
大平衡——第三章 大平衡(上)

 chezhou 2014-11-08
上 篇 平衡理念
Volume I Idea of Balance
Chapter 3 Great Balance
I. The Great Balance is the first principle of the universe, and fundamental law of nature, society and man.
“大”, 即大自然、大社会,“大人”德高者,“大法”根本法则。“大心”内心世界,“大致、大体”相对的意思。
“Greatness” refers to great nature, great society. “Great men” are people of good moral standing; “great laws” are fundamental ones; “great minds” are people’s inner world, and “in general” is of a relative meaning.
“Balance” is the first principle of the cosmos, and the starting point, process, state, terminal and law of development. Balance is the reason for existence. It is a “being” of “reason” and of “thing” as well, and more, the same being of “matter, reason, cause and result.”
II. “Balance” in the past:
“平衡”最早见于《汉书'律历志 上》“准正,则平衡而钧权矣。”① 平衡指衡器两端承受的重量相等。引申为相关方面在数量或质量上均等或大致相等。② 平衡亦称“均衡”。过去在哲学上指矛盾暂时的相对统一或协调。事物发展稳定、有序的标志之一。平衡与不平衡相对,二者相互转化、相反相成。一般分为动态平衡和静态平衡。
“Balance” first appeared in Part One, Bibliography of Calendar, the History of Han: “With the criterion in place, it is balanced and the two ends are of the same weight.” 1. Balance refers to the weights at the two ends of the beam are equal. By extension it means related aspects are equal or roughly equal in quantity or quality. 2. Balance, also called “equilibrium,” refers to temporary relative unity or coordination of contradictions in philosophy. It is one of symbols that things develop in a steady and orderly way. Balance is opposed to imbalance; the two change into each other, oppose yet complement each other. It is generally divided into dynamic balance and static balance.
III. Balance theories in the past:
① 东汉唯物主义哲学家王充(公元27—约公元97),他认为“天地合气,万物自生,犹夫妇合气,子自生矣”(《论衡'自然》)。是“气”的自我运动产生万物,不存在有意志的造物者。
1. Wang Chong (27-97 A.相等。引申为相关方面在数量或质量上均等或大致相等。② 平衡亦称“均衡”。过去在哲学上指矛盾暂时的相对统一或协调。事物发展稳定、有序的标志之一。平衡与不平衡相对,二者相互转化、相反相成。一般分为动态平衡和静态平衡。
“Balance” first appeared in Part One, Bibliography of Calendar, the History of Han: “With the criterion in place, it is balanced and the two ends are of the same weight.” 1. Balance refers to the weights at the two ends of the beam are equal. By extension it means related aspects are equal or roughly equal in quantity or quality. 2. Balance, also called “equilibrium,” refers to temporary relative unity or coordination of contradictions in philosophy. It is one of symbols that things develop in a steady and orderly way. Balance is opposed to imbalance; the two change into each other, oppose yet complement each other. It is generally divided into dynamic balance and static balance.
III. Balance theories in the past:
① 东汉唯物主义哲学家王充(公元27—约公元97),他认为“天地合气,万物自生,犹夫妇合气,子自生矣”(《论衡'自然》)。是“气”的自我运动产生万物,不存在有意志的造物者。
1. Wang Chong (27-97 A.D.), materialist philosopher of the Eastern Han Dynasty, believed that “Qi between heaven and earth produces all things on earth. It is like when Qi of parents is integrated, from which a child is born.” (Nature, Discussion about Balance) The self-movement of “Qi” produces all things, while there is no conscious Creator.
② 法国的孔德先生和英国的斯宾塞先生所主张的哲学方面的“平衡论”,亦称“均衡论”。其主要观点是“把事物发展的相对平衡绝对化的形而上学理论”。认为平衡、渐变是正常的,不平衡则是反常的。
2. Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the “Balance Theory” in the field of philosophy, also called “Equilibrium Theory.” Its major content is a “metaphysical theory to make absolute the relative balance of development.” It holds that balance and gradual change is normal, whereas imbalance is abnormal.
