

 祝冀馆藏 2014-05-27







  在行为研究中,研究人员发现,与拥有完整迷走神经的对照组大鼠相比,大鼠在公共场合和明亮的环境下都很随意。“恐惧的先天反应似乎是对由胃发给大脑的信号产生显著的影响,” 梅尔说。


  这些发现也对精神病学领域感兴趣,如创伤后应激障碍(PTSD )例如,通过极端的经历,将中性刺激与恐惧触发连接起来。刺激迷走神经可以帮助患有创伤后应激障碍的人们再一次将触发刺激与中性的经历联系起来。现在,迷走神经的刺激已被用于治疗癫痫,以及在某些情况下,也用于治疗抑郁症。


  “与生俱来的恐惧虽然处于一个较低的水平,但习得性恐惧却能够保存的更久——这听起来可能自相矛盾,” 梅尔说,然而,先天和条件恐惧是两种不同的行为领域,大脑的不同信号系统都有涉及。对大鼠大脑的更为紧密的研究中,研究人员发现,腹部信号的缺失改变特定信号物质的生成,即大脑中所谓的神经递质。



Gut Vagal Afferents Differentially Modulate Innate Anxiety and Learned Fear

Melanie Klarer, Myrtha Arnold, Lydia Günther, Christine Winter, Wolfgang Langhans and Urs Meyer

  Vagal afferents are an important neuronal component of the gut–brain axis allowing bottom-up information flow from the viscera to the CNS. In addition to its role in ingestive behavior, vagal afferent signaling has been implicated modulating mood and affect, including distinct forms of anxiety and fear. Here, we used a rat model of subdiaphragmatic vagal deafferentation (SDA), the most complete and selective vagal deafferentation method existing to date, to study the consequences of complete disconnection of abdominal vagal afferents on innate anxiety, conditioned fear, and neuRochemical parameters in the limbic system. We found that compared with Sham controls, SDA rats consistently displayed reduced innate anxiety-like behavior in three procedures commonly used in preclinical rodent models of anxiety, namely the elevated plus maze test, open field test, and food neophobia test. On the other hand, SDA rats exhibited increased expression of auditory-cued fear conditioning, which specifically emerged as attenuated extinction of conditioned fear during the tone re-exposure test. The behavioral manifestations in SDA rats were associated with region-dependent changes in noradrenaline and GABA levels in key areas of the limbic system, but not with functional alterations in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal grand stress. Our study demonstrates that innate anxiety and learned fear are both subjected to visceral modulation through abdominal vagal afferents, possibly via changing limbic neurotransmitter systems. These data add further weight to theories emphasizing an important role of afferent visceral signals in the regulation of emotional behavior.

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