
如何选择刀具的钢材(How to Choose a Knife Steel) 转载

 渊隆阁 2014-11-01

     其实还是那句老话话,没有最好,只有最合适。不同的钢材有不同的用途。就像世界上没有万灵药一样,其实也没有万能钢。问那种钢材最好,就像问那种药最好一样的幼齿。所以,基本上是用途决定你的选择。再说绝大多数的刀具钢材的选用都是折中了的。你要考虑的因素很多,比如说,耐腐蚀性,耐磨性,硬度或者强度,还或者你个人的预算了。有网友在论坛里说的一句话其实很不错:“你得在抗腐蚀性,强度,硬度和价格中选其三”。当然了,你实在不缺银子,那就买把 SM-100 (Nitinol 60) 钢材做的刀具。基本上是目前最完美的刀刃钢材了。目前很少有大厂采用,因为太贵。倒是又不少的小厂又定制服务。比如下图的Ferrum Forge  SM100 EDC , 就一把折叠小刀,没有一两万人民币是拿不下来的。除非骨灰级玩家,想必普通人也不会花上这么多钱买把切菜都嫌小的刀吧!

如何选择刀具的钢材(How to Choose a Knife Steel) - 如他 - 如    他
 Ferrum Forge Custom SM100 EDC Flipper Folding ($1399)
其实市场上还是有些不是那么昂贵的材料,有些 氮钢(nitrogen steels) 比如 Elmax 有接近SM-100的性能, 但说实话也不便宜。如果你懂得如何在四选三的特性中找到窍门,那么你可以省下不少银子。

抗腐蚀钢材(Corrosion Resistant Steels)

如果出海较多,或者在沼泽探险,在潮湿的环境工作,或者你的刀经常接触液体,削水果也算吧。那么一把耐腐蚀的刀会是不错的选择。抗腐蚀不仅是指不生锈,也指不易脏。你可能已经知道生锈回影响刀的性能,同样的容易脏的刀同样会降低性能。比如我使用过的那把 Kershaw Injection, 它用的是国产 8Cr13MoV钢材,性能直逼AUS-8. 价格相对便宜。但是在几次削玩水果后,刀刃上长了许多脏斑。于是当你再切水果或者是削东西的时候,增加了额外的摩擦力。在割绳子,切肉时感觉阻力更大 。不方便使用。所以在选购时要留点心。

目前我个人感觉有比较好的抗腐蚀性的钢材有: VG-10,the SAK steel 1.4116, M390,Elmax,Duratech 20CV,N690, Carpenter’s BD-1, 以及 S30V或 S35V. 还可以加上最近Kershaw 仅在美国使用的 Sandvik’s 14C28N。如果你不满足的话,那么可以选择一些特种钢,比如: H1, XT15, 或者 carbon deposited Titanium. 另外,刀刃的处理方式也会影响到其抗腐蚀性。一般磨砂刀面不如镜面的耐腐蚀。

高强度钢材(Tough Steels)


所以对于高强度的钢来说,我比较喜欢 154CM(硬度其实也很高), M4 (两者兼具),1095, 5160,SK-5,以及 AUS-8. 大名鼎鼎的3V(S30V,S35VN)系列不能不提。传说是目前做刀刃的最佳钢材。价格嘛,当然也和它的身份相符。个人而言,我最喜欢高韧度的钢材估计是1095。特别是经过 ESEE 和 Rowan 热处理的。这些钢相当吊,想砍就砍,想锯就锯,能撬能锤。另外SK-5我也比较喜欢。它比1095软很多,但是容易磨快。大部分高强度的钢都不是碳钢,易生锈,不太耐腐蚀。

硬钢(Hard Steels)
当今世风日下,人人喜欢硬的东西。越硬越牛B。所以大家都认为最硬就是最贵的。一些兵工厂往往一心关注研发硬度高的产品。一般用HRc值来衡量硬度。最硬的是钻石。 目前比较好的钢材集中在50-60之间。 ZDP-189 和 M4 用于生产刀具的 HRc 值可以高达 65。一些刀具定制商用过像 REX 121 超硬的合金。个人认为日常生活中根本没有必要使用这样的特殊硬质合金。如果你不喜欢磨刀的话,舍得花钱,硬钢应该被选用。

硬钢有我前面提到的ZDP-189 , M4,Elmax,M390, Carpenter’s CTS-XHP, 以及 CTS-204P。当然 Crucible’s S30V,S35VN(HRc=58-62), S90V,和 S110V 也是非常非常的硬。市场上大部分高端的刀刃基本选用稍软的S30V(HRc=57-59)。D2 (HRc=58-60) 也有可能是使用的最广泛的材料之一了。此外ATS-34 和 154CM也不错。


