
New 600-ton 'king of jade' discovered in Liaoning

 3gzylon 2014-09-19


辽宁省丹东市宽甸满族自治县近日发现巨型单体玉石。。这块巨型玉石显露在外的部分直径8米、高4米、厚3米,体积96立方米,估重约600吨。宽甸县方面表示,鉴于这块玉石显露部分已超过岫岩“玉王”,决定冲击世界上体积最大的单体玉石记录,成为新“玉王”。 [查看全文]
2014-09-19 14:29 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Si Huan
Worker detect the newly discovered king of jade at Kuandian Manchu Autonomous county, Liaoning province. (Photo: Yang Guang/China News Service)

Worker detect the newly discovered "king of jade" at Kuandian Manchu Autonomous county, Liaoning province. (Photo: Yang Guang/China News Service)

(ECNS) – A massive block of jade has been discovered in a county of northeast China's Liaoning province.

At eight meters long, three meters wide and four meters high, the exposed part of the jade weighs approximately 600 tons. Officials in the Kuandian Manchu Autonomous County said the jade is larger than the Hemo Jade, currently the world's largest, and that they will apply for a new world record.

Like the famous Hetian jade, the new discovery is composed of tremolite, a kind of nephrite jade mined from Xinjiang.

The Hemo Jade was found by a farmer in Xiuyan county, Liaoning province, in 1998.

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