

 笑熬浆糊糊 2014-01-07

Steakhouses around the world are well-known for touting their authenticity.But this Russian restaurant went the extra mile to show off their chargrilling process by setting an entire billboard on fire.世界各地的牛排餐厅以吆喝牛排的真实性闻名。但这家俄罗斯餐厅付出了更多努力,通过点燃整个广告牌夸耀自己的炮制过程。

Passers-by had spent the previous day, in November, bemused by a large photograph of a raw steak, accompanied by no branding or advertising information.But one night, a pair of men dressed in chef outfits and armed with a flamethrower set the billboard alight along eight lines, mimicking the effects of a flame-grilling.去年11月时,过路人看到一大张生牛排的照片,没有任何品牌和广告信息,这让他们觉得很困惑。但某天晚上,穿着厨师工作服的两人模仿火焰烧烤的样子,手拿喷火器在广告牌上点了八列火。

(Before: The billboard began its life as an otherwise unmarked photograph of a slab of beef)(点燃前:广告牌起先只是一张没有任何标记的牛肉照片)

(Bringing the fire: Two men dressed as chefs used a flamethrower to set the board alight)(点火:两个厨师模样的人用喷火器点燃广告板)

Though the board was only alight for a matter of seconds before the fire was extinguished, the aftermath left realistic-looking char marks along the meat - giving the illusion that it had been grilled.尽管火被扑灭前广告牌只烧了几分钟,却在牛肉上留下了逼真的痕迹——给别人留下它被烤过的错觉。

Although the trails of smoke emanating from the billboard soon faded, the 'cooked' piece of meat was visible to pedestrians and drivers the next day.虽然广告牌上冒的烟很快消退,但第二天行人和司机可以看见这块“熟”肉。

The transformed ad also had the details of the Double Grill and Bar restaurant revealed so intrigued viewers could try out the steaks for themselves.变化后的广告牌透露了烧烤餐馆和酒吧的详细信息,感兴趣的观众可以自己去尝试牛排。

(Extinguisher: After the flames had burned for a short while, the men put out the billboard using fire extinguishers)(灭火器:在火烧了一会儿后,那两人用灭火器灭了火)

(Well done: After the flames had disappeared, authentic-looking whisps of smoke still drifted from the billboard)(大功告成:火焰消失后,缕缕黑烟仍从广告牌中逸出)

Taking the credit: After the stunt, a panel was revealed showing the details of the restaurant(结果:炫目表演后,能看到介绍餐馆细节的广告板)

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