

 紫曦唯幂1 2014-04-07
初中英语1600单词奇速记忆法                                                                                        第一讲  串句奇速记忆法






1. trouble的词性






It’s too bad of you to desert her in trouble. 你在她困难的时候抛弃她,真是太差劲了。

If I were you, I wouldn’t trouble him so much. 如果我是你的话,我是不会这么麻烦他的。


1) He always asks his friends for help when he has trouble.

2) Be a cheerful man and nothing can trouble you.

2. can的词性和词义







    I have stopped eating from a can. 我已经不吃罐头食品了。

    I can manage without you. Thank you all the same. 我自己能对付。照样谢谢你。


3) Please say something about what you can do to protect the environment.

4) My father drinks a can of beer almost every day.



26. blackblock辨异





    The black horse was waiting for him on the other side of the river. 当时那匹黑马正在河对岸等他。

You may hold on to the third block, then turn left. 你可以一直往前走,到第三个街区后向左拐。


51) A cat that can catch mice is a good cat, whether it is a ______ one or a white one.

52) He walked down his ______ and found a lot of stores.

29. planeplanet辨异






Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city. 由于大雪,飞行员只得把飞机降落到另一座城市的一个机场上。

Mars is also a planet that has water on its surface besides the earth. 除地球以外,火星也是一个存在表层水的行星。


57) It is reported that the scientists has discovered a new ______ in space.

58) We have to be checked at the airport an hour before our ______ took off.

60. auntant辨异

如果你把“我婶婶”写为my ant,那你可就闹笑话了。aunt的意思是“婶婶、阿姨”,而ant的意思是“蚂蚁”。请诵读下面这个句子辨别它们的词义:



I usually go shopping with my aunt. 我通常和我阿姨一起去购物。

A swimming pool full of water is an ocean to an ant. 灌满水的游泳池对蚂蚁来说简直就是海洋。


119) She was so weak that she walked as slowly as an ______.

120) One afternoon an ______ of ours came to our house.

97. shakesnake辨异



We had to shake him for a long while to wake him up. 我们不得不摇晃了他半天才把他叫醒。

One day, a blind rabbit and a blind snake met each other. 有一天,一只瞎眼的兔子和一条瞎眼的蛇相遇了。


193) Soon the ______ woke up and gave the farmer a big bite.

194) I even forgot that he was waiting to ______ hands with me.

99. soapsoup辨异


You should often wash your hands with soap and water. 你应该经常用肥皂和水清洗双手。

The hungry boy drank up the bowl of soup without a stop. 那个饥饿的男孩一口气喝光了那碗汤。


197) No one wants ______ in beer , but everyone wants the suds(泡沫).

198) The cook put some more salt into the ______ after he tasted it.








135. before longlong before辨异
before long的意思是“不久以后”,而long before的意思是“很久以前”。 请诵读下面这个句子辨别它们的词义:

Don’t worry. He will forget all about the matter before long. 别担心,不久以后他就会把这件事全忘记的。

In fact, the decision had been made long before you came here. 实际上,在你到来很久之前就已经做出这个决定了。

趁热打铁】选before longlong before完成句子。

215) I have been asked this question several times ______.

216) He was sad no longer because he would see his daughter ______.

     146. some time, sometime, some times

some time, sometime, some timessometimes有分有合,time后有的有s,有的又没有s,特别容易混淆,难以辨别。我们可以用下面的“歌诀”速记它们的词义:
一、无s的分开表“一段”:分开写的some time,其意思是“一段时间、一些时间”。请看例句:

You should play with your pet for some time every day. 每天你应该和你的宠物一起玩一段时间。

I need some time to deal with this problem. 我需要一些时间来处理这个问题。


You will have to tell us the truth sometime. 你总有一天得把事实真相告诉我们。

I hope I can have another chance to stay with you sometime in the future. 我希望将来某个时候能有机会再一次和大家相聚。

三、有s的分开表“几次”:分开写的some times,其意思是“几次”。请看例句:

I was praised by our teacher some times. 我有好几次受到老师的表扬。

He went home to see his mother for some times a year. 一年当中,他回家探望他妈妈好几次。


An earthquake sometimes causes great damage. 地震有时会造成重大损失。

Sometimes, our English teacher wrote the answers on the blackboard. 有时候,我们的英语老师把答案写在黑板上。

趁热打铁】根据每题汉语意思,用some time, sometime, some times, sometimes完成英语句子。

206) 过了一会儿,那服务员回来了,手里拿着一瓶牛奶。

After __________, the waiter came back with a bottle of milk in her hand.

