
(年运)TIM 2013

 昵称华明房产 2013-11-30

★★★白羊座——译者: 青椒
过去的12个月促成了偶然的交流、短暂的旅行或者认识新朋友。(从现在到2018年是你人生中积累人脉的最重要的阶段之一。不要忽略从2011年3月开始你遇到的人,其中一两个会跟你在几年甚至十几年中都有“关系”。但是,更大可能性是过去的一年(2012年6月~2013年6月)让你很忙碌,却没获得丰硕的成果。2013年中段到2014年中段会在以下方面有所不同:(1)每件事都慢了下来,忙碌程度降低;(2)成果丰硕。这是自01/02年以来处理不动产的最好时光。(在这方面,我忽略了具体的不动产市场,无论其好坏,也许在美国很好,加拿大不好,你都会成为赢家,得到最好的交易,购买一处房产,并通过它扩大自己的生活圈子及认知。就是今年!如果你正在考虑一个,马上坚决签合同吧!拿着钱,努力去找,购买或者建一栋自己的家!)。如果你已经安定下来,想想房产税(译者:revenue properties,不确定是不是房产税)

★★★金牛座——译者: 你美我就喜欢



巨蟹,在今后一年,从 2013年6 月 25 日到 2014 年的 7 月 15 日,将会带来一大波属于你个人的好运气,但有一个会涉及到工作或健康因素。好运和责任是一起的,你可能会这样说。不过,你会一直乐观、 开朗、 幸运和友好。一个新的信心将一步一步的在你身上实现。过去的一年里, 6月25日起,限制和相对的孤独( 2012年年中至2013年年中)都会消失(原文是溶解。好像意思是一点一点消失)。



若要得到最佳结果,你需深度休养以调整恢复,你要变得宽容和富有灵性,多多思考并拜访通灵者、心理顾问及治疗师。这一年是狮子们自我治愈的大好时机,你可从而摆脱你长久以来的心魔梦魇,履行多年积压的义务,并通过你的灵魂重新认识自己。你的的心灵会因而得到净化、情绪能因而得到安抚,所以,这一年时间是十分珍贵的。(为你下一个12年里新的行程做好准备。)发生在1990年代中期至2011年期间让你苦苦盼望的爱情(可能因为你依然无法理解他/她,也可能因为他/她总是躲着你、让你幻灭) - 那段封存已久的爱情,现在宣告失效。这是释放内心的一年,尤其在2014年三月之前,你可能不会太受瞩目,但安全感、房地产、家庭、投资以及类似方面将在健康、平静的长远思虑之下得到充实。你可以将自己寻求宁静的想法和实现抱负的冲动结合起来。比如说,拜访一家水疗中心随之向其投资,或争取获得假期,退隐休养或退职金。保持健康,控制体重(注意臀部、大腿),不要摄入过多蛋白质。









另一个结,来自于冥王星,你的收益之星。在2013年的8月和2014年的1月,2月和4月, 处于你职业宫的幸运木星与处于你本宫的冥王星呈不利相位。这可能会在你的工作和家庭间,在你的安全需求和冒险欲望之间,形成拔河态势。比方说,海外有个升职机会,可是你的孩子和老公/老婆却说,“不要去”!虽说冥王星是你的财星,可如果你为了工作而忽视家庭,房屋和家人,通局考虑话,你还是会损失金钱的。(比如,当你正在一个年轻创业者协会发表演讲时,曾被你忽视的房顶坍塌了。)













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★★★射手座——译者 砝喇励




射手们,你们的幸运播报又来啦,这次是你的个人专栏预测。因为我一般通过木星来追踪幸运,而木星又是你们的守护星。所以你们幸运的领域同时也是你们个人发展的领域,需要你们付出努力,集中精力。想要好运请做到:1)不要懒惰 2)和他人联合,共同追求目标,尤其是经济利益关系者或者家庭成员。(比如在纽交买股票就是“和多人联合”,——代表其他的投资者。对于你来说,幸运和行动要结合在一起。在最近这段期间,从2013年六月二十五号到2014年七月十六号,你的好运遍布很多领域,深远复杂的秘密舞台,调查侦查工作,播种,怀孕,重要的卫生事务(等等,这些都需要让医疗部或者专业人士诊断)大的财政问题如投资、退休金、抵押债卷、性冲动、生活方式的改变、承诺和结果。如果你已经进入其中一个领域里了——例如,警察、侦探 、精神病学家、妇科医生、投资顾问——你在今年将打响自己的招牌。









★★★双鱼座——译者: 铁画银钩


LUCK FORECAST – 2013-2014
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DEAR READER: You might notice that the Luck Forecast for some signs is much longer (or shorter) than for other signs. This doesn’t reflect my personal opinion, it comes from the way the forecasts were originally written.


