

 许愿真 2014-06-25


1. as soon as    …    (引导时间状语从句,一般时表将来;也可用过去时)

  他一看到我就告诉了我这条新闻。 He told me the news as soon as he saw me.

  请告诉她一到上海就要给我打电话。Tell her to call me up as soon as she arrives in Shanghai.


  The students ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

   他一回来我就通知你。  I’ll let you know as soon as he comes back.

2. (not) as/so…as…  一样/不如(中间接形容词或副词)

  这条河不像以前那样干净了。 The river is not as / so clean as it used to be.

  他跑得没有他的同学快。 He can’t run as / so fast as his classmate.

  这部电影没有那部有趣。 This movie is not as / so interesting as that one.

3. as …as possible  尽可能… 


  When you get there, please write back to me as soon as possible.


  We should read as many books as possible. = We should read books as much as possible.


  Rememorizing as many words as possible is good for your reading.

4. ask sb. for sth.  向某人要某物       


  He always asks t  记住尽可能多的单词对你的阅读有好处he teacher for advice if he has any trouble.


  If you want to buy that new bike, you could ask your parents for money.

  他张贴了通告索要旧自行车。 He put up some signs asking for old bikes.

5. ask / tell sb. ( how) to do sth. 要求/告诉某人(如何)做某事

  老师经常要求我们按时到校。 The teacher often asks us to come to school on time.

  妈妈常告诉我放学后不要在外面闲逛。My mother often tells me not to hang out after school.


  You should tell the kids how to protect the environment.

  你能告诉我如何操作这台机器吗?Could you please tell me how to operate the machine?

6. ask / tell sb. ( not) to do sth.   要求/告诉某人不要做某事    


  Tell the kids not to talk so loud because the students are taking an exam.

  老师让他上学不要再迟到了。 The teacher asked him not to be late for school again

  告诉你弟弟不要在大街上踢足球。  Tell your brother not to play soccer on / in the street.

7. be afraid of doing sth./that   害怕做某事 / 恐怕

  她过去常常害怕蛇。 She used to be afraid of snakes.

  我害怕在公众面前讲话。 I’m afraid of speaking in front of the public.

  恐怕他不能按时完成这项任务。 I’m afraid that he can’t finish the task on time.

8. be busy with sth /doing sth.   忙于()某事      


  My father was busy writing a report this time yesterday.


  When I got home the other day, my mother was busy cooking dinner.


  The final exam is coming and the students are busy going over their lessons.

  那项工作让他们忙了整整一周。The work kept them busy for the whole week.

9. be famous / late / ready / sorry for  而有名/ ….迟到/ 准备好/ 感到遗憾

  中国以长城而著名。 China is famous for the Great Wall.


  I was late for school yesterday because my alarm clock didn’t go off.

   你已经准备好考试了吗? Have you got ready for the exam? = Are you ready for the exam?

  我为给你带来的麻烦而感到很抱歉。I’m sorry to have brought you so much trouble.

  =I’m sorry for the trouble (that) I have brought to you.

10. be glad that…   很高兴+ 从句          

  我很高兴你能帮助他的功课。 I am glad (that) you can help him with his schoolwork.

  我们很高兴你成功了。 We are glad (that) you have succeeded.

11. both …and…  又;和                

  你和他在考试中做得都非常好。 Both you and he have done quite well in the exam.

  他对科学和历史都感兴趣。 He is interested in both science and history.

  她的摄影在中国和国外都很著名。 Her photographs are famous both in China and abroad.

12. either…or…  或者或者,要么要么…            

  要么你要么他得去医院照顾她。Either you or he has to look after her in the hospital.


  The book store is not far from here. You can go there either on foot or by bus.


  You can either write to me or call me up to tell me how you are getting on with your work.

13. buy / give / show / send / pass / bring / lend / tell sb. sth.(跟双宾语的动词)



  What are you going to buy her on her twelfth birthday?


  He always gives me lots of help when I’m in trouble.


  He is sure to show us her photos when she comes back from the vacation.

  谢谢给我寄来的我邮票。Thanks for sending me the stamps.

  你能借给我50美元吗? Could you please lend me 50 dollars?

14. get + 比较级       变得更

  冬天来了,天变得更冷了。Winter has come and it’s getting colder.


  He keeps exercising every day so he is getting stronger than he used to be.

