high) time +从句(虚拟语气)1)(should) do 将来虚拟 1)过去式(现在虚拟)

eg: It's time we went to bed.

It is/will be the first/second time +现在完成时

It was the first /second time+过去完成时

eg: It is /will be the third time I've been to Britian.

It was the first time I had tasted that kind of fish.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客happen偶然发生

take place非偶然/必然发生


come about (偶然或必然都有可能)

break out 战争及灾害爆发。有时灾害袭击用hit或strike

1)...happen to sb 某人发生某事  2)...occur to sb 某人突然想起....  3) happen to do/be 和It happened that... 碰巧,恰好

4)the clock struck 12 时钟敲响12下

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客gain :one's watch gains time/five minutes. 表示手表走得快/快5分钟。其反义词为lose (lose time/five minutes)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 英语绿色通道

 高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客up to 1) up to one's death (直到...时候)2)up to six hours 多/长达6小时 

3) up to sb 由某人决定某事 eg: ---When and where shall we meet? ---- It's up to you.

4) What are you two up to there? 你俩在那里干什么呢?(多指不好的事,坏事)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客be well worth sth/doing sth 很值得....

    be well content (with...) 很满意


高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客affair 经济、文化、外交方面的事务(常用复数)

    matter 1)客观存在的事务  2)物质

   business  商业事务或个人事务  It's none of your business (不关你的事)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客base 指“具体意义或实物之基础”eg: the base of the building.

basis 是抽象的“基础”eg: the basis of the theory 理论基础

foundation 1)实物或理论之坚实“基础”eg: the foundation(s) of the building

2) 建立,成立 eg: the foundation of China  2) China was founded in 1949.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客considerate adj 体谅的,体贴的,会照顾的

considerable adj. 值得考虑的;相当大/多的

Children vary considerably in the rate at which they learn these lessons.孩子们学习这些课的速度差别相当大。

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客like it 喜欢;stick it out  坚持到底 ;make it easy  别紧张 ;that's it  就这样;just as sb put it 正如某人所说

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客superior to.... 比...更优,胜过  ;superior than.... (错误)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客see to it 处理某事 eg:Il'l speak to the manager and he'll see to it right away.我会告诉经理的, 他马上处理此事

see to it that 务必 eg: Will you see to it that this letter get mailed today? 请务必今天把这封信寄出去,好吗?

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客electric 以电为动力的 an electric fan

    electrical 与电有关的  an electrical engineer. 电力工程师

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客anyting but ...  绝不 ;nothing but  只(有),仅仅

excuse 和sorry 后可以跟but表示转折

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客hope不跟复合宾语,wish可以。hope sb to do sth (wrong); wish sb to do sth (right) 但hope to do sth(right) ;wish to do sth(right)

hope 后从句不用虚拟,wish后从句要用虚拟语气。

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客light--lit--lit 或lighted--lighted 注意:作定语时,只用lighted 形式 eg: the lighted candle

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客remain 指1)别人已离去而自己仍留在原处 2)保持原状态  eg: 1)..remained there after others left for home. 2) remain fresh.

stay 指停留、逗留或短暂居住 eg: 1. to stay there for the weekend 

表保持原状态两者可通用 stay /remain quiet/warm/cold

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客match 搭配/匹配  ;匹敌

The suit and shoes matches well.  The suit doesn't match the shoes

Few people can match him in this field.

suit: 颜色、款式适合某人;时间、口味或情况适合

eg: 1)suit al tastes 

      2) ----What about meeting at the entrance at 8 o'clokd?----That suit me fine.

fit 1)大小合适 2)be fit for适合于.... 3) be fit to do sth 适合做某事

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客include考点

He suggests including ecological materials(环保材料) such as sod(草皮),grass,and living brnches in the housing desin.

suggest doing 建议做某事

Our tour party included (作谓语)several retired couples.

There were twelve of us, including Tom and me.

There were twelve of us ,Tom and me included.

The book contains (内有) five maps, in cluding a map of China./ a map of China included.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客The reason why...is that...句型

The reason (why he did so) is that he wanted to make the truth clear.(why引导定语从句并作状语,表原因)

The reason (that he explained) is not what I expected. (that引导定语从句,并作宾语)

The reason is that we can't do it without permision. (that引导表语从句)

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客She is said /reported to have done sth.(常跟不定式完成式)

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客attach much importantance to sth 非常重视...的重要性

promise to be a film star/a top student 有望成为影星/尖子生

as sb often puts it. 正如某人经常所说

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客I couldn't agree more 我完全同意/再同意不过了

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客may/might as well 还是...好;不妨...   You may/minght as well go with us.   It's no good waiting for the bus, we might as well walk.

might well: 很可能  eg: You might well find that you'll need more by the weekend. 周末你很可能会发现将需要更多。

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客help 有用

Good ehavior helps greatly=is of great help. 好的行为有用

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客work 运转;起作用,有效

eg: The machine doesn't work (well)

      Will the method work?这个方法管用/起作用吗?

      At last, the medicine work.末了,药管事了。

高考英语考前必看 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客majority大多数,minority 少数/少数民族

get through 穿越;做完,完成; 打通电话;度过艰难日子/岁月

get away with 侥幸逃脱,做坏事不受惩罚

get across 通过;被理解

高考英语考前一天必看考点------一轮、二轮、三轮复习共性及典型问题归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客break up 打碎;破裂(婚姻或关系、谈判);驱散(人群);集会结束

 bring 教育;抚养;呕吐 eg: ...brougt up what he had  had.

build up 1)建立 eg: to build up a relationship 2) 增进(强) 身体(体力) eg: to build up ones strength

pull up  1)使车停住  2)拔出

pull out  1) 车出站  2) 拔出

draw a lesson from  从...得到或汲取教训

高考英语考前一天必看考点------一轮、二轮、三轮复习共性及典型问题归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客nowhere near enough 远远不够

agree with sb 1) 同意某人  2) 气候,食物等 适合某人  eg: The climate /food here doesn't agree some of us.

高考英语考前一天必看考点------一轮、二轮、三轮复习共性及典型问题归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客on condition that  如果,在...条件下   see to it  保证   make it a hit  大获成功  one's cup of tea  某人拿手的 

a piece of cake  小菜一碟  A sound mind is in a sound body  身心健康

sth be on sb  穿在身上   sb be in sth  穿着...衣服

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客a newspaper stand  报纸摊

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客that much=so much

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客as good as 1) 和...一样好 2) 几乎,实际上But not as good as you might think.事实可能那么

高考英语考前一天必看考点------一轮、二轮、三轮复习共性及典型问题归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客deal with sth 处理模式 deal with sb 对付某人    deal 成交,交易  a bargian  (n)便宜货  bargain (v)讨价还价

population和number 用large或small 表示其多于少,不用many及few    A large number of the Ss have passed the exam.

eg: What's the population of sp? Sp has a population of .... 或 The population of sp is ....

(但表示部分人口时用复数谓语)eg: 50% of the population are from the countryside.

高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客pick up 1)捡起 2)(用车)接人  3)非特意而学会 ... picked up some slangs while staying with the local people.

4) 收听节目 to pick up VOA/BBC  5)增加速度 We picked up speed as we went downhill.(下山时我们的速度加快了。)

6)恢复(健康)This tonic should pick you up .这种补药会增强你的体质。 7)偶然发现或得到   She picks up a lot of imformation.


 高考英语考前必看考点:一轮、二轮、三轮复习归纳整理 - 求实 - 求实升学辅导的博客the first time +时间状语从句(用完成时态);for the first time介词短语,不引导从句

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