

 陌上居士 2014-08-08
Operation: Firefighters continued to douse the structure with water this morning, as photos emerged showing the full extent of the devastation caused the by the blaze
Ravaged: Photos taken from above show the beach-end of the pier has been reduced to its metalwork while the section which goes out to sea remains untouched
Skeleton: Locals and tourists inspected the damage this morning after many stood on the beach yesterday and watched the historic building go up in smoke
伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
今天早上20消防队员仍在现场继续挫伤和剩余的“热点”在码头上。 消防长官将进一步缩减他们的努力了解维多利亚时代的结构的过程中。
他说:“真正的伤害但我相信它可以修理。 仍非常站,我很希望和自信,它将在明年重新开放,回来。”
说在火灾后的吸引力外,劳埃德先生补充道:“现在的关键是四件事。 一个,我想要一个计划实施维修。
我一直在谈论昨天的首席消防官。 他们显然需要检查,但从他的经验,他认为结构看起来相当的声音。
三分之二的码头是没有,谢天谢地。 娱乐场显然是烧脆。
但如果结构是合理的,可以相对容易修复。 这是非常重要的。 其次,我想要一个明确的信息,伊斯特本是非常开放的。 我们有两周的航展上,我认为这几乎是最大的航展上沿南海岸。
Local MP Stephen Lloyd has said he believes there is real hope the building could still be repaired and may even be reopened before next summer's tourist season
All that remains: A metal shell is all that remains of the dome-shaped amusement arcade building, which was the worst-hit part of the pier
Hope: Despite the huge fire yesterday, the town's MP has said he believes the pier can be repaired, allowing it to bring tourists back to the area by next summer
Investigation: Experts have been called in from around the country to examine the wreckage, with some suggesting the structure of the pier is not too badly damaged
Damping down: Up to 20 firefighters were continuing to damp down and reach remaining hotspots as dawn broke on fire-ravaged Eastbourne Pier today 
Shell: After an afternoon watching their town's proudest attraction go up in smoke yesterday, residents of Eastbourne woke to see the burnt-out shell this morning 
Landmark: Many in Sussex and further afield have happy memories of holidays spent beside the seaside town's pier and they were left heartbroken by the fire
伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
劳埃德先生补充道:“我知道有一些问题家特许经营公司。 我是说昨晚一晚。 他说,亭和特许经营码头不能得到保险,因此他的生活已经灰飞烟灭。
讨论,阿拉斯泰尔?Soane Structural-Safety主任土木工程师(ICE)制度的一部分,说:“我们不能忽略一个事实:结构仍然站着,这是一个好迹象。
Damage: A charred mass of twisted metal is all that remains of parts of the pier, which was engulfed in flames after the fire broke out at about 3pm yesterday
Operations: Fire chiefs expect to further scale down their efforts on the Grade II-listed Victorian structure during the course of the morning
Charred remains: Fire officials said a large section of the pier has been unaffected but substantial damage has been caused to a number of small buildings
Investigation: The area remains taped off this morning as fire experts attempt to establish exactly what caused the blaze and whether the pier can be saved
伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
伊斯特本自治委员会的领导人大卫?市场说他明白火已经开始由一个电气故障。 他说似乎消防员设法节省三分之二的码头。
火部长Penny Mordaunt说她计划以满足居民和社区领导人在伊斯特本“优先”。
游客和当地居民聚集在沙滩上散步看码头逐渐火焰吞没。 昨晚很晚,人们聚集在海滩上,见证损伤后出现的规模烟了。
Blaze: At the height of yesterday afternoon's fire, 80 firefighters tackled the flames from the shore, the sea and from underneath the pier
Horror: Many local residents stayed at the scene all night until fire crews, who used lifeboats to tackle the blaze from the sea, had put out every last flame
Battle: Firefighters continued to tackle the blaze throughout the night, dousing the structure in a bid to stop the fire spreading further down the pier or reigniting
伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
只剩下一片黑金属外壳在受灾最严重地区的码头。 的sea-end部分结构似乎受到火灾的影响。
RNLI说救生艇从伊斯特本,黑斯廷斯和纽黑文被送到码头帮助消防队员解决大火。 它最终被控制在8点之前不久,消防说。
普里查德先生说:“这是一个极具挑战性的事情。 我们的消防员工作很努力在困难的条件下阻止火灾的蔓延。
他补充说:“这显然是一个令人心烦意乱的所有那些爱这个具有里程碑意义的事件。 我们心存感激,没有伤害和报道,消防行动继续下去,努力确保我们节省很大一部分的这个标志性的馅饼。”
Shock: The fire took hold yesterday afternoon, when the nearby beach was packed with visitors and locals enjoying the sunshine
Blaze: More than 80 firefighters tackled the blaze yesterday, with firemen on high cranes, in boats at sea, on the pier itself and standing on the beach underneath
Shock: The fire has caused sadness around the town, with one onlooker saying: 'It's devastating that a huge piece of this town's history has literally gone up in smoke'
Wreckage: Firefighters had the blaze under control by yesterday afternoon but have since stayed at the scene to douse the so-called 'hotspots' in water and foam
现年54岁的旅游山姆泰勒说:“我简直不能相信。 我已经来这里多年,看到它化为乌有,而我这里是毁灭性的。
“这是一个美丽的码头。 我们只有在这一天玩的娱乐和观点。”
46岁的黛比Leach从海滩上看着火焰吞没了吸引力,并说:“我很难过,我哭了。 它毁灭性的看到这一点,尤其是冰如此接近。 我简直无法相信。”
在伊斯特一个维多利亚时代的海边码头在英国的南部海岸受到严重损害,当火灾发生在游乐场上周三。 火焰可以看到从两层结构,东萨塞克斯郡消防救援队说烟大羽毛呈上升趋势镇上面的屋顶跳跃。 中无人受伤。
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
The photo of a woman laughing and posing for a picture while Eastbourne's historic pier burned down has caused anger among the seaside town's residents online
Chris Belcher also got a 'selfie' of himself in front of the fire, which he captioned '#noshame #selfie' 
克里斯·贝尔彻也有“selfie”自己在火前,他的标题“# noshame # selfie”
这张照片吸引了今天愤怒的投诉后,人在照片分享网站Imgur.com上发布的自称为“* * *”年代着火,哟”。
一位伊斯特本居民写道:“真的希望人们停止拍照我的城镇的历史地标的燃烧。 如此多的记忆,码头。
伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
Sunbathers returned to the beach at the popular East Sussex resort today after yesterday's drama
Children were seen splashing about in the water in the shadow of the building's wreckage
在超过300评论她的照片,一个人开玩笑说:”她的性感。 别人写的看起来像一个专辑封面”和“那个女孩是着火了”。
他照片标题:“但首先让我带一个selfie… #伊斯特本#码头# # # noshame # selfie疯狂的火
劳埃德昨日表示:“这是一个可怕的事件发生在我们可爱的码头。 我希望和祈祷我们美好的码头是永远不会丢失。
The blaze ripped through the building yesterday afternoon, with more than 80 firefighters needed to tackle it
The fire has reduced the pier's once proud amusement arcade to a skeleton of twisted metal and ashes

