

 兰之道 2014-09-27

Taking a cold Bath - How to take a cold Bath?

suggest that we should not take a hot bath even in winters. We should bathe everyday in winter with cold water, i.e. ordinary tap water. It is not necessary that the water should be ice cold. We can see that most of our fairs and holy bathing festivals fall in winter. In the beginning, most of us would begin to shiver at the very sight of cold water but once you take to bathing with cold water you would overcome the fear.


How to take cold bathe?---如何洗冷水澡?

The easier way to take a cold bath is first to pour water on the head. You might have watched that people first immerse their head in water while bathing in a river. If you wet your head, while taking a bath the heat from the head travels down the body and escapes through the feet. But if you wet your feet and legs or the lower portion of the body first, the body heat escapes through the head. This should not be allowed to happen from health point of view. You should not hurry through your bath. Rub with your palms the different parts of the body. This way you can fully enjoy your bath. Rubbing opens the pores of the body and activates them. A great deal of sweat and filth is excreted through these pores.


After rubbing your body with your hands, rub it with a dry towel. Rubbing with a towel does not mean only wiping the water off your body but also giving a good rubbing to the skin. After a cold bath you should immediately put on warm clothes because the body generates heat after a cold bath, otherwise a cold breeze may do you a great harm.


Benefits of taking cold bath ---洗冷水澡的好处

A cold bath has various benefits which a hot bath lacks. A hot bath is not completely satisfying. We start shivering soon after the hot bath. With a hot bath the blood circulation does not reach the uppermost layer of the skin. Besides, the blood cells near the outer skin become weak, whereas a cold bath strengthens them. When our skin comes in contact with cold water, it contracts. The contractions caused by the loss in temperature provide relief to the body. It creates an effect equal to that of body massage. It is good to take a bath with lukewarm water occasionally but it should not become a regular habit.


When we use cold water for a bath it accelerates the blood circulation; we can feel it while bathing. The interesting thing is that when we take a cold bath the body experiences a sort of inner warmth. It happens because of the rapid flow of blood.


People who take a cold bath seldom fall sick. A cold bath does not make you sick but it could be harmful to a person who is already sick. Generally speaking, people who bathe themselves with cold water or in a river enjoy better health than others.


The Benefits of Taking Cold Baths


It is winter time again! Depending on where you live, this may or may not be such good news. Regardless if you live at the Equator or near the poles, you must have experienced being cold at some point in time. Have you ever been outside in the cold and shiver, while one of your friends seems to not feel a thing? Have you ever wanted to be able to go outside and not worry about the cold so much? If so, turn on the water in your bathtub, and get in.


Sometimes you have to march through hell to get to heaven. This philosophy can be applied to fighting cold off. Ice or cold baths will help improve your body's response to cold weather, as well as helping you recover from strenuous physical activities. You might have seen it in movies or documentaries where a bodybuilder will take an ice bath after finishing his workout. Have you ever wondered why? After working out, blood clears the waste products of exercising, such as lactic acid. A cold bath contracts your blood vessels, making them smaller. After sitting for five minutes in cold water, your body will feel numb, due to less blood flowing in your body. When you get out of a cold bath, new blood will start flowing in higher amounts as the vessels slowly expand. This new blood will clear the waste products from your muscles, aiding in your recovery time.


Cold baths also help you stand colder temperatures for longer periods of time. The way this works is quite simple, practice. Taking a cold bath to help you with the freezing weather, it's like fighting fire with fire. Fortunately, it works. Mountain climbers stick their hands in snow to avoid frostbite for example. The rest of their bodies are warm, so the blood flow to their hands is increased. This works on a larger scale too, such as full body baths instead of partial ones. Taking cold baths will stimulate the blood flow to the skin and will psychologically and physically make you withstand freezing temperatures that otherwise you would not have been able to.


A cold bath should last anywhere in between 5 to 10 minutes. You have to get in and make yourself comfortable with the cold. It will feel hard to breath and your instincts will just try to get you out of it. However, stick with the pain in order to reap the benefits.