207) 我叔叔已经去伦敦好几次了。

My uncle has been to London __________.

208) 有时候沉默就是最好的回答。

__________ silence is the best answer.

209) 我希望能在不久的将来去北京。

     I hope to go to Beijing __________ in the future.

210) 她休息了一会儿,又继续工作了。

     She rested for __________ and went on with her work.

158. besides, except, except forexcept that用法辨异

虽然besides, except, except for, except that都表示“除了……之外”,然而用法却不相同,特别容易混淆。我们可以运用下面的“歌诀”速记它们的用法区别:


一、besides属“A + B

besides表示“除了……之外”时,真正含义是“除了……之外,还有……”,属“A+B关系,besides前常有other, also等词。请看例句:

Many other workers can do the work well besides her. 除她之外,其他许多工人也能做好这项工作。

I also know those five words besides this one. 除了这个单词外,我还认识那五个单词。


except表示“整体中减去一部分”,属“AB关系,except前通常有all, everyone, every day, everywhere表示“整体概念”的词语。请看例句:

I looked everywhere except in the bedroom. 除了卧室外,我到处都找遍了。

I agree to all your proposals except the last. 我接受你所有的建议,但最后一条除外。

三、except for“找瑕疵”

except for也表示以外,但指的是对某种基本情况进行具体的细节方面的修正。它同except的区别是:except后接的词同整体词(即主语)一般是同类,指在同类的整体中除去一个部分,而except for后接的词同句子中的整体词(即主语)不是同类的,指从整体中除去一个细节或一个方面。请看例句:I can answer all the questions except for the last one. 除了最后一题外,所有题目我都可以解答。

Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes. 除了几处语法错误外,你的作文写得很好。


四、except that“接从句”

except that后接的是“句子”,即“except + that从句”,表达的概念与except for相同。请看例句:

The suit fitted him well except that the color was a little brighter. 这套衣服他穿了很合身,只是颜色鲜艳了点。

I know nothing about the young lady except that she is from Beijing. 对于那位年轻女士的情况,除了知道她是来自北京外,其它的我一概不知。


 except forexcept that有时可互相转换。例如:

  (1Your composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

    =Your composition is very good except that there are a few spelling mistakes.

  (2The village is very quiet except for some birds singing in the woods.

 =The village is very quiet except that there are some birds singing in the woods.

 except后也可接when, where, what等从句。例如:

I know nothing about the accident except what I have read in the newspaper. 对这一事故,我除了在报上看到的情况外,其它的什么也不知道。

Bamboo grows well except where it is cold and dry. 竹子除了在寒冷、干旱的地方外,都会长得很好。

  Mr. Green usually goes to work on foot except when it rains. 除了下雨天外,格林先生通常都是步行去上班。

趁热打铁】根据每题汉语意思,用besides, except, except for, except that, except when, except whatexcept where完成英语句子。

300) 一间房子,你怎么改都行,就是不能改它的地点。

     You can change anything about a house ________ it is.

301) 除了李明之外,我们班所有的学生考试都通过了。

All the students in my class passed the exam ________ Li Ming.

302) 我除了打乒乓球外,还打篮球和踢足球。

I play basketball and soccer ________ table tennis.

303) 你的作文写得很好,只是有几处拼写错误。

     Your composition is quite good, ________ some spelling mistakes.

304) 衣服做好了,只是钮扣未缝上。

     This dress is ready ________ the buttons.

305) 除了荣誉以外, 他还得了一笔钱。

     He received a sum of money ________ these honors.    第二讲 奇速英语歌诀速记法



1. moneymonkey的拼写与词义


They used up all their money in less than three months. 不到三个月,他们就把所有的钱都花完了。

Let me tell you a story about a clever little monkey. 我来给你讲一个关于一只聪明小猴子的故事。


1) He gave me a book, a pen and some ______ as well.

2) One day, the old man bought a ______ from the market.

