
LevelDB源码剖析之Status | 赖明星

 lycbje 2014-03-25

levelDB中的所有操作的返回值都用一个名为Status的类来存储, Status有什么特别的呢?

Status 介绍

leveldb::Status表示levelDB的一个返回状态,通常的错误处理(如:errno)是返回一个错误号,然后根据错误号可以获得出错的描述信息。 leveldb将错误号和错误信息封装成Status类,来统一进行处理。

Status 声明

leveldb::Status 的声明如下:

class Status {
  // Create a success status.
  Status() : state_(NULL) { }
  ~Status() { delete[] state_; }

  // Copy the specified status.
  Status(const Status& s);
  void operator=(const Status& s);

  // Return a success status.
  static Status OK() { return Status(); }

  // Return error status of an appropriate type.
  static Status NotFound(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {
    return Status(kNotFound, msg, msg2);
  static Status Corruption(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {
    return Status(kCorruption, msg, msg2);
  static Status NotSupported(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {
    return Status(kNotSupported, msg, msg2);
  static Status InvalidArgument(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {
    return Status(kInvalidArgument, msg, msg2);
  static Status IOError(const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2 = Slice()) {
    return Status(kIOError, msg, msg2);

  // Returns true iff the status indicates success.
  bool ok() const { return (state_ == NULL); }

  // Returns true iff the status indicates a NotFound error.
  bool IsNotFound() const { return code() == kNotFound; }

  // Returns true iff the status indicates a Corruption error.
  bool IsCorruption() const { return code() == kCorruption; }

  // Returns true iff the status indicates an IOError.
  bool IsIOError() const { return code() == kIOError; }

  // Return a string representation of this status suitable for printing.
  // Returns the string "OK" for success.
  std::string ToString() const;

  // OK status has a NULL state_.  Otherwise, state_ is a new[] array
  // of the following form:
  //    state_[0..3] == length of message
  //    state_[4]    == code
  //    state_[5..]  == message
  const char* state_;

  enum Code {
    kOk = 0,
    kNotFound = 1,
    kCorruption = 2,
    kNotSupported = 3,
    kInvalidArgument = 4,
    kIOError = 5

  Code code() const {
    return (state_ == NULL) ? kOk : static_cast<Code>(state_[4]);

  Status(Code code, const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2);
  static const char* CopyState(const char* s);

inline Status::Status(const Status& s) {
  state_ = (s.state_ == NULL) ? NULL : CopyState(s.state_);
inline void Status::operator=(const Status& s) {
  // The following condition catches both aliasing (when this == &s),
  // and the common case where both s and *this are ok.
  if (state_ != s.state_) {
    delete[] state_;
    state_ = (s.state_ == NULL) ? NULL : CopyState(s.state_);

}  // namespace leveldb

Status 定义

leveldb::Status 的定义如下:

const char* Status::CopyState(const char* state) {
  uint32_t size;
  memcpy(&size, state, sizeof(size));
  char* result = new char[size + 5];
  memcpy(result, state, size + 5);
  return result;

Status::Status(Code code, const Slice& msg, const Slice& msg2) {
  assert(code != kOk);
  const uint32_t len1 = msg.size();
  const uint32_t len2 = msg2.size();
  const uint32_t size = len1 + (len2 ? (2 + len2) : 0);
  char* result = new char[size + 5];
  memcpy(result, &size, sizeof(size));
  result[4] = static_cast<char>(code);
  memcpy(result + 5, msg.data(), len1);
  if (len2) {
    result[5 + len1] = ':';
    result[6 + len1] = ' ';
    memcpy(result + 7 + len1, msg2.data(), len2);
  state_ = result;

std::string Status::ToString() const {
  if (state_ == NULL) {
    return "OK";
  } else {
    char tmp[30];
    const char* type;
    switch (code()) {
      case kOk:
        type = "OK";
      case kNotFound:
        type = "NotFound: ";
      case kCorruption:
        type = "Corruption: ";
      case kNotSupported:
        type = "Not implemented: ";
      case kInvalidArgument:
        type = "Invalid argument: ";
      case kIOError:
        type = "IO error: ";
        snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "Unknown code(%d): ",
        type = tmp;
    std::string result(type);
    uint32_t length;
    memcpy(&length, state_, sizeof(length));
    result.append(state_ + 5, length);
    return result;

Status 解析

可以看到Status就只有一个成员变量const char *state_,是一个指向字符串的指针,对该字符串进行了封装:

// OK status has a NULL state_.  Otherwise, state_ is a new[] array
// of the following form:
//    state_[0..3] == length of message
//    state_[4]    == code
//    state_[5..]  == message
const char* state_;

对Status 定义了一堆的静态成员函数,通过调用这些静态成员函数来构造Status的对象,Status 的使用方法如下:

Status WriteBatch::Iterate(Handler* handler) const {
  Slice input(rep_);
  if (input.size() < kHeader) {
    return Status::Corruption("malformed WriteBatch (too small)");

  Slice key, value;
  int found = 0;
  while (!input.empty()) {
    char tag = input[0];
    switch (tag) {
      case kTypeValue:
        if (GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &key) &&
            GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &value)) {
          handler->Put(key, value);
        } else {
          return Status::Corruption("bad WriteBatch Put");
      case kTypeDeletion:
        if (GetLengthPrefixedSlice(&input, &key)) {
        } else {
          return Status::Corruption("bad WriteBatch Delete");
        return Status::Corruption("unknown WriteBatch tag");
  if (found != WriteBatchInternal::Count(this)) {
    return Status::Corruption("WriteBatch has wrong count");
  } else {
    return Status::OK();


leveldb::Status status = leveldb::DB::Open(options, "/tmp/testdb", &db);
if (!status.ok())
    cerr << status.ToString() << endl;


  1. 使用enum 来对错误信息编码
  2. 将消息长度,消息类型和消息一起编码到一个char *数组,使用memcpy 复制数组,加快程序的运行速度
  3. sprintf不安全,请用snprintf
  4. Slice::compare 比较两个已知长度的字符串,依然使用memcmp
  5. 将赋值构造函数和拷贝构造函数的共同部分定义成一个辅助函数
  6. 通过静态成员函数来返回对象

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