The truth about ice baths---冰浴的真相
作者Cycling Plus

The thought of freezing your bits off in an ice bath at the end of a ride or race might not be that appealing, but for many professional cycling teams, the icy soak is the ?rst post-race port-of-call.


Used to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and in?ammation, the ice bath supposedly speeds muscle recovery, but the truth behind it isn’t quite as clear.


Keep your cool---维持您的低温

Ice baths work by decreasing your nerve impulses – lowering your perception of pain – slowing the ?ow of enzymes to the muscles, and reducing the swelling and in?ammation that occurs as your muscles repair the microdamage done during intense exercise. Theoretically, this speeds the recovery process.


Research hasn’t always agreed with the theory. A 2007 study found that cold water immersion offered athletes no bene?t for muscle pain, swelling or function. However, this test used water between 1°C and 5°C and, according to Jonathan Leeder, exercise physiologist for the English Institute of Sport, the optimal temperature is 10°C to 15°C. Colder temperatures will have the opposite effect as your body attempts to preserve itself from shutting down.

研究并非总是和理论一致。一项2007年的研究发现,冷水浸没对运动员的肌肉疼痛,肿胀或功能没有任何好处。但是,该实验使用的水温是1°C至5°C,根据Jonathan Leeder,英格兰运动学院的运动生理学家,最佳水温是10°C至15°C。更低的温度具有负面影响,因为您的身体为了自身保护趋于“停车”状态。

“Cold water immersion can reduce the physiological stress of intense exercise the day after a race or event,” says Leeder, who’s working with the British Track Cycling Team. “However, the stress is a sign of the muscle adapting and repairing itself, which is what enables it to grow in strength.” So stopping this process could be counter-productive.


Some athletes use a cold bath followed by a hot bath, but there has been little evidence that this helps. “This is called contrast therapy, but we haven’t seen it speed muscle recovery even though athletes often feel as though it does,” says Leeder. “This is either the placebo effect or it may be that contrast therapy works in a way that we’re not yet able to measure.”


Although you might be keen for a hot soak after a long ride, Leeder warns this may have a negative impact. “The increase in temperature will up the blood ?ow to the damaged muscle tissue, having a pro-in?ammatory effect.” This was con?rmed by a 2008 study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, which also found that ice baths may help recovery when athletes repeat high-intensity efforts on successive days. “When you need to push on the next day, a cold water recovery technique might reduce pain and in?ammation,” says Leeder.



Making do with a quick cold shower won’t do the job. “The cold won’t have a chance to permeate through to the core of the muscle, which is where the physiological stress has occurred,” says Leeder. Being submerged in a bath, or something deeper, is better. “Makeshift wheelie bin ice baths are best as the pressure caused by 1.5m of water above your legs increases the impact of the cold water,” he says.


To try it yourself, ?ll a deep bath with cold water and ice, use a thermometer to check the temperature is between 10°C and 15°C and stay put for 10 minutes to let it chill your muscles. But only do this if you need to carry on the next day, like if you’re on a tour or a long-distance ride. Otherwise, listen to your aching body and give it a day off training to recover, as the muscle pain is actually a key part of the muscles adapting.


Other recovery aids---其它恢复方法

If you don't think ice baths are for you, there are several other options to aid your recovery. These include:


Compression tights: Promoting blood circulation and increasing oxygen ?ow to the muscles, compression tights are claimed to aid recovery. Research has found that they decrease post-exercise lactate concentration, helping to ease muscle soreness.


Massage: By manipulating muscles through massage, tension and stress is released. Research on this is limited, but a study conducted in 2005 found that massage can help relieve DOMS.


Stretching: This relaxes your muscles and helps release tension post-ride. Only stretch until you feel a slight pull in the muscle and not pain. A study in 2009 claimed that stretching before exercise can cause injury (warming up, however is advisable), so make sure you only stretch out after a workout.




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