

 昵称2751097 2014-06-27


Reading the headlines, you might think that the most urgent question about national success in innovation and growth is whether the U.S. or China should get the gold medal. The truth is: Germany wins hands down.


Germany does a better job on innovation in areas as diverse as sustainable energy systems, molecular biotech, lasers, and experimental software engineering. Indeed, as part of an effort to learn from Germany about effective innovation, U.S. states have encouraged the Fraunhofer Society, a German applied-science think tank, to set up no fewer than seven institutes in America.


True, Americans do well at inventing. The U.S. has the world’s most sophisticated system of financing radical ideas, and the results have been impressive, from Google to Facebook to Twitter. But the fairy tale that the U.S. is better at radical innovation than other countries has been shown in repeated studies to be untrue. Germany is just as good as the U.S. in the most radical technologies.



What’s more important, Germany is better at adapting inventions to industry and spreading them throughout the business sector. Much German innovation involves infusing old products and processes with new ideas and capabilities or recombining elements of old, stagnant sectors into new, vibrant ones.


Germany’s style of innovation explains its manufacturing prowess. For example, many, if not most, of the Chinese products we buy every day are produced by German-made machinery, and the companies that make them are thriving.



It also explains why Germany’s industrial base hasn’t been decimated, as America’s has. Germany is better at sustaining employment growth and productivity, while expanding citizens’ real incomes. Even with wages and benefits that are higher than those in the U.S. by 66%, manufacturing in Germany employed 22% of the workforce and contributed 21% of GDP in 2010. The bottom line: German manufacturers are contributing significantly to employment growth and real income expansion.


In the U.S., by contrast, fewer and fewer people are employed in middle-class manufacturing jobs. In 2010, just under 11% of the workforce was employed in manufacturing, and manufacturing contributed 13% of GDP. Inequality is on the rise, and the country’s balance of payments is getting worse.

相比起来,在美国,被雇用于中产阶级制造业的人越来越少。2010年,制造业雇用的劳动力仅仅只有不到11%,占据GDP的13%. 不平等现象正在加剧,国际收支平衡状况也越发糟糕。


Three factors are at work here:


Germany understands that innovation must result in productivity gains that are widespread, rather than concentrated in the high-tech sector of the moment.


As a consequence, Germany doesn’t only seek to form new industries, it also infuses its existing industries with new ideas and technologies. For example, look at how much of a new BMW is based on innovation in information and communication technologies, and how many of the best German software programmers go to work for


The U.S., by contrast, lets old industries die instead of renewing them with new technologies and innovation. As a result, we don’t have healthy cohesive industries; we have isolated silos. An American PhD student in computer science never even thinks about a career in the automobile industry — or, for that matter, other manufacturing-related fields. Germany has a network of public institutions that help companies recombine and improve ideas.


In other words, innovation doesn’t end with invention. The Fraunhofer Institutes, partially supported by the government, move radical ideas into the marketplace in novel ways. They close the gap between research and the daily grind of small and medium-size enterprises. Bell Labs used to do this in the United States for telecommunications, but Fraunhofer now does this on a much larger scale across Germany’s entire industrial sector.


Germany’s workforce is constantly trained, enabling it to use the most radical innovations in the most diverse and creative ways to produce and improve products and services that customers want to buy for higher prices. If you were to fill your kitchen and garage with the best products that your budget could afford, how much of this space would be filled with German products such as Miele, Bosch, BMW, and Audi?



Germany actively coordinates these factors, creating a virtuous cycle among them. Germany innovates in order to empower workers and improve their productivity; 
the U.S. focuses on technologies that reduce or eliminate the need to hire those pesky wage-seeking human beings. 
Germany’s innovations create and sustain good jobs across the spectrum of workers’ educational attainment; 
American innovation, at best, creates jobs at Amazon’s fulfillment centers and in Apple stores.


It’s high time for the U.S. to revamp its innovation system. Americans need to recognize that the purpose of innovation isn’t to produce wildly popular internet services. 
It’s to sustain productivity and employment growth in order to ensure real income expansion. 
We need new policies that allow American innovation to be scaled up and produced on American soil, by American workers. 
Changes need to happen in how we transfer radical inventions from the lab to the marketplace, via a set of public-private institutions that do for America what the Fraunhofer centers do for Germany. 
We need to think about skills training as a lifelong endeavor, with workers across the spectrum of education being taught how to use new technologies to
increase productivity.


Economic growth doesn’t happen at the moment of invention. Only innovation policies that target the complete innovation cycle will succeed in 
creating economic growth that enhances the welfare of all citizens. There is nothing a German can do that a properly trained and incentivized American cannot.



