

 兰之道 2014-08-08
Whether you regularly rip through mile repeats or you're new to speedwork, you probably pay more attention to the time, pace, and effort of the hard work than you do to the rest in between. But recovery intervals are just as critical to performing your best. Rush or drag out this period, and you might not reap the intended benefits of your session, says Mindy Solkin, owner and head coach of the The Running Center in New York City. How you rest is up to you—walk, stretch, or jog, just don't sit down, as blood can pool in your legs and turn them to lead. "I often tell people they should do what's comfortable," says Jeff Gaudette, head coach at RunnersConnect in Boston. "What you do during the rest period isn't going to have as dramatic an effect as the length of the rest." Before your next speed session, determine whether your downtime should be short, medium, or long.

无论是经常进行间歇跑训练的老手,还是刚开始接触速度训练的新手,他们往往注重于时间、配速以及辛苦训练的效果,而忽略了期间的休息步骤。适当的恢复训练也是取得好成绩的关键。“过短或过长的休息,都不会达到最佳效果”,纽约跑步中心的拥有者兼首席教练 Mindy Solkin说。休息的方式可以自行选择,慢走,拉伸或慢跑皆可,但不要坐下,以保证腿部的血液正常循环。“我经常告诫大家要选择自己觉得舒服的休息方式”波士顿跑步中心的首席教练Jeff Gaudette介绍说,“因为休息阶段的效果和休息的时间有关,和休息的方式关系不大”。在进行下一次速度训练之前,提前进行休息的规划,在短时间休息,中等时间休息或较长时间的休息中做出选择。



Short recovery intervals keep the intensity of the workout elevated, teaching you to run through fatigue. Your body gets more efficient at clearing the lactic acid that causes muscles to burn, so you can run harder or longer, says Joe McConkey, M.S., a coach at the Boston Running Center. Because the intervals are so short, your breathing will be heavy and your heart rate will remain high throughout, says Sean Coster, a coach and exercise physiologist in Portland, Oregon.

短时间的休息间隔可以保持并提高训练的强度,并能更好地对抗疲劳。“身体能够更高效地消除乳酸堆积,并让肌肉充分工作,因此可以跑得更快或更长”。 波士顿跑步中心的教练Joe McConkey介绍说。“由于休息间隔时间很短,呼吸和心跳都保持在较高的水平”。   俄勒冈州,波特兰的教练和运动生理学家Sean Coster介绍说。

USE IT: To build speed and stamina. Total newbies can build endurance by running easy for one minute, resting for one minute for up to 30 minutes. Novice runners can alternate five to 10 sets of one minute hard running with one minute jogging or incorporate short rests into a fartlek workout. Advanced runners targeting 5-Ks or 10-Ks can do hard repeats of 400 to 800 meters with short rests in between.




Stopping short of complete recovery teaches your body to sustain its lactate threshold longer. In other words, it helps you build stamina, so you're more comfortable running at goal pace, says Solkin. At the end of the rest, you'll feel 80 to 90 percent recovered, as if you were in the middle of an easy run, says Gaudette.

停下一段时间进行完全的恢复可以让身体在乳酸门槛维持更长时间。换句话说,可以提高耐力,并能更轻松地维持目标配速。 Solkin介绍说。当休息阶段结束时,身体恢复了80%-90%,感觉应该如同在进行放松跑的一样。Gaudette介绍说。

USE IT: To improve endurance at race pace. Advanced beginners may run two or three quarter-mile repeats at a comfortably hard pace with four minutes rest, says Solkin. Runners racing 5-Ks and 10-Ks should take medium breaks during 800-to 1000-meter repeats. Half and full marathoners can use them to break up long tempos into two-or three-mile segments. "You can stay on the road longer and simulate your race without doing the complete effort," Gaudette says.

中等时间休息的用处:提高维持比赛配速的耐力。有过一段跑步经验的选手可以维持一定强度但不过于痛苦的速度进行2-3组400米间歇跑,每组之间休息4分钟。准备5000米或10000米比赛的选手,可以进行800米或1000米的间歇跑,每组之间休息。半程或全程马拉松选手在练习时,可以将长距离训练分割成多段2-3英里的节奏跑,并在每段之间进行休息。”你可以通过这些方法进行更长时间的道路训练并尽可能地模拟比赛“,Gaudette 介绍说。



Extended rest allows your heart and breathing rate to return to resting levels, which helps you attack the next repeat with the same effort you ran the previous one, thereby ensuring a quality workout, says Solkin. The extended downtime should leave you refreshed, and without the fatigue that contributes to poor form and injury, she says. You should feel 100-percent recovered and ready to go.


USE IT: To build speed and running economy [the ability to comfortably handle faster paces] or to boost aerobic capacity. For speed, pair long rest with two to three minutes [or a quarter-mile] of hard running. Jog between longer repeats of 1.5 to three miles to build volume. "What would only be a four-mile workout of intervals, rest, warmup, and cooldown can turn into eight miles," says Solkin.

较长时间休息的用处:提高速度并让你跑得更加”经济“(更舒服地维持更快的配速)以及提高携氧能力。从速度训练来看,可以按照每组间歇跑休息2-3分钟来进行。慢跑1.5-3分钟作为休息可以提高携氧能力。”一次典型4英里的间歇训练中,休息,热身和结束时的放松跑的里程大概也要4英里。“ Solkin介绍说。

RUN better: If you jog during rest periods, keep the pace super slow. Depending on the length of your repeat, you may end up jogging half the distance.


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