如果你不喜欢磨刀,估计你得花点银子买把硬度高的刀了。除了D2外,目前其它的钢材确实是越硬越贵。现在我磨刀的技术日益精进,所以就算一把 AUS-8 (HRc=57-59)做的刀也可以磨到锋利无比,甚至便宜的8Cr13MoV做的刀也是游刃有余。俗话说重剑无锋。磨刀的技术高了,随便买吧十来块钱的刀,在磨刀时上来回蹭两下,也是吹发即断啊!
话说如果钱不是问题,我还是想买把高硬度的刀啊。 CTS-XHP 兼有 D2 抗腐蚀性和 440C 高硬度; 如果是削东西, ZDP-189 和 M4都是超硬无比的材料. 喜欢狂砍的人应该选择 1095(HRc=56-58)。 彪悍的特性无需解释。热处理较好并镀过膜的 1095 刀刃是一个奇迹。 虽说刀刃的选择只有最适合,没有最好之说,但有些钢材还是不要碰。比如 420 太容易生锈了。(尽管经过Buck 热处理后已相当不错, 特别像 440C 甚至 VG-10). 但是我觉得 440C 也就是合格而已。应该避免选择 440 级别 (440B and 440A,HRc=55-57) 以下的钢材做刀刃。同时我也发现 VG-10 的刀锋钝得快。不过也容易磨块啦。

日常使用: ZDP-189。
户外或者高负荷使用: 1095 (不差钱就买S30V,S35VN)。
最具性价比: 14C28N。

Kershaw 1605:国产8CR13MOV钢材。
如何选择刀具的钢材(How to Choose a Knife Steel) - 如他 - 如    他
Ka-bar 军刀:
1095 Cro-van 钢材。
如何选择刀具的钢材(How to Choose a Knife Steel) - 如他 - 如    他
Ka-bar 5102: S35VN钢材。
如何选择刀具的钢材(How to Choose a Knife Steel) - 如他 - 如    他

ZDP-189,S30V,S35VNN690Co,ESEE 1095,14C28N,D2>154CM,VG-10,Benchmade 440C,Buck 420HC>CRKT and Kershaw 8Cr13MoV,5160,Leatherman 420HC,Cold Steel AUS 8,Boker 440C

13C26 Sndvik Steel: A scandinavian steel similar to 440A Stainless but considered more corrosion resistant. (.68 Carbon, .13 Chromium)

3CR13: A Chinese Stainless steel that is similar in quality to 420J2 (AUS 4) stainless steel. The following formula is a break down in the steel: Around 13% chromium and 3% carbon. It has a HRC of 52-55 making it relatively soft.

5CR13: A Chinese Stainless steel that is similar in quality to 420HC (AUS 6) stainless steel. The following formula is a break down in the steel: Around 13% chromium and 5% carbon. It has a HRC of 54-57 making it relatively soft.

7CR17MoV: A Chinese Stainless steel that is similar in quality to AUS6 stainless steel. Thefollwoing formula is a break down in the steel: 7CR part means it is 7% chromium and the 17MoV means .17% molybdenum  and .17% Vanadium 

8cr13MoV: A Chinese Stainless steel that is similar in quality to AUS8 stainless steel. Thefollwoing formula is a break down in the steel: 8CR part means it is 8% chromium and the 17MoV means .17% molybdenum  and .17% Vanadium .

154CM: Known as a crucible stainless steel, it is one of the newer stainless steels which, depending on manufacturer is as good or better than 440c or ATS 34 stainless steel. The Rockwell test is around HRC 58-61. A popular use for 154CM is in survival knives that may be exposed to salt water for long periods of time. 154CM stainless steel contains: Carbon 1.05%, Chromium 14.00%, Manganese 0.50%, Molybdenum 4.00%, and Silicon 0.30% 

420 Stainless Steel: A low carbon content (less than .5%) stainless steel which is extremely stain resistant but soft, making it a poor choice for every day or rough use.  It is, however a good choice for knives used around salt water (diving) and for decorative knives because of its rust resistant qualities.  It is often used in cheap imports.  This is probably the steel they are referring to when a company advertises “Surgical Steel.” It dulls quickly and is easily nicked, bent, blunted or broken due to being a soft steel. It is some times used as the liners on pocket knives instead of the more popular brass.