German worker · a day ago
"Germany is better at sustaining employment growth and productivity, while expanding citizens’ real incomes."
Unfortunately the real incomes of average workers in Germany have been stagnant for about a decade. Germans by large aren't shareholders.

german worker 一天前

Germanguest · 2 days ago
Give the complete plans about building a car with three errors in it to a team from:
- America
- Japan
- Germany
- The Americans will build the car exactly like the plan states and with all the errors – it won't run.
- The Team from Japan I'm sure will find one error and maybe the car will run, but needs a recall.
In the case of Germany one has to look for the age of the labor:
- If you have a team with 60 year old labor they will find all errors and correct them, the car is safe for daily usage.
- If you have a team with 40 year old labor then they should be as good to find two errors and the car would also run, but will need one fixed.
- If the labor from Germany are 20 years old then, omg - they are comparable to the team from America.

germanguest 两天前


Thanks for writing this.


Hello from Eastern Ontario, where there used to be a lot of manufacturing in the Cornwall area. Just watching BNN 30 mins ago
where "low paying blue collar jobs" was mentioned again. I think they would include welders, millrights, NC machine operators, electricians, pipe fitters, etc.
Hopefully they are referring to the "white collar jobs" in retail, distribution, etc.


My son works for a small German "manufacturing" company called Liebherr. At $9BIL, 33,000 employees worldwide they are still a small fraction of the 
total $1.5Trillion Germany exports to the ROW. http://en./wiki/E...


He's just back from Germany to be trained for 30 days in new welding techniques and he met many young "PAID interns" about 17 years old who were working 
to learn basic mettalurgy. They had already figured out with the personal advice from their trade school teachers, collaborating with Liebherr people their "blue collar
careers"- which end up 10 years later paying enough.to drive another neat German product the BMW down the spanking new Autobahn's.


In fact the President of the Liebherre crane group dropped into the training center to see the North American students, spent a few minutes with my son.



SB70 · 4 days ago
The idea that there are three stages for the innovation cycle (invention, commercializing and diffusion) can be attributed to Joseph Schumpeter who came up with this insight in 1934. Schumpeter, incidentally, was an Austrian/German economist who had to come to the US to become one of the world’s greatest economists. (Hey, HBR blogs are still applying his ideas almost a hundred years later). The best minds (including German) still come to the US, not Germany to do research.


The US dominates in the first two stages of invention and commercialization. The US leads Germany in all sectors, not just the internet sector, in patent grants and citations. Germany, and increasingly China, are indeed more focused on the diffusion stage. However, without US inventions and ideas, there would not be much for the Germans and Chinese to diffuse.


Also, while it is correct that the US manufacturing sector has been declining for decades, that has happened partly because new technological and business process inventions have led to automation, robots, outsourcing etc. that has displaced costly US labor. Germany's low unemployment rate has less to do with its technology policies than its industrial policies (subsidies and promotion of midsized businesses), education policies (tracking 12 year old children into grammar versus vocational schools) and labor policies (prevalence of part-time or family business work opportunities, and barriers to firing workers).


Doc G · 5 days ago
I like the last sentence, as a German: "There is nothing a German can do that a properly trained and incentivized American cannot." and it is very simple to disagree: we do not only invent the best cars, we also CAN drive. ;-)



Shahin Khourdepaz · 11 days ago
Great article which highlights our economical weakness and the struggles of the Middle Class in America. We have become a service driven economy proven by the largest employer in US which is Wal-Mart who tax payers subsidize the health benefits or I should add the lack off benefits and mostly part time work, under 40 hours. Middle Class paying jobs have been reduced while everything around is going up so yes, innovation, education, and training is vital if we as Americans are looking to keep up with globalization.

shahin khourdepaz 11天前

dsgates2 Shahin Khourdepaz · 6 days ago
I have found the entry level market to be almost entirely composed of part time workers who receive no benefits.

dsgates2 回复 khourdenaz 6天前


sakky Shahin Khourdepaz · 11 days ago
In defense of Walmart, it should be noted that if those employees in question weren't employed by Walmart, they might not have any jobs at all, whereupon the taxpayers would *really* be subsidizing them through welfare and Medicaid. {After all, to be brutally honest, hardly anybody decides to become a low-wage Walmart worker if they have better opportunities elsewhere; those workers are generally there because they don't really have better options. Let's also not forget that the mom-and-pop retail stores that Walmart purportedly eradicated didn't exactly pay particularly high wages either.}


Koray · 12 days ago
Somewhat one sided story telling....Germany struggles in finding and educating a workforce to employ - yes, it's educational system of vocational training and academic studies is a unique advantage but through the "globalization" effort more than ever endangered to fall apart based on the desire of alignment.
Furthermore, I disagree that innovations are handled quicker and penetrated faster here in Germany - quite the opposite actually! Try to drive around and get 4G or even LTE - you won't. Why? too expensive to deploy...
..so yeah - why not "hail Germany", or not?!?