③ 前苏联布哈林先生提出的经济平衡和社会平衡的“动的平衡”观点。主张在过渡时期,通过强制征集粮食、实行义务劳动和平均分配等违背价值规律的不平衡手段,达到当时苏联自然经济体系的平衡。
3. Nikolai Bukharin of former Soviet Union put forward the concept of “balance of movement” about economic balance and social balance. The concept is to achieve the balance of natural economic system of former Soviet Union by unbalanced measures against law of value in transitional periods, such as forced grain collecting, voluntary labor and equal distribution.
④ 近年来人们从行业角度提出的平衡或平衡论。如:普里高金先生“耗散结构论”中的“自组织平衡”,英国学者的“自由和责任的平衡”,北京大学马寅初教授、罗豪才教授提出的“人口与资源平衡”、“行政法学平衡论”等。
4. In recent years people put forward concepts of balance or balance theories from the industrial perspective, such as the “self-organization balance” in the “Dissipative Structure” by Ilya Prigogine, the “balance between freedom and responsibility” by British scholars, and the “balance between population and resources” and the “balance theory on administrative law” proposed by professors Ma Yinchu and Luo Haocai of Beijing University.
The concept of “balance” discussed in above balance theories is basically static.
IV. “Balance” in the Great Balance philosophy: “Balance” in the Great Balance philosophy is the first principle of the cosmos, a changing being. It is the starting point, process, state, terminal and law of development. Balance is “golden mean,” “middle” and “harmony,” and the highest level is “appropriateness.” Balance, also called equilibrium, is the state of development, shown as coordination, harmony, victory, success, concern, delight, love, happiness, respect, orderliness, normality, profit, favorable weather, existence… Balance and imbalance “oppose to each other, but are rooted in each other; integrate and repeat in cycles, develop into a unified one, and exist from beginning to end,” constructing a pair of philosophical concepts.
“大平衡”既是 “理”的存在,又是 “物”的存在,更是二者的融合自因自为自然的存在。这个“存在”可以是“有”可以是“无”,还可以是“有、无”的共同存在。这个“存在”既可以“风平浪静、和风细雨、轻歌曼舞”,还可以“飞沙走石、枪林弹雨、天崩地裂”。平衡是“渐变突变、持续间断、有序无序、和谐抗争”的有机统一。是一个动态的、相对的、大致和大体的宇宙系统的存在。
The “Great Balance” is a being of “reason” and of “matter” as well; and furthermore, it is a natural being combining the two with self cause and self conduct. The “being” can be “existence” or “nonexistence” or one combing “existence” and “nonexistence.” The “being” can “be calm and tranquil, like a gentle breeze and light rain, sing softly and dance with grace and ease;” it can also “whirl up sand and roll along stones, be roaring guns and flying bullets, and make the sky fall and the earth crack.” Balance is an organic unity of “gradual change and sudden change, constancy and interruption, order and disorder, harmony and conflict.” It is a static, relative, and general being.
As for the same thing, people may have different views from different perspectives. Some consider it “balanced” while others believe that it is “unbalanced.” Some deem it “unbalanced” while others consider it “balanced.” This is a normal phenomenon and will exist forever. But whether it is “balanced or not” should be judged by comments from the people and historical development.
V. Comparison between present balance and past balance: In the past people believed that calmness, orderliness, harmony, reason or living in peace was balance; if not, it was not balance. The “balance” discussed in the Great Balance Theory is different from that in physics, chemistry, economics or some ordinary philosophical studies. Moreover, we cannot just think that balance is harmony, stability, proceeding in an orderly and gradual way, no confrontation, and no conflict. On the contrary, the Great Balance Theory not only does not exclude conflict, but also holds that during the process that things develop towards self-balance, sometimes the conflict is so violent, even ruthless and hard to imagine. Besides, conflict is not always bad; it can probably be good. Things usually grow, develop and get stronger in conflict. As “the opposite is the source of movement,” balance starts from conflict. Balance usually grows in conflict. Without conflict, there is no balance. But the goal of conflict is balance, not conflict. Conflict is the way while balance is the goal.
