

 *随遇而安* 2013-10-11
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
 Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客
  Back/Shoulder Yoke, Left Side:
Using the Crochet Provisional Cast-On tutorial, CO 14. 

Changing to working yarn, K 1 row.

Work Half Latticed Diamond Left toRow 18[18, 20, 20, 22, 24, 24]. 
Note: As you work the yoke and neckline, always remember to slip the selvedge stitch at the beginning of each row.
Using Knitting On Cast On, CO 10. 24 sts.

Work Latticed-Diamond Cable Left, starting at Row 19[19, 21, 21, 23, 25, 25] for 38[42, 42, 46, 48, 50, 52] rows, ending with a WS row.Do not turn at the end of this row. Continuing in the same direction, pick up and purl 19[21, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26] sts along WS of selvedge, working one stitch through each selvedge stitch. 43[45, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50] sts.

Row 1, setup for left front top corner[RS]: [K2, inc] 7 times, k1, place neckline marker, k1, inc, [k2, inc] 1[2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] times more, k1[1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]. 28[31, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38] sts to this point; rem 24 sts will be ignored for the time being; slip them to a holder if you wish. 

Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p to neckline marker, k7, p6, k7, p2.

Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k1, p6, ss&t.

Row 4 [WS]: K6, p2.

Row 5 [RS]: Sl 1, k1, p6, p next st with its shadow, C6L, p2, ss&t.

Row 6 [WS]: K2, p6, k7, p2.

Row 7 [RS]: SL 1, k1, p6, T3/1R, T3/1L, p1, p next st with its shadow, p4, k2, ss&t.

Row 8 [WS]: P2, k6, p3, k2, p3, k6, p2.

Sizes XS, S, M, L only:
Row 9 [RS]: Work R5 of Latticed Diamond Cable Left, k next st with its shadow, k3[6, 6, 9, -, -, -]. Do not turn.
Proceed to Work Across Left Shoulder & Back.
Sizes XL, 2X, 3X only:
Row 9 [RS]: Work R5 of Latticed Diamond Cable Left, k next st with its shadow, k-[-, -, -, 7, 7, 7], ss&t.
Row 10 [WS]: P to 2 sts before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p2
Row 11 [RS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k8, k next st with its shadow, k-[-, -, -, 2, 4, 5]. Do not turn.

Work Across Left Shoulder & Back:
This completes the top triangle on left front and brings you to edge of shoulder. 
Continuing on the RS (and slipping the 24 shoulder sts from holder to needle if necessary), flip next st from purl to knit, leaving it on left needle; k1, place pattern marker, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Diamond Cable Left, place pattern marker, k1. Do not turn. Continuing in the same direction, pick up and knit 28[30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39] sts sts along RS of selvedge, working one stitch in each selvedge stitch. The 80[85, 87, 92, 94, 98, 101] sts sts now on the needles will be ignored while you work the right side of the back/shoulder yoke; slip them to a holder if you wish.

Back/Shoulder Yoke, Right Side:
You should be positioned at the start of the provisional cast-on sts.
Unzip provisional cast-on and place the 14 sts on a needle. 

Continuing across these stitches, work the setup for the Half Latticed Diamond Right 
Row 1 [RS]: K2, p6, T3/1R, p1, k1.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1sl 1, k2, p3, k6, p2, turn.

Work Half Latticed Diamond Right, beginning at R5, and continuing through Row 19[19, 21, 21, 23, 25, 25]. Turn, and using the Knitting On Cast On (Purled version), CO 10. 24 sts.

Work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, starting at Row 20[20, 22, 22, 24, 26, 26] for 36[40, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50] rows, ending with a RS row. Do not turn at the end of this row.

Continuing in the same direction, pick up and knit 18[20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25] sts along RS of selvedge, working one stitch in each selvedge stitch. 
Row 1, setup for right front top corner [WS]:*[P2, inc] 7 times, p1, place neckline marker, inc, p1, inc, [p2, inc] 1[2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4] times more, p1[1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2]. 28[31, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38] sts to this point; rem 24 shoulder sts will be ignored for the time being; slip them to a holder if you wish.
Row 2 [RS]: Sl 1, k to neckline marker, p7, k6, p7, k2.
Row 3 [WS]: Sl 1, p1, k6, ss&t.
Row 4 [RS]: P6, k2.
Row 5 [WS]: Sl 1, p1, k6, k next st with its shadow, p6, k2, ss&t.
Row 6 [RS]: P2, C6R, p7, k2.
Row 7 [WS]: Sl 1, p1, k7, p6, k2, k next st with its shadow, k4, p2, ss&t.
Row 8 [RS]: Work Row 3 of Latticed Diamond Cable Right