15. get on with  与某人相处 / 某事进展

  他很好相处。 He is easy to get along / on with.

  你的学习情况如何? How are you getting on / along with your studies?


  We all think he’s a man who is easy to get on / along well with.

16. get ready for /get sth ready   做准备        

  我们正在为期末考试做准备。 We are getting ready for the final exam.


  We are leaving in an hour. Have you got everything ready?

17. had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事


  It’s raining hard outside. You’d better take an umbrella with you.

你最好不要开车去上班。 You’d better not drive to work.

这个会议很重要,我们最好别迟到。The meeting is very important so you’d better not be late.

18. help sb. (to) do / help sb. with 帮助某人某事/帮助某人某事

  她经常帮助妈妈做家务。 She often helps her mother with the housework.

  你愿意帮助他的数学吗?Would you like to help him with his math?

  我现在很忙,所以不能帮着修自行车。 I’m busy at present, so I can’t help repair the bike.

19. I don’t think that…  我认为…     


  I don’t think (that) teenagers should be allowed to get / have their ears pierced.

  我认为他并不为他做的事感到骄傲。I don’t think he is proud of what he has done.

  我们觉得他不会来参加我们的派对。We don’t think he will come to our party.

20. be bad /good for….  有好处/坏处            

   吃太多的垃圾食品对健康有坏处。Eating too much junk food is bad for health.

   抽烟对身体不好,告诉爸爸不要抽烟了。Smoking is bad for health. Tell Father not to smoke.

   做运动对我们的身体有好处。Doing sports is good for our health.

   做眼保健操对我们的视力有好处。Doing eye exercises is good for our eye sight.

21. enjoy /hate / go on / finish /mind /keep doing sth.  喜欢/讨厌/结束/ 介意/反复/继续做某事


  Would you mind playing with me after finishing / you finish your homework?

  我讨厌在看书时受到打扰。 I hate being interrupted while reading / I am reading.

  休息了十分钟后,我们继续大扫除。 After ten minutes’ break, we went on with the cleaning.

  我还没写完论文呢。 I haven’t finished writing the papers yet.

  ---你不介意把收音机的音量调低点吗?  ---一点儿也不介意。

  ---Would / Do you mind turning down the radio?    ---.Not at all. / Certainly not.

  那个孩子一直哭到妈妈回来。 The baby kept crying until / till his mother came back.


  He kept telling us not to be late for the exam because it was very important for us.

22. It takes sb. some time to do sth  做某事花掉某人多少时间做某事


  It often takes him more than two hours to do his homework every day.

  =He often spends more than two hours doing his homework every day.

  完成这项任务花掉了我们半年的时间。It took us half an hour to finish the task.


  Could you please tell me how long it will take us to get there on foot?

23. give /show/ bring/ lend/ send/pass/ tell sth to sb./展示/带来/借给/邮寄/传递/告诉某人某事


  When you find a wallet in the street, you can send it to the police.


  Would / Could you please show me the way to the nearest post office?

  请把那幅眼镜递给我。 Please pass the (pair of) glasses to me.

  ---你把字典借我用一下行吗?  ---对不起。我把它借给Mike了。

  ---Could you please lend your dictionary to me?  ---Sorry. I have lent it to Mike.

  谢谢你寄给我的这些邮票。Thanks for sending me the stamps.

  究竟是谁告诉你的那件事? Who on earth told it to you?

24. It’s time for…/to do sth.  该做某事了/ 是做某事的时间了

  该吃午饭了。 It’s time for lunch. = It’s time to have lunch.

  天越来越黑。我们该回家了。It’s getting dark. It’s time for us to go home.

25. keep sb. doing   使某人做某人

  放学后他总是让我等他。 He always keeps me waiting for him after school.

  很抱歉让你久等了。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.

  他讲的那个笑话让我们笑了好几分钟。 His joke kept us laughing for several minutes.

26. keep / make sth./ sb +adj. 保持/使某物怎么样

  请保持教室的清洁。  Please keep the classroom clean.

  那些考试让我们忙了整整一周。 The exams kept us busy for a whole week.

  他所做的事情让我们很生气。 What he did made us very angry.

  他每天吃水果以保持健康。 He eats fruit every day in order to keep healthy.

27. like to do /like doing  喜欢做某事

  他喜欢坐公交车上学。  He likes to go to school by bus. = He likes taking the bus to school.