2. countycountry的拼写与词义

countycountry只有一个字母之差,可巧的是country(国家)是county(县)中多了一个“r”。我们可以用下面这个歌诀速 记它们的拼写和词义:


They hurried through the work and started off for the county town. 他们赶忙把工作做完,然后动身到县城去。

We have achieved great success in the cause of building up our country. 我们在建设我们国家的事业中取得了巨大的成就。


3) I like that ______, but I have no chance to go there.

4) Our small town is close to the ______ town.

4. pushpull的拼写与词义



    We still have a chance to push things there in the right direction. 我们仍有机会去推动那里的事物朝正确的方向发展。

    If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up. 如果你抓住这根绳子,我可把你拉上来。


7) I can ______ you up again when you call out to me.

8) She asked the man whether he could give her a ______.

5. lockclock的拼写与词义



At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door. 那时他听到吉尔的钥匙在门锁里转动的声音。I like to stay up until midnight or even later on my natural clock. 我很喜欢熬夜, 一直到午夜或者更晚,这是我的生物钟。


9) The ______ is old and doesn’t tell the right time now.

10) Don’t foget to ______ all the doors when you leave home.

    7. 表示“到达”的reach, getarrive

    reach, getarrive都可以表示“到达”,但表示“到达某地”的用法不同。reach是及物动词,后面直接跟“某地”作宾语;get要先接to再接“某地”;arrive要先接atin再接“某地”,接“小地点”时通常用at,接“大地点”时通常用in。我们可以用下面这个歌诀速记它们的用法辨异:

It began to rain when the climbers reached the top of the mountain. 那些登山者到达山顶时,天开始下雨了。

I was going to phone you when I got to Beijing, but I forgot because I was too busy. 我本打算一到北京就给你打电话,但由于我太忙而忘记了。

    When we arrived at the mountain village, the villagers gave us a warmly welcome. 当我们到达那个山村时,村民们热烈地欢迎我们。

    They arrived in Shanghai at midnight and checked into Shanghai Hotel. 他们于午夜抵达上海,并登记住进了上海饭店。

趁热打铁】选reach, getarrive并用适当时态完成句子。

25) Some reports say that she ______ in Paris only three weeks ago.

26) When I ______ to the railway station, the train had gone.

27) Mary didn’t tell me when she ______ London.

28) They ______ at the small island in a small boat.

8. have gone tohave been to的区别

have/has gone to+某地”与“have/has been to+某地”极易混淆。“have/has gone to+某地”表示“某人已经到某地去了,但尚未回来”;“have/has been to+某地”表示“某人曾经到某地去过,已经回来了”。我们可以用下面的“歌诀”速记它们的用法区别:


 —I can’t find Jack. Do you know where he is? 我找不到杰克,你知道他在哪儿吗?

—He has gone to Shanghai. He left here yesterday. He will come back in a week. 他到上海去了。他是昨天离开这儿的,将在一个星期后回来。

 —Have you ever been to England? 你去过英国吗?

Yes, I have. I went there three years ago. 去过,三年前去的。

趁热打铁A) have/has gone tohave/has been to完成句子。

29) He ______ Shanghai several times since 1998.

30) They are not here. They ______ Australia.

31) She ______ Canada and will stay there for two months.

32) We ______ the Science Museum only once.

B) have been, has been, have gonehas gone完成对话。

33. Where is Wang Tao?

   He ________ to Beijing to see her uncle.

34. —Where are Li Ming and Wu dong?

   —They ________ to the library.

35. —Do you know where Kate is?

—Yes. She ________ to the cinema with her friends.

36. Have you ever been to the Mount Lu before?

   No, but I ________ to the Mount Tai many times.

37. Is Mr. Wang at home?

   Sorry, he isn’t in. He ________ to Hangzhou.

38. I haven’t seen your parents recently.

   Oh, they ________ to Fujian.

39. Does your elder brother know Changsha very well?

   Yes. He ________ there at least ten times.

40. May I speak to the manager?

   Sorry, he ________ to Kunming on business.

41. Mary likes that restaurant very much, doesn’t she?

   Yes. She ________ there for lunch many times.

42. Have you ever been to Shanghai before?

    Yes, but I ________ to Nanjing once.

9. do withdeal with用法辨异

do withdeal with都可以表示“对付、处理”,但do withwhat连用,而deal with则与how连用。请用下面“顺口溜”辨别它们的用法:


What did you do with the money? 你是怎么处理那笔钱的?