伊斯特本码头火灾 - wuwei1101 - 西花社
在这个国家的其他地方,邵森德码头在埃塞克斯,世界上最长的快乐码头在7080英尺(2156米),在2005年被大火严重受损。 在1976年之前火损坏它。
History: Passengers landing on Eastbourne Pier after a boat cruise in 1936. The paddle steamers took passengers to destinations including Folkestone, Sandown, Brighton, Hastings and even as far afield as Boulogne in France
历史:乘客在伊斯特本码头后在1936年一艘巡航。 桨轮船把乘客的目的地包括福克斯顿,Sandown,布莱顿,黑斯廷斯,甚至远在法国的布伦
Steamers: An aerial view  taken from a Zeppelin airship in 1931, showing one of the steam boats which used to run from a landing area at the far end of the pier
Resort: Holiday makers walk along the promenade near Eastbourne's famous bandstand (left), with the pier stretching out to sea in the background
Visitors: A photo of the town's seafront believed to have been taken shortly after the turn of the century, when visitors would flock to East Sussex from around Britain
 A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.
A Victorian-era seaside pier at Eastbourne on Britain's south coast was badly damaged when fire broke out in an amusement arcade on Wednesday. Flames could be seen leaping from the roof of the two-storey structure and East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said a large plume of smoke was rising above the town. No injuries were reported.

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