Aries, the past 12 months have favoured and boosted your casual communications, short travel, and acquaintances. (Now to 2018 is one of the best phases of your life to accumulate friends. And don’t ignore people you’ve met since March 2011 – one or two of those will “stick” with you for many years/decades.) But to a large degree, the past year (June 2012-June 2013) has kept you very busy, while not yielding super-fruitful results. The mid-2013 to mid-2014 period is different on both fronts: 1) everything is slower, haste ebbs; and 2) the fruit, or result, can be tremendous. This is the best year since 01/02 for real estate dealings. (In this recommendation I am ignoring the real estate market – whether it is good or bad – probably good in the U.S., bad in Canada – you will tend to pick the winners, to get the best deal, to purchase a place thast expands your life and your understanding. This is the year, if you have one going, to drop a stubborn or fruitless lawsuit and steer your money (and efforts) into finding, buying and/or building a home for yourself. If you’re already well set up, think about revenue properties.

This year ahead will also bless your soul and your children. It’s a great time to retire or plan a new retirement (financial) program, to renovate the kitchen, to revise your food intake, to meditate, do yoga, and to end stale relationships and situations, and begin new ones.


Taurus, the year ahead will not solve a lot of your problems (and Lord knows you have a few) – but it will certainly distract you from them, and lift your heart from the rather heavy place it’s been in for the last half-year or more. You face puzzles, yet you might have completely forgotten that many puzzles dissolve in the face of knowledge, and knowledge is there for the taking, in libraries, newspapers and on the internet. The 54 weeks ahead (beginning June 25, 2013) bring a huge boost to your “information access.” You’ll probably read more,

And certainly will find yourself in many conversations, with relatives, friends, and strangers. Coffee shops might become your second home! The great thing about all this talk and reading, is that they contain deep things, secrets, the answers to mysteries, etc. – especially about 3 main subjects: health, finances and sex. Someone’s casual comment can become your key to a treasure of understanding – even to profit and good investments. Expect an increase in travel, phone calls, emails, visits, paperwork, errands and details. Pay special attention to paperwork involving taxes and pensions.


Gemini, your luck, from mid-2013 to mid-2014, lies in the area of money, earnings, purchases, sensual relationships, memory, rote learning, and surface indications. Your luck will come from accepting appearances, not from digging deep. (The latter can cause delays that cause a good prospect or potential project to wither, even disappear.) Nostalgia, antiques, kitchens, restaurants, children, gardens, mother nature – these are lucky for you during this period. Sensual, casual sex flows sweetly – and more successfully than “deep” or “binding” sex.

Your money luck will soar – you might experience a financial event so beneficial it can boost your life for at least a decade, perhaps much longer. This event could be as simple as selling or purchasing your house or another large item, or landing a steady, lucrative job (at last) or taking a pension. Do everything you can to increase your income in an enduring way, rather than accept a one-shot reward. (A promotion or raise in pay is better than temporary overtime.) This is a superb time to start a “cash flow” business. Buying items to further your career is also beneficial. So is spending to please a sweet person.


Cancer, the year ahead, from June 25/13 to July 15, 2014, will bring a wave of personal luck, but one that involves work or health factors. “Luck with responsibilities,” you might call it. Nevertheless, you’ll be outgoing, optimistic, cheerful, lucky and friendly. A new confidence will buoy your steps. The past year of restriction and relative solitude (mid-2012 to mid- 2013) will dissolve from June 25 onward.

You are almost certain to succeed in whatever area you choose, especially in employment, business, health, with service trades, in pet ownership and children, and to some degree in higher education, law, foreign travel, publishing, broadcasting, religion/philosophy, or in any cultural venue – particularly if these involve your work. Create your own opportunities. This could be counted as a beneficial legal period; however, it might merely expand a legal situation, causing a huge increase in lawyer’s fees – so be careful. Squelch any tendency to be pompous. You’ll feel like you know the truth this year ahead, and you’ll be more than willing to enlighten all the poor uninformed souls around you. One area where your luck might fail: in entertainment venues, in social groups, in addressing public desires. Choose deep romance, not the light, friendly variety.

Do expect a mountain of extra work – welcome this, as it will boost your income, either now or later, and/or lead to a promotion down the road. (Perhaps now, perhaps in 2 years, or in 4.)