420F:  A stainless Steel with 12-14 Chromium and .15% carbon, used mostly in dental instruments.

420HC: A 420 stainless modified with more carbon, and normally a better heat treatment.  It is said to be roughly comparable to 440A. There is debate about this claim. Buck uses this in its Chinese imports as well as many of its USA made knives. It is also used by others.

420J Stainless Steel: Is a low carbon stainless steel which is used in lot of inexpensive imports, Some knife makers use it in the liners of their folding knives but not for blades. 420J is often  called quality surgical steel or Japanese steel. (The J has nothing to do with Japanese made steel).  420J has a high chromium content that gives it great corrosionresistance but is has lousy edge retention. It is a very soft steel whcih means it will knick and dull quickly.  It is often used in Novelty and Art/Decorative knives 

440 Razor Sharp Steel:  A Rough Rider Trademark blade etch normally found on the reverse side of the main blade.  While not specified, these knives usually have a Rockwell hardness rating of around 56-58HRC.

440 Stainless Steel: Any of the 440 series Stainless Steel.  When not specified it should be considered 440 A.

440 Series Stainless Steel: A term used to specify any of the 440 Stainless Steels. (440A, 440B, 440C)  Companies use the vague term for a number of reasons but it is probably used so that different types of 440 steel with varying heat treatments can be used on different blades without having to be specific.  This can be good or bad. Assume that the steel will be 440A unless it is verified otherwise.

440 Tested Sharp (Anvil): Another Rough Rider Trademark blade etch used on their 440 series stainless steel. It is normally found on the obverse side of the main blade. While not specified, these knives usually have a Rockwell hardness rating of around 56-58HRC.
440A Stainless Steel:   A common stainless steel considered good acceptable for every day use. It has good rust resistance, and holds a reasonable edge and sharpens easily.Carbon content is around .65-.75% Chromium is 16-18% and is around Molidium .75%. When a knife is marketed as 440 Stainless, this is the steel they mean.  440A has a maximum hardness of 56HRC.

440B Stainless Steel: Stainless Steel with a minimum of 0 .9% carbon.  440Bis tougher and will handle more abuse than 440A but will rust more easily. 440B has a maximum hardness of 58HRC. You normally do not see blades made with 440B steel. Most often they are made with the Japanese equivelent steel AUS8 steel.

440C Stainless Steel: Stainless Steel with a minimum of  1.2% carbon This is the hardest of the 440 series  It takes more abuse however it also rusts more easily than the other 440 series stainless steels.  440C can achieve a 60 HRC. At one time it was considered a stainless "Super Steel"

1095: 1095 is the steel used in many US Military fighting knives and is the de-facto industry standard for combat knives. It is one of the 10-series steels.  The 95 stands for .95% carbon content in the steel.  

AUS-6: Japanese stainless steel, roughly comparable to, if not slightly better than 440A (AUS-6, .65% carbon)

AUS-8: Japanese stainless steel, roughly comparable to, if not slightly better than 440B (AUS-6, .75% carbon)

AUS-10: Japanese stainless steel, roughly comparable to, if not slightly better than 440C (AUS-1.1% carbon)

Austentic Stainless Steel.  Stainless steel with at least 7%  nickel added, making the steel virtually useless for a knife blade.  Austentic stainless steel is normally non magnetic and is sometimes used for knife handles or liners due to its softeness.

Cro-Van :1095 Steel with added Chromium (1%) and Vanadium (.18%) to improve hardening and strength. The term usually refers to knives made by Ka-Bar. It is sometimesrefered to as semi-stainless carbons steel due to the added Chromium.

S30V: A registered trademarked steel of  Crucible Industries LLC. It is more correctly calledCPM S30V. It is a stainless steel with a compostion of Carbon 1.45%, Chromium 14.00%, Vanadium 4.00%, Molybdenum 2.00%. The Steel was developed by Dick Barber of Crucible Materials Corporation in collaboration with knifemaker Chris Reeve. CPM S30V is considered one of the Super Steel and is normally found in high-end tactical knives.

Sandvik Steel: Stainless steel of Scandinavian origin. Sandivk 13C26 is similar to 440A Stainless

 VG-10: A cutlery quality steel made by Takefu Special Steel co of Japan. Its prpoerties are Carbon:1.0% Chromium:15.0% Molybdenum:1.0% Vanadium:0.2% Cobalt:1.5% The steel is used by Spyderco and Kershaw. Itwas orginally designed for kitchen cutlery but quickly was adopted for sport and survival cutlery. It is often referred to a "Super Steel" due to its quality.

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