

 dinghj 2013-11-22
昨天去某厂面试数据挖掘,遇到了这么一道题 一个二维矩阵,右边的数值比左边的大,下边的数值比上边的大,设计一种算法,快速查找某个指定数字的位置 在现场比较紧张,而且也不够时间,没有想出好的解决方法,今天上班时间折磨了一会,发现了这么一个好方法
博客园-首页原创精华区 11-21 21:10
商业推动了IT不断向前发展,云计算就是一个有趣的例子。甲骨文CEO拉里·埃里森曾经对近两年大行其道的云计算表示不屑,因为云计算并不是一项新技术。但迫于市场竞争的压力,甲骨文还是在2011年推出了云计算战略。IBM全球高级副总裁Robert LeBlanc曾对本报记者说.
中文互联网数据研究资讯中心 11-21 20:58
TechCrunch 中国 11-21 18:00
可伸缩性和低延迟 完全分布式的 SQL 查询处理,基于存储雨 HDFS 的大数据集 超低响应时间(约100毫秒),在合理数据范围内的简单查询 支持长时间运行的查询 容错支持,避免某些任务失败后的查询重启 动态调度,处理和异构集群节点故障 ETL ETL 可实现不同数据格式之间的转换 支持多种文件格式.
开源中国新闻 11-21 16:26
科技码头 11-21 14:02
当我们用HBase 存储实时数据的时候, 如果要做一些数据分析方面的操作, 就比较困难了, 要写MapReduce Job。Hive 主要是用来做数据分析的数据仓库,支持标准SQL 查询, 做数据分析很是方便,于是便很自然地想到用Hive来载入HBase的数据做分析.
博客园-首页原创精华区 11-21 13:13
快鲤鱼 11-21 13:02
In TM1, you may be used to “integer or string”, in SPSS Modeler, data gets much more interesting. In fact, you will need to be familiar with a concept known as “Field Measurement Level” and the practice of “Data Instantiation”.
Perficient Business Intelligence 11-21 08:55
Tulip 4.4.0 是一个维护版本,修复了 OpenGL 渲染引擎和 GUI 方面的一些 bug,特别是最近添加的视图方面;此外提供了一个专用的窗口用来浏览集成的文档,窗口分为三部分:用户手册、开发者指南以及 Tulip Python 文档.
开源中国新闻 11-21 07:05
Harvard Fall 2013 CS109 Data Science is an excellent course, and most of its resources, including video archive and lecture slides, are freely available online - what a fantastic way to get ivy-league quality education (although without a diploma).
KDnuggets 11-21 06:39
It’s easy to believe that machine learning is hard. An arcane craft known only to a select few academics.
Startup Management 11-21 05:31
Ask any startup or business what its top priorities are at any given moment and, more often than not, the conversation begins and ends with recruiting. In spite of this, recruiting and hiring top talent is a huge headache.
TechCrunch 11-21 02:30
Must read for Data Scientists: Deep Learning 101; The "Pythonization" of scientific computing and data analysis; Python for Data Science - a walkthrough of a complete project
KDnuggets 11-21 02:19
This issue of Practicing Ruby was directly inspired by Nick Morgan's Easy 6502 tutorial. While the Ruby code in this article is my own, the bytecode for the Snake6502 game was shamelessly stolen from Nick.
dzone.com 11-21 01:23
Sebastian Thrun has worked on making robots smarter, including “Stanley,” the driverless car that won the 2005 DARPA Challenge. Now he’s working on making humans smarter with Udacity, the online education company he co-founded in 2011.
VentureBeat 11-21 01:10
Last week, we highlighted a whitepaper that focused on the performance benefits of SQL Server PDW and how it differs from traditional SQL Server. We’ve seen many SQL Server customers evolve to this latest PDW as their next generation platform for their data warehouse inf
SQL Server Team Blog 11-21 01:00
Contractive autoencoder是autoencoder的一个变种,其实就是在autoencoder上加入了一个规则项,它简称CAE(对应中文翻译为?)。通常情况下,对权值进行惩罚后的autoencoder数学表达形式为:
博客园_tornadomeet 11-20 23:37
There is no dearth of fanfare surrounding the potential for big data to allow companies to gain better insight into their customers, markets and operations.
Trends and Outliers 11-20 21:55
After a number of customer meetings on SAP Predictive Analysis this year, I realized that there are some strong misconceptions out there, like “this predictive stuff is for statisticians,” and “I can see how it would be useful.
Analytics from SAP 11-20 21:00
This is a great article by +David Amerland discussing the issues around the SEMANTIC WEB and is truly worth the time taken to read. it is a few months old, but this article is one of those that will still be relevant in a few years time.
Security Bloggers Network 11-20 18:34
When I call R from within the SAS/IML language, I often pass parameters from SAS into R. This feature enables me to write general-purpose, reusable, modules that can analyze data from many different data sets.
SAS博客 11-20 18:27
Mahout 是 Apache Software Foundation(ASF) 旗下的一个开源项目,提供一些可扩展的机器学习领域经典算法的实现,旨在帮助开发人员更加方便快捷地创建智能应用程序。Apache Mahout项目已经有了三个公共发行版本。Mahout包含许多实现.
荔枝壳 11-20 17:29
ZDNet至顶网服务器频道 11月20日 新闻消息:英特尔公司公布了其在高性能计算方面的创新,并宣布推出全新软件工具,帮助企业和研究人员从大量数据中获得更为深入的洞察,解决最重要的业务难题和科学挑战。
ZDNet 服务器技术频道 11-20 16:37
网界网-存储 11-20 14:12
少数派 11-20 10:00
刚才我们美国主站的同事Catherine Shu已经将她关于大众点评网龙伟的简单采访放上了。在昨天中午,我和Catherine以及龙伟共进了简单的午餐,以下是一些报道中没有提及的问题。
动点科技 11-20 09:00
As a child growing up in Nigeria, David Olaleye would follow his dad, an auto mechanic, as he drove to work every morning. So he always thought he would end up being an engineer in the automobile industry.
SAS博客 11-20 05:23
It’s no secret that Microsoft Research has been hard at work on deep learning techniques over the past few years, and the company showed off one of the reasons why on Tuesday: natural-language voice search on the new Xbox One console.
GigaOM 11-20 03:22
I have talked abouthuman filtersandmy plan for digital curation. These items are the fruits of those ideas, the items I deemed worthy from my daily reading. These items are a combination of tech business news.
Regular Geek 11-20 03:20
The days of the cold call might be gone for salespeople. Actually, the days of the not-too-promising call might soon be gone, too. On Tuesday, a company called InsideSales introduced a new capability that infuses neural network technology (the basis of deep learning) into its products
GigaOM 11-20 01:50    

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