Leo, from June 25, 2013 to July 15, 2014, your luck will be tied to background matters, to government agencies, corporate head offices, institutions such as hospitals, to charitable organizations, spas and retreats. If you work in one of these areas, or in health fields, a promotion is possible. You might begin a new kind of love/romance in these places, a quiet, magic, sensual love. But the wild, woolly mad cap world of ordinary jostling and elbowing does not hold much promise for you, not during these 54 weeks. This is not a good time to seek attention, engage in contests, demand results, to leap into the romantic spotlight or try to outshine a rival. Where glitz, glamour, charisma and wooing a crowd are concerned, wait for a better time. In legal, educational, far travel and cultural affairs, use this period for study and preparation. Research will yield huge rewards.

For the best results, rest deeply, rejuvenate, be charitable and spiritual, contemplate, visit psychics, counsellors, and therapists. This is a great year to cast out old demons and bogeymen, to fulfil old obligations and to reacquaint yourself with your soul. It’s a very valuable time, for it can bring spiritual cleansing and emotional healing. (This prepares you for a fresh “run” for the next 12 years.) That old love you pined over in the mid-1990’s to 2011 (partly because you still can’t understand him/her, and partly because he/she so quickly eluded you and disillusioned you) – that old love loses its power now. This is a freeing year. You might not feel hugely popular, but security, real estate, family, investment and similar concerns will grow with a healthy, quiet providence, especially before March 2014. You can combine your restful and your ambitious urges. For example, visit a spa and then invest in it – or purchase a vacation, retreat or retirement property. Protect your health against expanded weight (hips, thighs) and too much protein.


Virgo, from June 25, 2013, to July 16, 2014, your main luck resides in your social life. For you, advancement always comes with change. During these 55 weeks your social circle will expand, but this might be accompanied by a shrinking of your old circle. Your popularity will soar; you could make many new friends. This is THE time to join a new club, sports team, political movement, spiritual group, entertainment venue (e.g., join the foreign film club). The contacts and bonds you form now can bless you for up to 12 years ahead.

You’ll receive many invitations. Accept overtures quickly and happily, this is not a time for caution or suspicion. If you’re married, you and your mate could become “party central” — dinners, picnics, even “blast out the walls” house parties will bring more guests than you anticipate! Light romance will certainly visit singles, because your cheerfulness and wit will rise, and this attracts admirers.

Wishes will come true, especially in real estate, family, security and retirement zones, with children, and in businesses involving food or shelter. A secondary luck also seeps into publishing, far travel, legal affairs (and lawsuits) religion, philosophy and higher education — but this luck can be bad luck. If something in this area (publishing, etc.) drops into your lap unbidden, it is probably beneficial. If you must chase it, or it is beset with delays, walk away from it, the sooner the better. A wish about marriage can also be granted. This is a great time to dream up a new future. Wishes formed now will tend to come true down the road. It’s a splendid time to look ahead, even a decade ahead, to see where you want to be, and to make plans to get there.

One thing: when Jupiter opposes Pluto in August 2013, Jan./Feb. 2014 and April 2014, you might have to choose between two pleasures: deep, heavy romance, or light, friendly romance; or between your own children’s interests, and those of a larger community. Or, between hunkering down in the attic to write your great book, and being part of a creative committee. The choice between these is yours — it depends on your personal chart. So, go with your intuition. During these months, be cautious in what you say. Someone can be hurt, even if you’re just spouting the truth.

Whatever happens, you’ll bask in a fresh happiness!


From June 25 2013 to July 16 2014, Libra, your major good luck lies in career, prestige relations, ambitions and status. You can gain a promotion or a pay raise. Bosses will be impressed by your efforts — even simply by your style and personality — the “cut of your jib.” If you’re courting someone, your prospective parents-in-law embrace you gladly. If you marry during these 55 weeks, you’ll likely marry “up.” Even if you marry an economic and social peer, your status soars. This is an excellent time to seek employment, start a new career or change careers. You’re headed upward, especially if you work in distribution, communications, media, office-systems or travel-related industries — or domestic areas (see below about this). If you’re self-employed, clients praise you to other clients. Your profile rises. You could be featured in the media. You’ll tend to win appointments and elections. You could be headed for fame!

However, two “kinks” lurk in this once-in-a-decade boost to your prospects. Usually this Jupiter period would be a good time to start a new business, or, if you’re self-employed, to formally incorporate your business. If you want to do either of these, however, wait until March 2014 onward — earlier, such moves would likely lead you into an unprofitable dead-end. In the same vein, be wary of investing money in your career projects or in an expansion of business until March onward.