Sizes XS, S, M, L only:
Row 9 [WS]: Work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, p next st with its shadow, p4[6, 6, 9, -, -, --]. Do not turn.
Proceed to Work Across Right Shoulder.
Sizes XL, 2X, 3X only:
Row 9 [WS]: Work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, p next st with its shadow, p7, ss&t.
Row 10 [RS]: K7, work Latticed Diamond Cable Right.
Row 11 [WS]: Work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, p7, p next st with its shadow, p-[-, -, -, 2, 4, 5]. Do not turn.

Work Across Right Shoulder
This completes the top triangle on right front and brings you to edge of shoulder.
Slip shoulder sts from holder to needle if necessary. 
Continuing on the WS, flip next st from purl to knit, leaving it on left needle; k1, place pattern marker, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Diamond Cable Right, place pattern marker, k1; continuing in the same direction, pick up and purl 27[29, 31, 33, 34, 36, 38] sts along WS of selvedge, working one stitch in each selvedge stitch. 

Darrowby - 编织幸福 - 编织幸福的博客spacer
Shape Top of Back:
At this point you meet up with the stitches you picked up previously along the selvedge on the back of the left shoulder (the first of these stitches is the center of the back); next you'll work short rows to shape the top of the back across the full 55[59, 63, 67, 69, 73, 77] sts. 

Slip the 28[30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39] sts of the left back from holder to needle if necessary.

Continuing in the same direction, p3[3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3], inc-p, p5[5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4], inc-p, p1[1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3], ss&t.

Row 1 [RS]: k13[13, 14, 14, 13, 14, 14], inc, k5[5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4], inc, k1[1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3], ss&t.

Size XS: 
Row 2 [WS]: PP21, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p2, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K28, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k2, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P35, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K42, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k3, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P49, p next st with its shadow, p1, inc-p, p4, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K56, k next st with its shadow, k1, inc, k5. Do not turn.
Size S: 
Row 2 [WS]: P21, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p2, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K28, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k2, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P35, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K43, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k3, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P51, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p4, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K60, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k5. Do not turn.

Size M: 
Row 2 [WS]: P23, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p5, inc-p, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K33, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k5, inc, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P43, p next st with its shadow, p4, inc-p, p4, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K53, k next st with its shadow, k4, inc, k4, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P63, p next st with its shadow, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K68, k next st with its shadow, inc, k4. Do not turn.

Size L: 
Row 2 [WS]: P23, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p5, inc-p, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K33, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k5, inc, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P43, p next st with its shadow, p4, inc-p, p4, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K53, k next st with its shadow, k4, inc, k4, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P63, p next st with its shadow, inc-p, p5, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K70, k next st with its shadow, inc, k6. Do not turn.

Size 1X:
Row 2 [WS]: P21, p next st with its shadow, p1, inc-p, p4, inc-p, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K29, k next st with its shadow, k1, inc, k4, inc, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P37, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K45, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k3, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P53, p next st with its shadow, inc-p, p4, inc-p, p1, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K61, k next st with its shadow, inc, k4, inc, k1, ss&t.
Row 8 [WS]: P69, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 9 [RS]: K76, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k4. Do not turn.

Size 2X:
Row 2 [WS]: P21, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p4, inc-pss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: P30, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k4, inc, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P39, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p3, ss&t. 
Row 5 [RS]: K47, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k3, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P55, p next st with its shadow, inc-p, p4, inc-p, p1, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K63, k next st with its shadow, inc, k4, inc, k1, ss&t.
Row 8 [WS]: P71, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p4, ss&t.
Row 9 [RS]: K79, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k5. Do not turn.
Size 3X:
Row 2 [WS]: P23, p next st with its shadow, inc-p, p4, inc-p, p2, ss&t.
Row 3 [RS]: K32, k next st with its shadow, inc, k4, inc, k2, ss&t.
Row 4 [WS]: P41, p next st with its shadow, p1, inc-p, p4, inc-p, p1, ss&t.
Row 5 [RS]: K50, k next st with its shadow, k1, inc, k4, inc, k1, ss&t.
Row 6 [WS]: P59, p next st with its shadow, p2, inc-p, p4, inc-p, ss&t.
Row 7 [RS]: K68, k next st with its shadow, k2, inc, k4, inc, ss&t.
Row 8 [WS]: P77, p next st with its shadow, p3, inc-p, p3, ss&t.
Row 9 [RS]: K85, k next st with its shadow, k3, inc, k4. Do not turn.

