

 修和 2014-03-23



洪老師30年的禪法經驗中,解析出現代人放鬆養生的密碼,並發展出簡單易學的放鬆禪法, 睡夢禪法和妙定功, 可以隨時隨地練習。放鬆禪法能有效的解除身心緊張壓力,改善睡眠品質,提昇學習及工作效率,心靈光明喜悅。睡夢禪法提供遠離失眠,迅速入眠的方法,更讓你 掌握,充份利用人生三分之一的睡眠時光,做生命最好的投資。妙定功能增加身體功能,活化細胞,開啟身體的潛能與生機,更能使心靈放鬆自在,心念明晰,增長 智慧與慈悲的力量。這些方法可以減低壓力、焦慮、憂鬱、與不安。可以改進姿勢和增進睡眠品質。也可以用於日常生活,來增加對挫折及負面情緒忍受能力和增進 人際關係及調和身心等。簡單易學,而且馬上可用。

· 1983年於南投仁愛鄉別毛山閉關,出關後倡導佛法人間理念,致力於佛教出版、文化推動,落實人間淨土。

· 1987年出版隨身法藏,開隨身閱讀經典風氣之先。

· 1988年首倡落實生態與精神環保的人間淨土,及萬名菩薩捨身報恩之器官捐贈運動。同年並開始主持禪七,致力於推廣禪定教育及著述。

· 1999至2002年為台灣法務部矯正司,培訓全台監所管理人員禪坐師資逾千人

· 2000年,當全球籠罩於「世紀末」的不安惶亂,他提出了「前未來」的概念,以正念思惟的精進,共創未來淨土人間。台北捷運公司並依此書之理念,發行「前未來.歷史的變遷」捷運套票。

· 曾於台灣的司法院、外交部等政府機關,及史克美占藥廠、台積電等各大企業界演講教學,並於美國哈佛、麻省理工學院、俄亥俄大學,中國社科院,中國北京人民大學、清華大學,上海復旦大學、上海師範大學等世界知名學府演講教學,以禪提昇心靈,運用於身心深層解壓,於全球各地都引起了極大的迴響。

· 1999年台灣九二一大地震、2003年全球SARS風暴、2008年中國汶川大地震,其所創發之「放鬆禪法」,幫助了上萬的志工及災民災後心靈重建。

· 2007年,錄製臨終光明導引,為首張為守護臨終者光明往生淨土的導引CD。

· 2008年,洪啟嵩提出「地球禪」,帶領世界各地百名學人,在佛陀成道聖地菩提伽耶主持禪七,其所繪之五公尺巨幅成道佛,亦被懸掛於正覺大塔之山門,二千三百年前阿育王所建之古跡。

· 2009年,錄製「肝臟放鬆光明引導」, 幫助大眾提升免疫能量, 安度H1N1新型流感。


Earth Zen Person  Chi-Sung Hung

Zen Master Chi-Sung Hung is an internationally well-known meditation teacher. He calls himself an Earth Zen Person. According to him, Earth Zen means the enlightenment of all living beings on the earth. Therefore, an Earth Zen Person is a person who is devoted to promoting the enlightenment of all living beings.

In his childhood, he saw the death of workers in his father’s firecracker factory because of a big explosion. Years later, his father’s death further made him realize the impermanent nature of life. Facing life and death at such a young age, he started to search for the path of immortality. When he was ten, he started learning several different types of Buddhist meditation. At the age of seventeenth, he was inspired by the《Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch》written by Huineng, a famous Zen master in the Tang Dynasty. Three years later, he started teaching meditation. He has been devoted to the popularization of meditation education since then. 

In 1993, he advocated a movement called “pure land in this world” which emphasized environmental protection and mental purification. In addition, he was the first religious leader in Taiwan to promote organ donation. Thousands of people followed his lead and signed up for this activity at that time. 

In 1995, he started to teach a series of advanced Buddhist meditation courses. This task lasted for eight years. He covered in depth more than sixty Vipassana meditation practices, including the fundamental meditation skills, Mahayana meditations, and the Samādhi of ultimate enlightenment. These teachings were later collected in a book called “The Heart of Buddhist Meditation”. 

Master Hung has written more than a hundred books. His books are not limited to Buddhism. His publications cover a variety of subjects and focus on the development and purification of the human body and spiritual well being. 

Also he is a bestselling author.  For example, his book entitled The Stura of My Heart  was a bestseller.

Master Hung has been a meditation teacher at several universities, companies, organizations, and government offices in Taiwan, teaching meditation and stress management skills. He taught the meditation trainers for correction officers at the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Justice in Taiwan. His “Relaxation Zen” and “Sleep/Dream Zen” were used as psychotherapy guidance material for rescue teams who were horrified by the deadly scenes after the 1999 earthquake in Taiwan and the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. In 2003, when the SARS outbreak caused serious disruptions in Taiwan, Master Hung’s “Relaxation Zen” was again used to help the medical staff in the hospital where most of the SARS patients were quarantined. 

In 2004, Master Hung was invited by the Massachusetts Buddhist Association, Harvard University and the Dayton Buddhist Association to teach meditation in the United States. In 2005, he was again invited by several organizations in thirteen US cities to give lectures in both Chinese and English, including Harvard University and MIT. In 2006, he was invited to teach meditation by Ohio State University and he had lead several 7-day and 10-day meditation retreats at various American Buddhist organizations including the Temple of Enlightenment and Chuang Yen Monastery in New York. His special teaching of “walking meditation” has been very well received by the people who attended the retreats. 

In 2008, Master Hung led a 7 day retreat in Bodhi-Gaya, India, the place where Buddha was enlightened. There were more than a hundred attendees coming from many different countries. After the retreat, Master Hung’s 5-meter long Buddha painting was hung at the gate of the Mahabodhi Temple.

Master Hung was later invited to China to lead retreats and give lectures in many organizations and universities including Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Renmin University of China, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and Shanghai Normal University. 

Through his publications and lectures, Master Hung unveils the methods of Buddhist meditation. His teaching provides the way to improve our body and mind and eventually help us to attain the ultimate enlightenment. 


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