The second “kink” comes courtesy of Pluto, your planet of earnings. In August 2013 and January/February and April 2014, lucky Jupiter in your career sector opposes secretive, plotting Pluto in your domestic arena. This can cause a tug-o-war between job and family, between your security needs and your urge to risk and climb. For instance, a great promotion might call you overseas, but your kids and spouse say “Don’t go!” Pluto is also your money planet, so if you neglect your home, house or family for career, you might find you actually lose money in the big picture. (E.g., while you’re giving a speech at the Young Entrepreneurs Club, your neglected domicile’s roof collapses.)

These conflicting forces can actually add to your success if you combine them. For example, if your career is in a domestic arena — food, shelter, real estate, agriculture, mining, geology, archaeology, construction/demolition, restaurants, child care, etc., you can find your success builds and builds. Otherwise, you might have to choose between home and career, or at least be very diplomatic during those four months. The entire 55 weeks, accent humility, no matter how high you climb — for Pluto brings down the proud.

All that said, though, you’re in for a year of almost unprecedented success!


Scorpio, your 55-week luck cycle (June 25/13 to July 16/14) brings rewards in foreign travel, legal matters, higher education, broadcasting/media, publishing, fame, advertising, religion, philosophy, intellectual pursuits and cultural affairs. You’ll experience a thoughtful, gentle, compassionate mood. You’ll gain a new, wider view of humanity and society, and a new understanding of the “why” of life.

Your mellow attitude will help keep love afloat — and you could increase love by taking your amour on a voyage — or you might meet a new, deep and abiding love in a foreign land. (Or in a library, law office, transportation hub or university — or while engaged in any of the activities mentioned above — broadcasting, advertising, etc. All these provide fertile ground for romance this year.) Many Scorpios will wed in these 55 weeks. Someone who loves you now, falls for you, really loves you. To him/her, it’s true love. Make sure you deserve it, by returning it. (Or, if you can’t return it, be honest.) This kind of true love connection might arise in August 2013, or January, February or April of 2014. A Cancer person can be especially attracted to you, and especially frustrated by your inscrutable attitude: open up, welcome love. (Despite all this, do not wed before March 2014.)

Though your luck rises in legal affairs, think hard before you step into a lawsuit, for your lawyer’s fees could grow and grow. This is a great time to write — but if you do, don’t start your best-seller from November through February. During this period, many of your lucky projects might seem to tread water. That’s okay, Nov.-Feb. is a “catch your breath” phase, a time to examine what you’ve done, and where you go after February. It also gives others time to contemplate and decide on your proposals.

Some, probably many, of the lucky projects and relationships of these 55 weeks could contain a definite connection to the past, especially if they arise June 25 to July 20, 2013. So if you find yourself stumped, wondering where you should chase Lady Luck, try sifting through your memories of projects or relationships you thought were good in the past, but for some reason you neglected or let fade. They might remain available, like a treasure destiny set aside for you.


Sage, your luck forecast is also, in a limited way, your personal forecast. That’s because the planet I use to track luck — Jupiter — is also your ruling planet. So your area of luck will also be your area of self-development, of focus and effort. For the best luck, 1) don’t be lazy, and 2) join with another (or many others) to pursue deep goals, especially financial or family-building ones. (Buying a stock on the NYSE is “joining with many others,” — the other investors. For you, luck and action combine. During the present interval, from June 25 2013 to July 16 2014, your good fortune resides in the vast, deep and complex arena of secrets and mysteries, research and detective work, seed, conception and pregnancy, critical health matters (i.e., those which need diagnosis by an MD or specialist) large finances such as investments, retirement funds, mortgage debt, sexual urges, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence. If you already work in one of these fields — e.g., police detective, psychiatrist, gynecologist, investment advisor — you should have a banner year.

Most of all, this period emphasizes lucky change. (If you think about it, every item listed above is an agent of change: pregnancy, investing, committing to a mortgage — these produce a huge alteration in anyone’s life. So look to these areas, be eager to enact changes, and you’ll gather the splendid rewards offered by these 55 weeks. This is a great time to alter your lifestyle, either in small ways such as cutting out ice cream, or in big ways such as purchasing a new residence.

There is some small indication that your “lucky change” from mid-2013 to mid-2014 can involve a past love affair or a former creative project. For instance, you might meet an old flame by accident, get together, and find (a little later) that you’re now parents. That might seem a little incautious, but it will likely work out well, because these matters are beneficial to you during this phase. Even if there is no old flame, sexual intimacy is both more likely than usual, and an “agent of change.”