All sizes: 65[69, 75, 79, 85, 89, 95] sts on back.

This completes top of back shaping and brings you to the right shoulder. 
Slip any remaining sts from holder to needles as necessary. 169[179, 185, 195, 203, 211, 219] sts total.

Continuing in the same direction: flip next st from purl to knit, leaving it on left needle, work the next row of Latticed Diamond Cable Right; k to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Diamond Cable Right.
Note: From this point until you finish the armscye you are going to be working four instances of Latticed Cable Diamond in each row - to the right on right front, to the right on right sleeve/shoulder, to the left on left sleeve/shoulder, and to the left on left front. Be aware that the patterning on the sleeves will not be in sync with the patterning on the fronts. The fronts should be in sync with each other, however, and so should the shoulders.

Next row [WS]: Work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, p to 1 before pattern marker, work Latticed Diamond Cable Right, p to 2 before next pattern marker, p next st with its shadow, flip next st from knit to purl, leaving it on left needle, work Latticed Diamond Cable Left, p to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Diamond Cable Left.
This completes the yoke/superstructure.

Notes on the Armscye and Neckline Shaping 
In the next row you will begin two increase patterns; the one that shapes the neckline and the one that shapes the armscyes. The two increase sequences do not work in sync with each other: The paired neckline increases occur every 16[11, 8, 7, 7, 5, 5] rows (so in some cases they will be worked on WS); the sets of 4 armscye increases occur in every RS row. Happily, however, they all end more or less at the same time.

The armscye is shaped in three stages - the first 2 sets of increases add stitches to the body circumference; then the line of increases changes directions and adds stitches to the sleeve circumference; another change of directions adds stitches to the body and forms the underarm curve - a total of 24[28, 32, 35, 38, 40, 43] sets of armscye increases. At the same time you'll be working a total of 4[6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 18] sets of neckline increases. Both armscye and neckline increases begin in
 Row 1

Armscye/Neckline Shaping:
Row 1 [RS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1 tbl, m1L, k to pattern marker, m1R, sm, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Cable Diamond Left, sm, m1L, k across back to next pattern marker, m1R, sm, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Cable Diamond Right, sm, m1L, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, k1 tbl, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 6 sts added -- these are the first neckline and armscye increases.

Row 2 
[WS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to 1 before pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to 1 before pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left.

Row 3
 [RS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to pattern marker, sm, m1R, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Cable Diamond Left, m1L, sm, k across back to pattern marker, sm, m1R, work sts 2-23 of Latticed Cable Diamond Right, m1L, sm, k to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right. 4 sts added.

Row 4 [WS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left.

Row 5
 [RS]: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to pattern marker, place armscye marker, m1R, slip pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, slip pattern marker, m1L, place armscye marker, k to pattern marker, place armscye marker, m1R, slip pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, slip pattern marker, m1L, place armscye marker, k to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right. 4 sts added.

From here, work four armscye increases in every RS row and the two paired neckline increases every 16[11, 8, 7, 7, 5, 5] rows, until 32[36, 44, 46, 50, 54, 58] rows have been worked, as follows:

RS Armscye ONLY increase rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, sm, m1R, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, m1L, sm, k to armscye marker, sm, m1R, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to armscye marker, m1L, sm, k to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right. 4 sts added. 

RS Neckline & Armscye Increase Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1 tbl, m1L, k to armscye marker, sm, m1R, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, m1L, sm, k to armscye marker, sm, m1R, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to armscye marker, m1L, sm, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 6 sts added.

WS Even Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left.

WS Neckline Increase Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right to neckline marker, p1 tbl, m1R-p, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 1 before neckline marker, m1L-p, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Left row. 2 sts added. 237[259, 285,301, 319, 341, 359] sts.

In this section the increases forming the armscye continue, but they change direction; the neckline increases continue as before without interruption. You will work a total of 8[10, 10, 12, 13, 13, 14] more sets of armscye increases. Note that for Size XS only, the first row of this sequence includes increases for both neckline and armscye.

