

 笑熬浆糊糊 2014-05-07

The white dresses in the pictures below are so pretty and airy you’re probably already imagining yourself or your girlfriend wearing them. But unless you are or dating Wonder Woman, that’s never going to happen, because these lovely pieces of clothing with all their frills, pleats and waves have actually been carved out of hard rock by Scottish sculptor Alasdair Thomson.图片里的白裙子款式漂亮,质地轻盈,你可能已经想象自己或女朋友穿上它们了吧。但除非你是神奇女侠或你是她的男朋友,不然这件事永远都不可能发生,因为这些漂亮的裙子以及上面的装饰、褶皱都是苏格兰雕塑家阿兰斯登·汤姆森用坚硬的石头雕刻而成的。

A History of Art graduate from the University of Edinburg, Thomson says his love for sculpting began when studying classical and Renaissance works for his dissertation. 汤姆森毕业于爱丁堡大学艺术史专业。为了写论文,他研究了古典时期和文艺复兴时期的雕塑作品,并喜欢上了雕塑。

He dabbled in the trade while working as an apprentice for an American sculptor between 2006 and 2008. Around the same time, he became interested in clothes and the way they are depicted through art.2006年至2008年他给一位美国雕塑家做学徒,开始尝试雕塑。这期间,他又对服饰以及服装的艺术表现形式产生了兴趣。

“I started to play around with some flowing drapery forms and eventually started carving simple T-shirts and folded men’s dress shirts,” said 32-year-old Thomson.32岁的汤姆森说:“一开始我只雕刻有褶皱的布料,后来渐渐开始雕刻T恤和折叠的男士衬衫。

His latest work is a set of 12 sculptures that explore the way fabric hangs and folds and captures that lightness and gracefulness in stone.汤姆森的最新作品包括了12件雕塑,作品用石头展示了布料悬挂时的样子以及褶皱,抓住了布料轻盈和优雅的精髓。

To complete the project, Thomson asked his friends and family to donate garments that he later used as models. The collection has already been displayed in London and New York, and is due to be exhibited in Hong Kong next week.为了完成作品,汤姆森将朋友和家人贡献的衣服作为模型。这一系列的作品已经在伦敦和纽约展出,下个星期将在香港展出。

Thomson is now trying hard to raise the bar on his next collection. “I was thinking in far more ambitious ways, visualizing garments that were flowing and had lots of folds. ” 汤姆森正努力筹备新作品。他说:“我的下一步构想更加大胆,我希望可以更加逼真地展现出衣服的流动感和褶皱。”

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