

 平平平平 2014-02-12

英语教师的课堂用语 - 梧桐西凤 - 梧桐西凤


1.Let's read it together.

2.What's the meaning of

3.Do you know the meaning of this word ? → Do you know what this word means?

4.Think about/over it,OK ?

5.Pay attention to your questions.

6.Can you make a sentence with "how long"?

7.How is everything with you ?

8.By/At the end of the class,you will be able to

9.Now let's check the answers.

10.Who got all the right answers ?﹦Who has 100﹪?﹦Who is 100﹪ right ?﹦Who got them all right ?

11.Which is wrong ?

12.Are you clear?(这句话错误) Is everything clear ?

13.Put away your books.(把你们的书收起来)

14.Work on your own!(自己做)

15.Do you like the funny movie ? What's it about?

16.Let's take A/it as an example.

17.Now you have ten seconds and go through it quickly.(现在给你们十秒钟时间快速浏览)

18.Talk about it with your partner.

19.表扬学生用语多样性:Good; Wow ;Good job ; Well done ; You are doing great ;Excellent ;Perfect;

                                           Perfect pronunciation.(发音好)

                                           Good handwriting.(书法好)

                                           You are super actors.(表演好)

                                           Good idea.    That's a great idea.  What a good idea!   I like your idea.

                                           Good answer.

                                           Let's give him/her a big hand.

                                           Please give him a clap.    

 20. 评价用语:What's your hobby?  I hope you can keep on doing it. Never give it up.                               

21.引导学生参与讨论:Is it good ?

                                       Isn't it a good answer ?

                                       What do you think of…?

                    Do you have different answers/ideas ?

                    Did he/she do a good job ?

                    What other questions do you have about "seasons"?

                    Any questions?    Can you ask some questions?

                    Tell me your idea.

                    Choose one word that is different from the others in each group of words.

                    …guess what is going to happen

                    …predict the ending of the story.

                    …make up a new dialogue.

                    Now we will make a new plan for the weekend.

                    Work in groups of four and design a poster for

                    What do you think of the article will tell us?


22.指令用语:Read it ,tell me the answer.

             Would/Could you…?(较为婉转)

23.上课:Class begins!

        Shall we start ?

        Can we begin ?

        Time for class!

        It's time for our class.

        Are you ready to start?

        Is everybody ready for class ? Today we're going to learn about "seasons"

24.下课:Time's up.You can go now.

         Class is over.

         That's all for this morning.

         It's time to stop.

         I'm afraid it's time to finish now.

         We'll have to stop here.

         There's the bell.It's time to stop.

         That's all for today.You can go now.

25.纠错:No,you're wrong.(不礼貌)


26.要求学生重复:Sorry,I didn't catch it.Can you say it again?

                Pardon! I beg your pardon!







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