28. make / let sb.( not) do sth.  (使)/ 允许某人做(不做)某事         

  太多垃圾食品经常会让我觉得恶心。Too much junk food often makes me feel sick.


  My parents don’t let me watch TV before I finish / finishing my homework.

  远足使人们享受大自然的美丽。Going hiking can make people enjoy the beauty of nature.

  不管你去哪里,请让父母知道。Wherever you go, please let your parents know.

29. neither…nor…既不也不            

  他和我都没有去参加昨天晚上的晚会。  Neither he nor I went to the party last night.

  他晚上既不能看电视也不能上网。 He can neither watch TV nor surf the Internet at night.

30. not…at all 根本不,一点也不     

   我一点儿也不同意你的观点。 I don’t agree with you at all.     

  他根本就不担心他的女儿。 He doesn’t worry about his daughter at all.

31. not only…but also…  不但而且


  Not only you but (also) he is going to volunteer at the old people’s home.

  他不但喜欢英语而且喜欢数学。He likes not only English but also math.


  He is not only hard-working but (also) easy to get along / on with.


  Not only do I feel good about helping others, but (also) I get to spend time doing what

  I love to do.

32. not…until…  直到         

  车停了才能下。/ 车未停不许下。 Don’t get off the bus until it stops.

  今天早上直到九点钟他才起床。  He didn’t get up until nine o’clock this morning.

  别着急。她会等到你回来再走的。Don’t worry. She won’t leave until you come back.

33. so …that…  如此以至于…( 加从句)          


  He is so busy that he can’t help you now. = He is too busy to help you now.


  There were so many people on the bus that I had to wait for the next.


  The native people spoke English so fast that I couldn’t follow / understand them.

34. such a +adj.+n. that…    如此以至于… ( 加从句)


  It is such an interesting movie that I have seen it twice.

  = It is so interesting a movie that I have seen it twice.


  It is such fine weather that we plan to go hiking in the mountains.


  They are such lovely kids that the teachers all love them very much.

 =The kids are so lovely that the teachers all love them very much.

35. spend…on/(in)doing sth.  在某事上花时间/ 花时间做某事      

  你花了多少钱买那辆新自行车?How much did you spend on the new bike?

 = How much did you spend buying the new bike? = How much did you pay for the new bike?

  我上星期天花120元买这本词典。 I spent 120 yuan on / buying this dictionary last Sunday.

  =I paid 120 yuan for this dictionary last Sunday.  = The dictionary cost me 120 yuan.


  How long do you spend on sports every week?

 = How long do you spend playing sports every week?


  These three students spend every Saturday afternoon volunteering at the local hospital.

36. stop sb. (from) doing sth.   阻止某人做某事   

  大雨阻止了我们按时出发。 The heavy rain stopped / prevented us (from) starting on time .


  Nothing can stop / prevent us from achieving / realizing our dreams.


  Every fall, the cold weather can’t stop people from enjoying the red leaves in Xiangshan Park.

37. stop to do /stop doing  停下来做某事/ 停止做某事


  When the students meet teachers, they often stop to say hello to the teachers.


  The teacher told the students to stop talking and listen to her attentively.


  The students have studied for two hours. It’s necessary for them to stop to have a rest.

38. take / bring sth with sb  某人随身带某物  


  It is raining outside. You’d better take an umbrella with you.


  The teacher told us not to forget to bring a dictionary to school the next / following day.

39. I would like to…/ Would you like to …?  我想做…/你想吗?


   My mother would like to go somewhere relaxing this winter vacation.

   我想看一看你新买的那本书。I’d like to have a look at your new book.


   Tomorrow is Saturday. Would you like to go skating with me?

40. used to…  过去常常

  那位老人过去常常独自住在这座房子里。The old man used to live in the house alone.

  她过去常常害怕孤独。She used to be afraid of being alone.

  过去这个房前有很多树。  There used to be a lot of trees in front of the house.

41. It’s important / difficult / easy / necessary / possible / impossible for sb. to do sth.

  做某事对某人来说很重要 / 困难 / 容易 / 有必要 / 可能 / 不可能


  It----------------------------’s very important to know how to look up new words in English study.


  It’s very difficult / hard for the workers to finish building the bridge in two weeks.

  对小孩子来说,养金鱼很容易。 It’s easy for kids to keep goldfish.


