
有道学堂 | 双语阅读

 wwx1944 2014-07-18

  1.There is a solution, ALWAYS

1. 总会有解决办法的

As I mentioned shortly before, I don’t know his mind-set or way of thinking but he always had a solution for every complication! It is easier to look at things from another view and to give advice to someone else but he always gave reasonable solutions. I crashed my car once and I didn’t know what to do so I went to him.

就像我之前说过的那样,我不知道这种心态,或者说不懂这种想法,但是在棘手的问题上他总能有办法解决。从另一个角度看问题就变得很容易,给别人意见也很容易,但是他总能很好的处理这些问题 。曾经我把车子撞坏了,不知道怎么办的时候就去找他。 他让我平静的给我父亲打个电话,讲清楚事情是如何发生的。不管你信不信,这件事情都还进展顺利。不是很好,但是也还能理解。我父亲告诉我,在那种情况下,他也会出事。

2.Not everything turns out perfectly

2. 并非一切都能完美

I went to him for a haircut. It was summer 2011 in July. We had the deepest conversation about all kinds of stuff. We talked for hours. One year before, I told him that I was happy, had friends, a perfect car and I had a lot of money (from my parents) and everything was going great. He responded with a secret smile filled with sadness. I clearly remember he told me, “I don’t want to put you down Koko (my nickname), but things change all of the time and you will have to accept them.”


Fast-forward, it was 2013, lots of things had changed. I had couple of friends because all the rest became disinterested. I started making money on my own . I no longer had all the free time in the world. This was not a bad thing, but quite the opposite. I was living life on my own and it was beautiful.


3.Money is a must


Then a couple of years ago, we had a talk about money and its meaning. He stated it clear with two sentences, “Money is a must and you have to earn it with both your hands. Money is not going to make you happy, but an absence of money can buy you whole lot of miseries.” I live on these two sentences. I don’t know where he got this knowledge from, but I looked at him like I was looking at a wizard!


That’s most of my hairdressers’ wisdom. I had many deep conversations but I don’t want to break my fingers writing all that. I hope you will find your own “seer hairdresser.”


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