Luc Berlin · 12 days ago
Great article. To keep it simple, I believe what the author states "innovating better" he's referring to the overall value of the innovation in relation to society. For example, he says the US does well at inventing, this is true but we are great at inventing the likes of Facebook and Snapchat which don't have as great of an impact as lets say renewable energy.


There's no greater evidence of this than when you look at the types of innovations being reported in the news, most are trivial and have little to no value in benefiting the economic state of all our citizens.


Chris Luc Berlin · 10 days ago
I'm not sure why you think internet innovation is all the U.S. does. The U.S. has always been a leader in medical innovation. Have you heard on the news about a U.S. biopham named Regeneron? It a leading edge biopharma with breakthrough drugs for eye diseases, colorectal cancer and macular degeneration. Another U.S. innovator is Alexion that develops life-transforming therapeutic products in areas such as hematology and neurology among others. These are companies that not only help improve and save lives in the U.S. but in other countries around the world.


I agree with you about energy but what about the fracking revolution which will probably make the U.S. independent of energy imports some time over the next decade? It is probably responsible in the last few years for the return of some manufacturing from overseas. It will allow companies to manufacture more in the U.S. which translates into high standards of living and more innovation.



dsgates2 Chris · 6 days agoThe job market still doesn't avail it's self to hire full time employees who would benefit from these inovations through medical benefits and don't get me started on how "affordable" Obama Care oh sorry National Healthcare is.

dsgates2 chris 6天前

Luc Berlin Chris · 10 days ago
Great point Chris. Perhaps my comment was a bit too vague. The point I was trying to make is that here in the U.S. those innovations (medical, pharmaceutical, etc) don't make the main stream media (unless something awful happened). It's a bit of the opposite in Europe where those innovations are brought more to light.
On the other hand, we get overly excited about trivial apps that have little impact to the welfare of our society as a whole.
But to answer your question, no I hadn't heard of either one.
Again, great points.

luc brelin chris 10天前

sakky Luc Berlin · 7 days ago
Hello Mr. Berlin:
I would actually say that your complaint should be directed at the triviality of much of the mass media in general, rather than only regarding the technology news. For example, while you may say that Facebook and Snapchat are trivial, compare that to the triviality of the latest wardrobe choice of Miley Cyrus or the latest act of brattiness by Justin Bieber. Yet the mass media surely spends more effort reporting the antics of Cyrus or Bieber than on Facebook or Snapchat. {Heck, even now, CNN.com is running yet another article about Bieber.}
The upshot is that just because the mass media isn't heavily focused upon a particular type of innovation doesn't mean that it's not occurring. Speaking specifically about renewable energy, the US is indeed nurturing some of the most cutting-edge knowledge in the world, whether through basic university research or through the myriad renewable energy startup firms in Silicon Valley or the Boston Highway 128 area. You might argue that the US is not *deploying* renewable energy technologies as quickly as it should be, but it is nevertheless still *researching and developing* such technologies at a rapid pace.

sakkt luc berlin 7天前
你好 brelin桑


Weezle · 12 days ago
You just can't generalise. My UK employer, a major energy utility, was acquired by RWE, a giant German utility in 2002. I worked closely with German colleagues and had a reasonable stab at learning the language. RWE displayed all the bad qualities that people have posted below and almost none of the good ones. Neither I nor any of my British (or Dutch) colleagues could reconcile this with the undoubted excellence that Germany displays in other engineering based sectors such as manufacturing and chemicals. It was the great paradox that we spent many an evening in bars in Essen discussing. The sad part of it is that even though we Brits have a reasonable reputation for openness and adaptability (I hope!) nearly all the British senior managers eventually distanced themselves from the German parent or, like me, left the company. The working culture was such that we felt we were being dragged back 40 years in time. I still have great respect for Germany and the Germans and the spectacular achievements of their economy. But German companies aren't universally excellent.



nicolesimon Weezle · 11 days ago
Of course not, and the bigger you get, the less competent most companies start to behave. As i mentioned in another comment, the core strength displayed does not come from companies to big to be run efficiently, but from the smaller, more agile Mittelstand.
These big corporations (like their world wide counterparts) lack structure and have too much access to be run successfully - sadly because they would have the best chances.

nicolesimon Weezle.11天前


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