

 ntex 2014-08-28




I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.
John Hanc, running writer


Pain and suffering are often the catalysts for life's most profound lessons.


Dean Karnazes, Ultrarunner and best-selling author


...you are not running for some future reward-the real reward is now!
Fred Rohe, author of The Zen of Running


If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
Herschel Walker, American football player


It's very hard to understand in the beginning that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit.
Dr. George Sheehan


When people ask me why I run, I tell them, there's not really a reason, ......  you are a winner no matter what place you got.
Courtney Parsons, athlete


Running is real and relatively simple - but it ain't easy.
Mark Will-Weber, author and running coach


The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life.
George Sheehan


Good things come slow-especially in distance running.
Bill Dillinger, Oregon coach


May the road rise up to greet you, and the wind always be at your back.
Irish proverb
这是一句爱尔兰的谚语。巧的是昨天看了赵本山和小沈阳的《大笑江湖》,里边也有一句英文 May the force be with you. 一部搞笑的电影,一句励志的话,跑步者都需要:快乐面对跑步过程中的艰辛,向着目标前行时总会有动力相伴。


People ask why I run. I say, "If you have to ask, you will never understand". It is something only those select few know. Those who put themselves through pain, but know, deep down, how good it really feels.
Erin Leonard, athlete


Running has taken me in, and continues to comfort, heal and challenge me in all kinds of magical ways. I am not a 'good runner' because I am me. I am a good 'me' because I am a runner.
Kristin Armstrong, Author and runner


The real purpose of running isn't to win a race; it's to test the limits of the human heart.
Bill Bowerman, American track and field coach and co-founder of Nike, Inc.


We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.
Jesse Owens, American track and field athlete and Olympic gold medal winner


This is not about instant gratification. You have to work hard for it, sweat for it, give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings.
Lauren Fessenden, Cross Country Athlete


When you have the enthusiasm and the passion, you end up figuring how to excel.
Deena Kastor, American long-distance runner


Running has never failed to give me great end results, and that's why I keep coming back for more!
Sasha Azevedo, American actress, model and runner


Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired. When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired...You've always got to make the mind take over and keep going.
George S. Patton, U.S. Army General and 1912 Olympian


Running hills breaks up your rhythm and forces your muscles to adapt to new stresses. The result? You become stronger.
Eamonn Coghlan, Irish athlete and 3-time Olympian


Life is short...running makes it seem longer.

Baron Hansen


I don't rate myself as a fantastic, talented athlete. I just have perseverance. I'm a cart horse. I work hard.
Colleen DeReuck, Four-time Olympian


I just think running makes me feel more disciplined. It makes me feel more committed, to not only my job, but to life. It makes me feel I'm doing all I can do to be as good as I can be.
Michael Waltrip, Race car driver


It's the one thing that's mine. My runs everyday are my thing. It's my therapy, my hour to myself. Nobody can really take it away from me... It's such a huge part of me. I love to say that I'm a runner. 
Summer Sanders, Olympic gold-medalist in swimming 


I have always liked running, so it wasn't particularly difficult to make it a habit. All you need is a pair of running shoes and you can do it anywhere.
Haruki Murakami, author


I look at running as meditation. It allows me to decompress, download, and get rid of a lot of negative stuff. That's my secret. I go inside myself.
Jeff Corwin, American animal and nature conservationist


When I first started doing races, I didn't understand why people did them. I thought it was boring. But give it a try. If you're new to the sport, or maybe even an infrequent runner, try it. Once you do it and finish a race, there's such a feeling of self-accomplishment—that's really been one thing I've taken away from doing running events. Because it's just you, and you have just yourself to credit for doing what you did. It's always a great feeling afterward, because you know you did it all yourself.
Mike Bettes, Meteorologist, The Weather Channel


There's no cell phone, there's no way for anyone to get in contact with me, and I really, really like that. We don't have enough of that in our world anymore. Whether I'm out doing the mountains and I've got the dogs with me, or if I'm by myself, it's a great way to shut out our crazy world and business for an hour or whatever. That's probably my favorite thing about it.

Scott Bakula, Golden Globe-winning actor


It seemed like an impossible thing, and as an actor, it's a funny thing. You spend your whole life pretending. Completing a marathon was the first time in my adult life I had done something that had a huge physical attachment to it. It required everything, not just my imagination, and that connection of your body and your imagination working together is, I think, why people go out in the morning and get their 40 minutes in.
Anthony Edwards, actor


If you want to see what your body will look like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today.
Navajo Saying


I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.
John Hanc, running writer

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