Next row [RS] (Size XS only): Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1, m1L, k to 1 st before armscye marker, slip 1, remove marker, slip st back to left needle, m1R, place marker, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, remove marker, k1, place marker, m1L, k to 1 st before next armscye marker, slip 1, remove marker, slip st back to left needle, m1R, place marker, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to next armscye marker, remove marker, k1, place marker, m1L, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 6 sts added.

Next row [RS] (all other sizes): Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to 1 st before armscye marker, slip 1, remove marker, slip st back to left needle, m1R, place marker, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, remove marker, k1, place marker, m1L, k to 1 st before next armscye marker, slip 1, remove marker, slip st back to left needle, m1R, place marker, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to next armscye marker, remove marker, k1, place marker, m1L, k to 2 sts before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right. 4 sts added.

Work, continuing the increase repeats -- armscye increases every RS row, neckline increases every 16[11, 8, 7, 7, 5, 5] rows (although using the new armscye increase placements as below) until Row 48[56, 64, 70, 77, 80, 86] is complete.

WS Even Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 2 sts before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left.

WS Neckline Increase Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Right to neckline marker, p1, m1R-p, p to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, p to next pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, p to 1 before neckline marker, m1L-p, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Left row. 2 sts added.

RS Armscye ONLY increase rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to next armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to 2 sts before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right. 4 sts added.

RS Neckline & Armscye Increase Rows: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1, m1L, k to armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to next armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 6 sts added.

Continue in pattern as setuntil Row 48[56, 64, 70, 78, 80, 86] is complete. 271[303, 329, 355, 381, 403, 427] sts.

Next Row [RS] (Sizes XS, and 2X ONLY): Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1, m1L, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to next pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 2 sts added.

Next Row
 [RS] (Sizes S, 1X, and 3X ONLY): Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to next pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to 2 before neckline marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right.

Next Row
 [RS] (Sizes M and L ONLY): Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left to neckline marker, k1, m1L, k to armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to next armscye marker, m1R, sm, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to armscye marker, sm, m1L, k to 1 before neckline marker, m1R, work balance of Latticed Cable Diamond Right row. 6 sts added.

273[303, 335, 361, 381, 405, 427] sts.

Cast On the Steek and Begin Working in the Round
Using the Knitting On Cast On or the Backwards Loop Cast-On, CO 4. 277[307, 339, 365, 385, 409, 431] sts.

Place marker for start of round. Join and begin working in the round. This first round corresponds to an even-numbered row, what used to be a WS row. 
As you reach them in the first round, remove the left-side neckline marker, and shift the right-side neckline marker 2 sts to the right - it now becomes a pattern marker only. 
Work one round: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to pattern marker, Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, work 4 sts Seed St.

Divide for Sleeves
Next round: work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to armscye marker, thread 52[56, 64, 66, 70, 74, 78]? sleeve sts to waste yarn until you reach next armscye marker ; using waste yarn and Provisional Cast-On, CO 16[18, 22, 24, 24, 26, 28]; continuing with working yarn, k into first 7[8, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13] of these sts, place side-seam marker, k remaining 9[10, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15]; k to armscye marker, thread 52[56, 64, 66, 70, 74, 78] sleeve sts to waste yarn until you reach next armscye marker; using waste yarn and Provisional Cast-On, CO 16[18, 22, 24, 24, 26, 28]; k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cabled Diamond Right, work 4 sts Seed St. 205[231, 255, 281, 293, 313, 331]

Body round: Work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to side-seam marker, work Ringlet St, k to side-seam marker, work Ringlet St, k to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Right, work 4 sts Seed St.

Continue in pattern as set until body measures 15.5[16, 16.5, 17, 17, 17.5, 17.5] inches.

Round 1: P to last 4 sts of round, work 4 sts Seed St. 

Rounds 2-6: Work Little Herringbone St to last 4 sts of round, work 4 sts Seed St. 

Round 7, turning round: P to last 4 sts of round, work 4 sts Seed St.

Rounds 8-11: K to last 4 sts of round, work 4 sts Seed St. 

Break yarn, leaving a tail at least 3 yards long. Thread tail on tapestry needle; turn the hem under at the turning round, and use the yarn tail to stitch the live stitches to the fabric, stopping just short of the 4 steek stitches.

