
防腦充血 (stroke prevention) (手穴按摩)

 zeek88 2013-10-07

  5。防腦充血 (stroke prevention)

當發覺指甲上有紅點或黑點出現時﹐這代表體內血行不暢﹐大可能是腦充血的前 兆。腦充血預防勝於治療﹐平常的保養﹐減壓等等﹐都是重要的預防措施。對穴道 做剌激﹐也能夠產生良好作用。應多按摩剌激四指之井穴﹕ 商 陽﹑中衝﹑關衝﹑ 和少衝。 預防腦充血(中風)要訣 (高齡﹑高血壓者留意): (1) 睡醒時不可立即起身落床﹑如廁。先做深呼吸三次方起身﹐再做深呼吸三次方 落床。 (2) 大便時不可用力太大。 (3) 飯後不得即刻 睡眠。 (4) 如不幸發生﹐宜急電醫生急救。(參看 辨認中風常識 ). 美國最新醫學研究發現越橘(Cranberry) 對中風病人非常有益。多吃(berry) 類水 果 (e.g., blueberry) 對腦健康有益。 注意保持血壓正常。不抽煙﹐早睡早 起﹐多做運動﹐留意飲食及保持心態平和。

Applying pressure on the acupuncture points at the finger tips frequently can prevent strokes from happening. The points (see diagram) are:
1. shangyang [商陽] (corner of the nail wall [vallum unguis] on the radial side of the index finger), 2. chungchung [中衝] (on the radial side of the middle finger), 3. kuanchung [關衝] (on the ulnar side of the ring finger), 4. shaochung [少衝] (on the radial side of the little finger), If you have high blood pressure, also watch out for the following: 1. Do not get out of bed right after you wake up, 2. Never force too hard during bowel movement 3. Do not go to bed right after dinner 4. Call for emerency help immediately if stroke symtom is suspected (see Stroke Indentification for information.)

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