
From Rags to Riches JK罗琳-- 从无到有的魔法奇

 cntic 2014-03-12
From Rags to RichesJK·罗琳-- 从无到有的魔法奇迹

The Harry Potter fantasy series has transported children and adults all over the world on an exciting journey full of wizards, witches, dragons, and other magical creatures. The author of these award-winning books is Joanne Rowling, better known by her pen name JK Rowling. Born in England in July 1965, she studied French and classics at Exeter University. Later, she worked as a researcher and secretary, among other jobs. She even spent time teaching English in Portugal. Rowling said that at that point in her life, she was quite poor. It wasn't until the first Harry Potter book was published that she came into some money.
The idea for the character of Harry Potter came to Rowling while on a delayed train to London. There, she spent four hours dreaming up the story behind the boy who didn't know he was a wizard before getting down to writing it. Eventually, the first book was published, with another six to follow. With over 400 million copies of her best-selling series sold, Rowling has been named the Most Influential Woman in Britain. She is also the 12th richest woman in the United Kingdom. What's more, Rowling actively supports charities that relate to her own childhood.


奇幻小说系列把全世界的小朋友和大人送往一趟充满男巫、女巫、喷火龙还有其它魔法生物的惊奇旅程。这些获奖小说的作者是乔安·罗琳,较为人所熟知的是她的笔名 JK·罗琳。罗琳於 1965 年七月在英国出生,她在艾希特大学攻读法语和古典文学。之後,她担任过研究员、秘书,还有其他工作。她甚至还在葡萄牙教过英文。罗琳说在她人生的那个阶段,她非常穷困。直到第一本《哈利波特》小说出版之後,她才赚到了一些钱。

  1. transport vt. 运送,运输
    We need your help to transport the goods to the market this weekend.
  2. work as...担任……
    Taylor works as a journalist at a news agency.
  3. come into...得到……;继承(财产)
    Sherry came into a large inheritance after her parents passed away.
  4. dream up... / dream...up(凭空)想出……
    Roger dreamed up a creative slogan to promote the product.
  5. get down to N/V-ing开始做……
    You had better stop complaining and get down to work.
  6. name vt. 选定,选中
    Brad was named the best actor at the award ceremony.
  7. influential a. 有影响力的
    Television is a very influential medium and affects many people around the world.
  8. relate to...和……有关,涉及……
    The movie touched many people because it related to a difficult time in history.
  1. series n. 系列
  2. award-winning a. 获奖的
  3. best-selling a. 畅销的

It is / was not until...+ that 子句直到……才……

本文 "It wasn't until the first Harry Potter book was published that..." 中用到了 "It is / was not until... + that 子句" 的句型,意思是『直到……才……』,是由 it is / was 所引导的强势句构,until 之後可接名词或子句。

It is not until you learn how to swim that you will understand how much fun it can be.

It was not until Sophie attended college that she started wearing her hair long.

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