In summary, balance is the noumenon of the cosmos. When nothing came into being it was there; when things were born it wasthere; and even at the singularity point where all disappeared, it was still there… All are different states of balance. Balance is the organic unity of theism and atheism, matter and spirit, being and consciousness. They are two forms of address for the same thing. If there were no balance, there would be no world. “Balance” exists independently, and at the same time is present in all things as the reason for their existence. And therefore, balance is not absolute; it exists in opposition to everything in the world. Balance is the fundamental mechanism for the existence and development of nature, society, and man, and myriad of things exist in this mechanism.
六、大平衡的研究对象依然是:自然、社会、人。目的:自我提升,保障生存。 VI. The objects for research of the Great Balance Theory are nature, society and man. The goal is to improve man himself and guarantee subsistence.
大平衡的最高境界,始终是“天地人”和谐相宜的一个“适”字。 The highest level of the Great Balance Theory is “harmony” among the heaven, earth and man.
大平衡的前提理念——诚信。“无诚无物”,“无信不立”。真实就是力量。 The prerequisite idea of the Great Balance Theory is “honesty and credit.” “Without honesty there would be no substance,” and “without credit, one cannot get along with the world.” Truth is power.
VII. The five basic opinions of the Great Balance Theory:
1. All the things in the world are always in dynamic movement between balance and imbalance. (This is the general state.)
Natural sciences tell us that all those in nature, from elementary particles as small as no inner structure to the cosmos without boundary, from primitive organism to man of today, are without exception in spontaneous and eternal evolution and periodic cycles -- emergence, growth, expansion, disappearance and orderly and successive movement.
Examples include: in nature, alternation between the sun and moon, rotation of four seasons, and growth and harvest; in human society, fighting or yielding for interest, confrontation and dialogue, war and peace, economy and humanities; man’s subsistence, health, entry into schools of a higher grade, courtship, employment, marriage, pay raise, promotion, rejoice, happiness, honor, etc. Man and nature, person and person, man and himself combine and mingle to form a holographic scene of orderly and successive movement, penetrating and transformation, and of cause-and-effect cycle. The scene is full of contradictions, and permeated with law of “the unity of opposites” for contradiction. The movement of everything is the law of “the unity of opposites,” a movement of “reason.” The Great Balance Theory holds that the movement should also be movement of the cause of “unity of opposites” -- “balance and imbalance” and, “matter and reason.” And therefore, all the things in the world are without exception in dynamic movement between balance and imbalance.
