

 榆城古风 2014-11-07

该系列作品是Studio Oink为德国家具制造商Stattmann Neue M?bel拍摄的图册。该项目从拍摄选址到道具的所有内容均由Studio Oink全权负责。
Studio Oink进行布景并拍摄了所有图片。为了实现更好的拍摄效果,团队远赴布鲁塞尔进行拍摄。那里众多古老而独具特色的住宅十分符合拍摄主
题。Studio Oink希望作品呈现出介于北欧风格和日式风格之间的氛围,不希望照片过于花哨或刻意。照片意在营造舒适而清雅的气氛,让人们暂时

非常感谢Studio Oink将以下内容授权gooood发行。
Appreciation towards Studio Oink  for providing the following description:

Studio Oink latest styling and photography project for  Stattmann Neue M?bel

Studio Oink were responsible for the whole photo production for the Lookbook of "Stattmann Neue M?bel", a family furniture manufactory in
Germany. This means in detail, that Studio Oink choose the location and all the props. Studio Oin k styled the set and took also all the pictures
on them own. They went to Brussels for this shooting, because there you can find a variety of very old and special houses. Studio Oink concept
was to create a set design which is in between a scandinavian and Japanese mood. They don’t want pictures, which look too sleek and artificial.
Studio Oink gain was to create a comfortable and fragile atmosphere, where the observer feels sheltered and calm / serene.

All credits ( styling and photography ) goes to Studio Oink: www.
Stattmann Neue M?bel: http://
designer ( of the chairs and table ) Sylvain Willenz: http://www.

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