Left Sleeve
Transfer the 52[56, 64, 66, 70, 74, 78] sleeve stitches from the waste yarn to a needle, placing a marker at the leading edge of the Latticed Cable Diamond Cable Left pattern. Unzip the 16[18, 22, 24, 24, 26, 28] Provisional Cast-On at the underarm, and transfer these stitches to the needle, placing a marker for the start of round at the center of the underarm, in the spot corresponding to the middle of the line of Ringlet stitch down the body. ? 68[74, 86, 90, 94, 100, 106] sts. 

Join yarn and begin working sleeve in the round. 

Sleeve Round: K to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to end of round.

Work even for 15[16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17] rounds.

Decrease round 1: K to pattern marker, work Latticed Cable Diamond Left, k to 3 sts before underarm marker, ssk, k1. 1 st decreased.
Decrease round 2: K1, k2tog, work even to end of round. 1 st decreased.
Work 8[7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3] rounds even. 
Repeat these last 10[9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 5] rounds 7[8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18] more times.? 52[56, 66, 64, 64, 66, 68] sts.

Work even for another 22[24, 28, 21, 25, 33, 26] rounds.

Sleeve Hem
Round 1: Purl.
Rounds 2-6: Work Little Herringbone Stitch around.
Round 7, turning round: Purl.
Rounds 8-12: Knit.

Break yarn, leaving a tail at least 3 feet long. Thread tail on tapestry needle; turn the hem under at the purl round, and use the yarn tail to stitch the live stitches to the fabric.

Right Sleeve

Work as left sleeve, substituting Latticed Cable Diamond Right for Latticed Cable Diamond Left.

Cut the steek, straight up the middle (the seed stitch provides a clean cutting line).

The band/collar is a long wide band of 1x1 Twisted Rib (k1 tbl, p1 tbl) that begins at the bottom inside edge of the right front and runs parallel to the fabric of the sweater, attaching around the cut edge of the front at the end of every odd-numbered row; when it reaches the yoke it curves around the neck, then follows on down the inside edge of the left front until it reaches the bottom edge and is bound off. The attach points are worked into every other row of the sweater fabric as you work up the steek, by picking up and working a stitch through the fabric and then decreasing it out, capturing the cut edge in the process. 

Using the long-tail cast-on, CO 29. 
Row 1 [RS]: [K1 tbl, p1 tbl] to last st, sl 1 pwise wyib, pick up and knit 1 st through edge of sweater fabric by inserting needle between the two stockinette sts at the near edge of the cable panel and pulling a loop of working yarn through, work an ssk through the slipped st and the new st.

Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1 pwise wyif, [k1 tbl, p1 tbl] to end.

Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1 pwise wyib, [k1 tbl, p1 tbl] to last st, pick up and knit 1 st through edge of sweater fabric 2 rows up from the previous attachment, by inserting needle between the two stockinette sts at the near edge of the cable panel and pulling a loop of working yarn through, work an ssk through the slipped st and the new st.

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 for band until you get to the top of the cut steek.

At this point, the edge of the front begins to curve back toward the yoke; to adjust for the angle make your next two attach points closer to each other, in consecutive rows instead of every other row. 
From this point forward you are working with a selvedge instead of a cut edge, but you will continue to pick up stitches as before between the two stockinette stitches at the edge of the cable panel.

Go back to picking up sts every other row until you reach the shoulder yoke. For the next few rows, until you reach the turning point at the back of the neck, you'll be working perpendicular to the sweater fabric instead of parallel; adjust your attach ratio accordingly so the fabric of the band continues to lie flat next to that of the sweater. At the turning point, work your next three attach points in consecutive rows, to create ease at the turn. 

You're now working parallel to the fabric again, going across the back of the neck and attaching into the uppermost edge of the back yoke. Continue picking up every other row until the turning point; At the turning point, work your next three attach points in consecutive rows, to create ease at the turn Continue working down the left side, Work parallel down to the turning point. At the turning point, work your next two attach points in consecutive rows; then work parallel down to the bottom edge, working attach points every other row. When you reach the lower edge, BO in pattern.

The pockets are worked perpendicular to the fabric of the sweater. 

