
Clinic owner held after patient secretly buried

 3gzylon 2014-05-14

2014-05-13 17:06 Shanghai Daily Web Editor: Si Huan

A 53-year-old resident of Hefei, capital of eastern China's Anhui Province, entered a medical clinic to get treatment for his shoulder inflammation and ended up dying there due to the clinic owner's actions, police said Tuesday.

Police said the owner of the bone and joint clinic, surnamed Li, didn't try to save Liu Yeqing when foam started coming out of Liu's mouth three minutes after he received an injection. Instead, Li locked Liu in the room and then buried him by a nearby toll station, they alleged.

Li was detained on suspicion of severe medical malpractice.

Liu' wife, Yang Defen, said Liu suffered a relapse of periarthritis, or shoulder inflammation, in early March and went to Li's clinic to take drips, as he had often done in the past. He went to receive treatment as usual on March 31 but since then went missing, the People's Daily website reported Tuesday.

Video footage captured by the clinic's surveillance cameras showed Liu arrived at the clinic at 9:20am and stepped went in after leaving his car. After waiting for several hours, Yang called her husband but he didn't answer. The anxious wife then asked about Liu's whereabouts from every relative and mahjong room that he often visited. All the efforts were in vain.

On Monday morning, Liu's family learned that Liu's body was found, and the suspect was Li. Liu Yezhu, the victim's brother, said police told him that Li dug a big hole in the wasteland near the Heliu Road toll station on the evening of March 31.

"He was a doctor. Though he gave my brother the wrong injection, he should have saved him," Liu Yezhu said.

The family is urging police to find out Li's motive and whether Liu was still alive when he was buried.

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