Your income at present seems to be tied up with a government, a large company (e.g., large corporate clients) and/or with bureaucracy, red tape, management duties, etc. This is a perfect time to boost your income by research, starting a semi-confidential project, investing in your work place or the company that hires you, buying dividend-paying stocks, etc.

Your intuition is strong and accurate now. Your subconscious floats to the surface, letting you see people’s character and motives more accurately than usual — and giving you a good idea of how actions and events will turn out. You’ll sense when to act — do so! One thing’s for sure: your life will change. One warning: avoid the “open doors” to cheating, spying and crime that this period might contain — be good!


Capricorn, between June 25 2013 and July 16 2014, your major good fortune lies in relationships and related areas, such as business partnerships, marriage, contests, negotiations, litigation, contracts and agreements, dealings with the public, fame, opportunities, fresh new horizons, and relocation. Any partner you attract or pursue now will tend to be a forthright,, honest, cheerful (and perhaps slightly pompous) person. The great thing is, for 55 weeks you can trust people — both allies and enemies will be open and honest. You might get into a terrific shouting match with someone (especially someone, as can happen this year, who attracts and frustrates you) but you’ll realize, after, that he/she did not fight dirty, and spoke honestly.This could lead to some valuable self-examination! (Such a “fight” could simply disguise an intense attraction, or it could be an old fight with an ex, or it could make you both reject and forgive someone at the same time. The “fight” can also be a political or religious argument.) The odd thing is, a good fight — this time around — could make you feel both more free and emotionally stronger.

Almost all your good luck this year (mid-2013 to mid-14) will emerge from another (or others). This means you need to be more than diplomatic; for the best success, be other-oriented, eager to join, and quick to emphasize another’s desires, rather than your own. (Super salespeople do this: they find out what your desire is, then work to fill it.) For you, Lady Luck almost always carries “bigger duties” in one hand, as she hails you with the other. Don’t be afraid to take on heavier responsibilities, especially for a loved one or partner.

You are one-third of the way through a time of deep personal change, lasting to 2024. This time will bring you new, fresh goals, and a new social ciircle. You could meet some of the livelier members of that social circle this year. You could also meet a life mate. It’s not so much that you are looking for one, but that someone sets their sights on you. This person could believe you’re his/her true love — and he/she might be right. Remember this: in love and other areas, 2008-2024, you possess a great power to alter your own and others’ lives: during the present 55 weeks, though, someone else has the winning ace. If you want to advance, hold their hand.


Aquarius, from June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014 your biggest luck exists in the work sphere. This is an excellent time to buy machinery and tools, to seek employment, obtain new clients, to take on extra duties and accept more responsibility — but be careful that you don’t become overwhelmed, for more work might come than you expect. Your efforts will someday — probably next year (2014/15) or three years later (17/18) lead to opportunities and career boosts. Co-worker relations should be unusually buoyant, cheerful and frfiendly — but stay away from political or religious discussions in the work place.

Though this is a good period to buy new machines, avoid doing so in late October, early November of 2013, and February 2014 through June. This is a great year to start a business or take on a big new project upon which your earnings or profits depend. “Business” in terms of the economy, should be good all year.

Jupiter — your luck planet — tends to expand whatever it touches. Since it is now touching your work and health sector, take care of any health problems before they become laerger. During these 12 plus months into July 2014, guard against an expanding waistline or thighs. Stay trim, especially if you’re single, as late summer 2014 into 2015 will bring exciting relationship opportunities.


Pisces, the 55 weeks from June 25 2013 to July 16 2014 channel your luck into what is usually the luckiest area of life (or, perhaps, the area where luck is most essential) – the zone of romance, pleasure, gambles and speculation, sports, art, beauty, creativity, self-expression, and raising children. You’re launched on a 12-month winning streak! This streak can also extend to your career and status in the world — you seem to find creative ways to climb the corporate ladder, or, alternatively, luck just seems to hand you the praise, kudos and attention of bosses.

This is no time for shyness or quibbling hesitation. Be impetuous, be self-indulgent, plunge into the pleasure of the moment, rather than pulling back, planning, or “joining the group” — these will be a form of self-protection/caution — and caution is the last thing you need now. In fact it can interfere with your success. So reach for life and love with both hands. If single, you could meet the (so far) biggest love of your life. If married with children, they will bring joy — and perhaps awards, ribbons and trophies — into your life. International travel, schools, legal affairs and religious observance can bring love into your life. You could find yourself romancing a foreign born person. A wedding will loom for some, though it comes slowly, steadily.

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