

 love123236 2014-04-15

白宫复制品(AP Images)



为了契合今年白宫的节日主题“促膝谈心:节日的故事”(Gather Around: Stories of the Season),传统的白宫姜饼屋——一个精致的、手工制作的点心复制品——表现了美国和白宫讲故事的传统。

这个糕点作品重300磅,放置在覆盖了1,200块饼干的全比例壁炉复制品上,纪念当年美国家庭聚集在一起聆听富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)总统的炉边谈话。


圣诞节时在白宫摆设姜饼屋的传统始于1972年,当年第一夫人帕特里夏·尼克松(Patricia Nixon)用一个重16磅的A字形姜饼屋作为圣诞饰品之一。模仿白宫的姜饼屋首次出现于1979年。

Read more: http://iipdigital./st/chinese/inbrief/2013/12/20131223289409.html#ixzz2oeIiJqlC

Gingerbread White House Tells Sweet Stories

Replica of White House (AP Images)

20 December 2013

The gingerbread White House tells some sweet stories of American families and traditions.

In keeping with this year’s White House holiday theme, "Gather Around: Stories of the Season," the traditional gingerbread White House — a detailed, hand-crafted confectionary replica — pays tribute to stories of American and White House traditions.

Resting on a full-size reproduction fireplace covered with 1,200 cookies, the 300-pound culinary creation commemorates stories of American families gathering in their homes to listen to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fireside chats.

Requiring two weeks to construct, the house features a working fountain with bubbling water (with a little blue food coloring), working electric lights, images of the first family, six Christmas trees, red carpeting, chocolate furniture and a chocolate presidential seal over a doorway. Prominently featured are oversized figures of Bo and Sunny, the first family’s dogs, made of dark chocolate.

The tradition of displaying a gingerbread house in the White House at Christmas began in 1972 when first lady Patricia Nixon included a 16-pound A-frame in her decorations. The first to replicate the White House appeared in 1979.

Read more: http://iipdigital./st/english/inbrief/2013/12/20131220289310.html#ixzz2oeIjscVI

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