  It’s necessary for students to have enough sleep every day.


  It’s impossible for him to finish the report in such a short time.

42. sth. be two meters (years) long (old) …两米长 /…两岁大

  长城大约6,700 千米长。The Great Wall is about 6,700 kilometers long.

  我的堂弟六岁大。 My cousin is six years old.

43. One…the other…/Some… others…一个另外一个(两个中)/ 一些另外一些


  I have two dictionaries. One is an English-English dictionary and the other is

  an English-Chinese dictionary.


  The teacher came in. There’s a book in one hand and what’s in his other hand?


  Some say Indian films are boring but others say they are interesting.

  我同意你的一些观点,但不同意另一些。I agree with some ideas but disagree with others.


  Some parents think students should be allowed to surf the Internet, while others don’t agree.

44. see / hear / watch / notice sb. do ( doing) sth. 看见 / 听见某人做某事 /正在做某事

  你看见他刚才进了房间吗?  Did you see him come into the room?


  I saw Mother cooking dinner when I got home yesterday.


  I saw them playing soccer when I walked past / passed the playground.

  我经常听到她唱那首歌。I often hear her sing the song.

  你能听见她在隔壁房间里唱歌吗?  Can you hear her singing next door / in the next room?

  放学后,教练经常看队员踢球。The coach often watches the players play soccer after school.


  The students are watching the teacher doing the experiment carefully.

  你刚才注意到有人进来并上了楼吗? Did you notice someone come in and go upstairs?

45. The +比较级…, the +比较级…, …       

  ---你需要多少钱?---越多越好。 ---How much money do you need? ---The more, the better.


  ---When do you expect I’ll be back?   ---The sooner, the better.


  The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make in an exam.


  The more trees we plant, the fewer sandstorms we will have.

46. There is sth. wrong with… = sth is wrong with sth. 某物出问题了/有毛病了

  他说这台机器出问题了。He said something was wrong with the machine.

  =He said there was something wrong with the machine.


  I had to walk to school because there was something wrong with the bus.

47. What about / How about…?   …怎么样?             


  How / What about improving your listening skills by listening to tapes?


  What about going to the movie with me tonight as you have nothing to do?

  丢掉这台旧电脑怎么样啊?How / What about throwing away the used computer?

48. What’s wrong / the matter with…? …怎么了?

   你的手怎么了? What’s wrong with your hand?

   他的自行车怎么了? What’s the matter with his bike?


  Your brother didn’t come to school this morning. What’s wrong / the matter with him?

49. Why not…?  为什么不

  为什么不戒烟呢?  Why not give up smoking?


  Why not join an English club to improve your speaking skills?


  Why not ask him for help when you meet any problems?

50. Will (Would, Could) you please…? 请你好吗?

   帮我把这个箱子搬到楼上好吗?Will / Would you please help me carry the box upstairs?


   Would / Could you please help me (to) hand out advertisements after school?

51. sb. find it adj. to do sth.  某人发现做

   我发现学好英语很重要。 I find it important to learn English well.


   He found it difficult for her to finish the work in two days.


   She finds it necessary for students to have at least eight hours’ sleep every day.

52. … is one of the +最高级+n.(pl.)    …是最之一

   巴黎是欧洲最具活力的城市之一。  Paris is one of the liveliest cities in Europe.


   She is one of the most hard-working students in our class.


   Zhang Yimou is one of the best-loved directors in China today.

52. It’s a good idea to do sth.    是个好主意

   每天早晨朗读英语是个很好的主意。It’s a good idea to read English aloud every morning.


   It’s a good idea to ask your parents’ permission before making a decision.

53. sth is the second +最高级+n.  …是第二

   黄河是中国第二大长河。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.


   Do you know which is the third largest country in the world?

  = Do you know which the third largest country is in the world?

54. sth looks like…/ sth. sounds like …  …看起来像 / 听起来像

   这个小孩长得像她妈妈。 The little child looks like her mother.

   那座建筑物像一座教堂。 The building looks like a church.

   那听起来像是个好主意。 That sounds like a good idea.

55. prefer sth / doing sth. to sth / doing sth.   相比更喜欢

   和咖啡相比,我更喜欢喝茶。 I prefer tea to coffee. = I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.


   She prefers staying at home reading to going to the party.