How did you deal with the letter? 你是怎么处理那封信的?

趁热打铁A) do withdeal with完成句子。

43) How shall we ______ these new challenges?

44) What can we ______ all of the information?

45) They will discuss how to ______ these characters.

46) You should decide what to ______ the money.

B) 根据每题汉语意思,填词完成英语句子。

47) 他们询问我们怎样和顾客打交道。

    They asked us how we __________ customers.

48) 那就是他们如何处置那些变质牛奶的。

    That was what they __________ the bad milk.

49) 他们马上知道了怎样处理那条信息。

    They know immediately what __________ the message.

50) 他们教他怎样处理那些问题。

    They taught him how __________ the problems.

10. spend, takecost表示“花费”

虽然spend, takecost都可以表示“花费”,但用法却不相同。spend表示“花费”时,要用“”作“主语”;takecost表示“花费”时,“”通常是takecost的“宾语”。我们可以用下面的“顺口溜”速记它们的用法区别:图片


John spent eighty dollars on the dictionary. 约翰买那本词典花了八十美元。

I spent an hour (in) working out this problem. 我花了一个小时才算出这道难题。

He spent years in the forest, but he didn’t find the plant. 他在森林里度过了好多年,但是他还是没有找到那种植物。

It takes me about two hours to do my homework every day. 我每天大约要花两个小时来完成家庭作业。

It took him two hours to get there by train. 坐火车到那里花了他两个小时的时间。

The house cost them a large sum of money. 这座房子花去他们一大笔钱。

They told me it would be cheap, but in fact it cost me nearly 500 yuan. 他们说它会很便宜,但实际上它却花了我将近500元钱。



It takes at least two hours go there by bus. 坐公共汽车去那儿至少要花两个小时。

It takes time and perseverance to master the skills. 要精通这些技巧,需要花费时间和毅力。

How much does it cost to send this to Shanghai? 把这个东西寄到上海要花多少钱?

It will cost you a lot of money to buy a house in this part of the city. 在本市的这个地段买房子将要花费你一大笔钱。

2.cost还可以表示“以(牺牲)……为代价”,结构式cost sb. their life/job/ career。请看例句:

It cost him his life to drive after drinking. 酒后驾车让他付出了生命的代价。

The man’s rude behavior cost him his job. 这个人的粗鲁行为让他付出了失去工作的代价。

Her marriage cost her career. 她的婚姻使她放弃了职业。

趁热打铁A) spend, takecost并用适当时态完成句子。

51) She ______ thousands of dollars on advertising that did not work.

52) It ______ me a second to recognize him when I saw him.

53) It ______ her ten thousand dollars to buy the dress.

54) They ______ one year together in the United States.

55) It ______ my father about 35 minutes to get to the office every morning.

56) That suit hanging over there ______ me a lot of money.

B) 根据每题汉语意思,填词完成英语句子。

57) 这错误使公司损失了一百万英镑。

The error ________ the company one million pounds.

58) 我去购物,把我所带的钱都买了衣服。

    I went shopping and ________ all my money on clothes.

59) 他们每天花半小时进行体育锻炼。

    It ________ them half an hour to do sports every day.

60) 我们花了长达六年时间才学会英语。

    It ________ us as long as six years to master English.

61) 修建那座大桥花了他们两年时间。

    They ________ over two years building the bridge.

62) 修理这台收音机将要花费你20美元。

It will ________ you twenty dollars to get the radio repaired.

63) 你知道这个月我们花了多少钱吗?

    Do you know how much we ________ this month?

64) 他费了很长时间才到达山顶。

    It ________ him a long time to reach the top of the hill.

65) 他们花了很多钱为他们的新产品做广告。

    They ________ a lot of money in advertising their new products.

66). 取得一个驾驶执照需要多少钱?

How much does it ________ to get a driving license.

