
South Wutai: A tourism zone known for Buddha’s Light Culture

 3gzylon 2014-08-22

The South Wutai is the core scenic area of Qinling Zhongnanshan World Geopark. For thousands of years, the South Wutai has been known for the main monastery of Avalokitesvara, the royal temple during the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and the holy land of Zhongnan hermits, enjoying a lofty status in Chinese Buddhism history.

According to relevant plans, the South Wutai will be integrated with Cuihua Mountain, becoming a Buddha’s Light Avalokitesvara Culture protected tourism zone with a total area of 1.6 million square meters. By then, tourists can tour the old temple in the daytime, and stay at the Buddhist inn at night, to feel the extensive and profound essence of Buddhist culture while practicing meditation and enjoying Buddhist vegetarian foods, and Brahma voice and drum music.

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