Note: I've placed them immediately adjacent to the cabled band, and forsizes XS-L this is the only possible placement, as they fill the entire space between the cabled band and the faux seam. For sizes XL-3Xthere is some wiggle room, and if you prefer to offset the pocket slightly from the cable band or place it adjacent to the seam you can do so by adjusting the insertion point for the row of picked-up stitches, by as much as -[-, -, -, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5] inches; alternatively you can choose to make the pocket wider if you prefer.)

Left Pocket
Using a tapestry needle or crochet hook, at bottom left corner of Latticed Diamond Cable Left, between the two leftmost knitted sts, just above the hem edge, pull the end of a new ball of yarn through the fabric from RS to WS.

Pull 24 inches of yarn through to the WS; using this 24-inch tail and a DPN or circular needle, and working with RS facing, begin picking up and knitting stitches through the fabric along the line between the same two columns of knitted stitches. You'll pick up a total of 37 stitches through 45 rows, so the ratio is not quite 1:1 - pick up 1 st per row, but skip a row now and then, beginning with the 4th st picked up and then every 8th st picked up after that. When you have 37 sts picked up, slide the needle to the left; you're going to begin working the pocket with a RS row, starting at the point where the working yarn is hooked through the fabric. 

The bottom edge of the pocket is attached into the sweater fabric, just above the hem, at the beginning of each RS row, and here the ratio is reversed; you'll make attach-points into two stitches out of every three. 

Row 1 [RS]: K17, work Small Latticed Diamond Left, (p1 tbl, k1 tbl) twice.

Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1 pwise wyif, k1 tbl, p1 tbl, k1 tbl, work Small Latticed Diamond Left, p to end.

Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, pick up and knit 1 st through fabric just above hem section, work ssk on slipped st and new st, k16, work Small Latticed Diamond Left, (p1 tbl, k1 tbl) twice.

Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until the pocket is 4.5[5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8, 8, 8] inches wide, ending on a WS row. For sizes XS-L this will bring you to the edge of the Ringlet Stitch "seam"; you're now going to bind off the pocket, simultaneously attaching it into the fabric just to the right of the Ringlet Stitch line. 

Work the bind-off as follows: Sl 1, [pick up and knit 1 st through sweater fabric, ssk using the picked up st and the st already on right needle] rep until all sts are bound off; break yarn, thread through last st and pull snug.

Right Pocket
Using a tapestry needle or crochet hook, at bottom right corner of Latticed Diamond Cable Right, between the two rightmost knitted sts, just above the hem edge pull the end of a new ball of yarn through the fabric from RS to WS. Pull 24 inches of yarn through to the WS; using this 24-inch tail and a DPN or circular needle, and working with RS facing. begin picking up and knitting stitches through the fabric along the line between the same two columns of knitted stitches. You'll pick up a total of 32[34, 37, 40, 40, 40, 40] stitches through 45 rows, so the ratio is not quite 1:1 - pick up 1 st per row, but skip a row now and then, beginning with the 4th st picked up and then every 8th st picked up after that. When you have picked up all the sts, slide the needle to the left; you're going to begin working the pocket with a WS row, starting at the point where the working yarn comes up through the fabric. 

The bottom edge of the pocket is attached into the sweater fabric, just above the hem, at the end of each RS row, and here the aspect ratio is reversed; you'll make attach-points into two stitches out of every three.

Row 1 [WS]: P17, work Small Latticed Diamond Left, (k1 tbl, p1 tbl) twice.
Row 2 [RS]: Sl 1 pwise wyib, p1 tbl, k1 tbl, p1 tbl, work Small Latticed Diamond Right, k to last st, sl 1, pick up and knit 1 st through fabric just above hem section, work ssk on slipped st and new st.
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, p16, work Small Latticed Diamond Left, (k1 tbl, p1 tbl) twice.
Repeat Rows 2 and 3 until the pocket is 4.5[5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 8, 8, 8] inches wide, ending on a RS row. Forsizes XS-L this will bring you to the edge of the Ringlet Stitch "seam"; you're now going to bind off the pocket, simultaneously attaching it into the fabric just to the right of the Ringlet Stitch line.

Bind off as follows: Sl 1, [pick up and knit 1 st through sweater fabric, ssk using the picked up st and the st already on right needle], rep until all sts are bound off; break yarn, thread through last st and pull snug.

Weave in ends. Trim any straggly ends from the cut edges of the steek, and fulling them a little first if necessary; if you wash the sweater in hot water before blocking, you can use a little extra soap and apply a little friction to any spots that appear vulnerable.

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