17. suchso的用法区别




It was such a lovely day that all my friends went for a picnic that day. 那天天气是那么好,我所有的朋友都出去野餐了。

After all, it was not normal or healthy to have such a narrow interest. 毕竟,仅有这样一个狭窄的兴趣是不正常或是不健康的。


It was so hot lovely a day that all my friends went swimming that day. 那天天气是那么热,我所有的朋友都去游泳了。

Never have we seen so bright a future before us. 我们从来都没有看到过这样光明的前途。


What fun it is to go hiking in such warm spring days! 在这么温暖的春天里去远足该多有意思啊!(days属复数形式,不能与不定冠词aan连用,因此只能用such,不能用so。)

I wonder whether he will come in such bad weather. 天气这么糟糕,我不知他是否会来。(whether属不可数名词,不能与不定冠词aan连用,因此只能用such,不能用so。)


She is such a good teacher that we all like her. 她是那么好的老师,我们大家都喜欢她。(可以转换为:She is so good a teacher that we all like her.

I have never met such a kind person before. 我以前从未遇到过心肠如此之好的人。(可以转换为:I have never met so kind a person before.

温馨提示】如果形容词是表示“多、少”的much, many, little, few,则只能与so连用。注意:little表示“小的”时,依然与such连用。请看例句:

It is silly of you to spend so much money on cigarettes. 你把这么多的钱花在香烟上真是太蠢了。

With so many people to help him, he is sure to succeed. 有如此多的人来帮助他,他一定会成功的。

Don’t spend so much time playing computer games. 不要把那么多时间都花在玩电脑游戏上。

Can such little animals eat up so much food? 这么小的动物能吃掉这么多的食物吗?

It is impossible for so few workers to do so much work in a single day. 让这么少的工人在一天中完成那么多工作是不可能的。

32. 巧记基数词变序数词的特殊变化


four—fourth               six—sixth                seven—seventh

hundred—hundredth        thousand—thousandth       million—millionth

twenty—twentieth          thirty—thirtieth            forty—fortieth

fifty—fiftieth              sixty—sixtieth             seventy—seventieth

eighty—eightieth           ninety—ninetieth           forty-four—forty-fourth

然而,five, eight, nine, twelve等基数词在变成序数词时,要对原词型做些变化后才能再加th。另外,one, two, three序数词变化形式更为特殊。我们可以运用下面的“歌诀”速记这些基数词变序数词的变化形式:

即:nine—ninth eight—eighth

    five—fifth twelve—twelfth



fourth—4th            twentieth—20th               one hundredth—100th

first1st             second—2nd                  third—3rd

thirty-first31st       two hundred-second—202nd     eight hundred-third—803rd

趁热打铁A) 写出下列各基数词的序数词:

107eight ________        78twelve ________       79billion ________

108sixty ________        81seventy ________      82thirty-three ________

109ninety-nine ________   84forty-four ________    85twenty-two ________

110three thousand and five ________

B) 写出下列各缩略词的完整形式:

111105th ________       8888th ________         8966th ________

11243rd ________        9192nd ________        92301st ________

11374th ________        9439th ________         95612th ________

11411th ________










51. little, a little, fewa few的用法

从词义到用法,littlea littlefewa few这两组词都是比较容易混淆的。a littlea few都表示“肯定”意义,即表示“有一点儿……”和“有一些……”,而没有alittlefew都表示“否定”意义,即“几乎没有……”;fewa few后接的都是可数名词,而littlea little后接的都是不可数名词。我们可以运用下面的歌诀辨别它们的用法:


There is a little water in the bottle. 瓶子里有点水。(a little表示“肯定”意义,后面接的是不可数名词。)

There is little water in the bottle. 瓶子里几乎没有水了。(little表示“否定”意义,后面接的是不可数名词。)

They have a few good friends. 他们有几个好朋友。(a few表示“肯定”意义,后面接的是可数名词。)

They have few good friends. 他们几乎没有好朋友。(few表示“否定”意义,后面接的是可数名词。)

趁热打铁】选little, a little, fewa few完成句子。

167) I held a dinner party for ______ close workmates.

168) The young lady drinks ______, and eats less.

169) He does business with a lot of people, but he has ______ real friends.

170) Let me tell you ______ history of my hometown.

171) Tom made ______ progress in his studies so his parents were very angry.

172) How about adding ______ sugar to your milk to make it sweeter?

173) Too much rain results in poor plants and ______ vegetables.

174) He is as busy as a bee, so he spends ______ time watching TV.

175) The fact is that everyone needs ______ help now and then.

176) Your composition is good except for ______ spelling mistakes.





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