56. too…to…  而不能…            

  十六岁的青少年太莽撞不能驾驶。 Sixteen-year-olds are too wild to drive.

  这个问题太难了,我不能回答。 This question is too difficult for me to answer.

  =This question is so difficult that I can’t answer it.

  他跑地太快我追不是她。He ran too fast for me to catch up with.

57. thank sb. for sth./ doing sth.   谢谢某人某事 / 做某事

   谢谢你的帮助 / 邀请。 Thanks for your help / invitation.

   谢谢你帮助我 / 邀请我去你的生日派队。

   Thanks for helping me / inviting me to your birthday party.

   谢谢你给我寄来的全家福。Thanks for sending me the photo of your family.

2011初三年级英语总复习 句型讲解

1. as soon as   (表达时间的连词)

2. as….as/ (not) as / so…as… 一样 / 不如…, 不及

3. as …as possible  尽可能….

4. ask sb. for sth.  向某人要某物

5. ask/tell sb. ( how) to do sth. 要求 / 告诉某人(如何)做某事

6. ask/tell sb. ( not) to do sth. 要求 / 告诉某人不要做某事

7. be afraid of doing sth ./ that  害怕做某事 / 恐怕

8. be busy doing sth.  忙于做某事

9. be famous / late / ready / sorry for 而有名/ ….迟到/ 准备好/ 感到遗憾

10. be glad that… 很高兴+ 从句

11. both …and… 又;和

12. either…or… 或者或者

13. buy / give / show / send / pass / bring / lend / tell sb. sth.

  (跟双宾语的动词)给某人买 / /邮寄某物

14. give / show / bring / lend / send / pass / tell sth to sb.

    / 展示 / 带来 / 借给 / 邮寄 / 传递 / 告诉某人某事

15. get on / along well with sb. / sth.   与某人相处的好 / 某事进展好

16. get ready for /get sth ready 准备好

17. had better (not) do sth. 最好(不)做某事

18. help sb. (to) do / help sb. with sth.  帮助某人某事/帮助某人某事

19. I don’t think that… 我认为

20. It’s bad /good for….  有好处/坏处

21. enjoy / hate / like / stop / finish / mind / keep / go on doing sth. 

   喜欢/讨厌/结束/ 介意/反复/继续做某事

22. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花掉某人多少时间

23. get + 比较级   变得更

24. It’s time for…/to do sth.  该做某事了/ 是做某事的时间了

25. keep sb. doing   使某人做某事

26. keep / make sth. +adj.   保持/使某物怎么样

27. like to do / like doing  喜欢做某事

28. make/let sb.( not) do sth.  使/让某人做(不做)某事

29. neither…nor… 既不也不

30. not…at all  根本不,一点也不

31. not only…but also… 不但而且      

32. not…until…  直到

33. so …that…  如此以至于…( 加从句)

34. spend…on / (in)doing sth.  在某事上花时间 / 花时间做某事

35. stop / prevent / keep sb. from doing sth.  阻止某人做某事

36. stop to do /stop doing  停下来做某事/ 停止做某事

37. take/bring sth with sb  某人随身带某物

38. too…to…  而不能

39. I would like to…/Would you like to …?  我想做…/你想吗?

40. used to…  过去常常

41. It’s +adj.for sb. to do sth.  做某事对某人来说很

42. It’s two meters (years) long (old,high,wide)  它两米长/它两岁大。

43. One…the other…/Some… others… 一个另外一个/ 一些另外一些

44. see/hear sb. do ( doing) sth.  看见/听见某人做某事/正在做某事

45. The +比较级…, the +比较级…,     …,

46. There is sth. wrong with sth.…   某物出问题了/有毛病了

47. What about/How about…?   …怎么样?

48. What’s wrong / the matter with…?  …怎么了?

49. Why not do sth?   为什么不

50. Will (Would, Could) you please…?  请你好吗?

51. sb. find it adj. to do sth.  某人发现做

52. sth is one of the +最高级+n.(pl.)    …是最之一

52. It’s a good idea to do sth.    是个好主意

53. sth is the second +最高级+n.  …是第二

54. sth looks like…/ sth. sounds like …  …看起来像 / 听起来像

55. prefer sth / doing sth. to sth / doing sth.   相比更喜欢

56. such a +adj.+n. that…    如此以至于

57. thank sb. for sth./ doing sth.   谢谢某人某事 / 做某事



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