2. Things have the nature to keep and develop towards self-balance. (This is the law of self cause.) 事物趋向自身平衡的本性,即事物与生俱来的“求生”本能。表现为事物本能地呼应规律的运动。万事万物都有追求自身平衡的本性。如太阳、月亮自然循环、地球自己公转自转;初生动物自动求食、生、长、成、亡、新陈代谢、趋利避害;植物的生、长、收、藏、光合作用,生态系统的“自净作用”。人体自身的“免疫功能”、体内水液自动调节、细胞DNA自动修复。大宇宙熵值的自动增高、自我调节。自然界食物链、相生相克链的自然循环。还有原子内电子的“自我保护”等等。所有这些都是它们“与生俱来” 的求生本能,并非“人”力所为。该本能驱使事物在不平衡时极力趋向平衡,达到平衡则竭力保持平衡,后又伺机趋向新的平衡以至无穷……。
The nature of things developing toward self-balance is their instinct to “seek subsistence,” shown as movements instinctively following laws. All things in the world have the nature to pursue self-balance, such as the natural cycle of the sun and moon, and the revolution and rotation of the earth; newly born animals’ instinct to look for food, their birth, growth, maturity, death, metabolism, and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages; the birth, growth, collection and photosynthesis of plants, and “self-purification function” of ecosystem; immunity function of human body, automatic regulation of body fluid, and automatic repair of DNA in cells; automatic increase and self-regulation of the cosmic entropy power; natural cycles of food chain and the chain of producing and overcoming each other; and the “self-protection” of electrons inside the atom. All these are their inborn instinct to seek subsistence, not artificial. The instinct drives things to try hard to a balanced state when unbalanced, keep balance when reaching a balanced state, and then look for new balance till infinite…
自然界,生态环境本身具有的“自净作用”,是大气、水、土壤等受到污染之后,自身能够通过物理、化学或生物的作用,使其组成成分逐渐“自动恢复”到原状态的功能。“趋向稳态”是构成生物、自然最基本的前提和条件,“自调”是维持这种稳态的基础保证。生物的 “新陈代谢”都具有非常“巧妙”的自动配位和自我调节的机制……
The “self-purification function” of nature and the ecological environment is that when the air, water and soil are polluted, they can, by physical, chemical or biological actions, make their components “restore automatically” to original functions. The “trend toward a steady state” is the most fundamental premise and condition constructing creatures and nature. “Self-regulation” is a basic guarantee to maintain such a steady state. Creatures’ “metabolism” has the ingenious mechanism of automatic coordination and self-regulation…
  社会领域,生产关系本身就有适合生产力发展的一面,才能与社会协调达到一定的平衡。虽然这种动态平衡常常会被打破,但随后又会自发地追求新的平衡,否则,这种生产关系就不可能产生。上层建筑与经济基础也是如此。在商品经济中,尽管商品的价格时高时低,但总体来看,价格却总是“自发“地围绕价值上下波动趋近平衡。 I
n the social field, relations of production fit in with the development of productive forces in one aspect, and then the two can coordinate with the society and achieve balance at a certain level. Although such dynamic balance is often broken, it then spontaneously pursues new balance. Otherwise, such relations of production cannot come into being. So are the superstructure and the economic base. In the commodity economy, although the commodity price rises and falls, in general it is always fluctuating “by itself” around the value towards balance.
我们把以上“自我调节、自动恢复、自动配位、自净作用、自趋稳态”等等,称作 “自己运动”,而不是外力“安排”。“自己运动”即事物发展的动力在于事物内部的特性。自然界和人类社会的一切事物内部都包含着矛盾,都具有相互排斥、相互对立而又相互统一的倾向。这种“倾向”、“内因”导致了事物的“自己运动”。这个“本性”——趋向自身平衡的生存本性,有如中医讲的人体本身的“自稳平衡”能力,西医称为“人体本身具有的免疫功能”,是万物都有的生存本能。万物“自己运动”时,“外因是变化的条件,内因是变化的根据,内因通过外因而起作用”。
We call “self-regulation, automatic restoration, automatic coordination, self-purification function, and self-tendency toward a steady state” mentioned above “self-movement,” not arranged by external forces. “Self-movement” is a characteristics of things that the impetus for development comes from inside. All the things in nature and human society contain contradictions inside, which tend to repel, oppose each other and unite. Such a “tendency” or“internal factor” causes the “self-movement” of things. And this “nature,” the nature of all things inclining to self-balance for subsistence, is something like the “self-stability and balance” of human body in Chinese medicine, which is called “immunity function of the human body itself” in Western medicine. In the case of 'self-movement' of all things, 'external factors are the conditions for change, internal factors are the basis for change. The internal factors function through external factors.'
亚里士多德先生说:自然界的运动有两种,一种是天然运动,一种是被迫运动。轻的东西有“轻性”,如气、火,它们天然地向上走;重的东西有“重性”,如水、土,它们天然地向下跑。这种天然运动是由它们的本性决定的。世间万物都向往它们各自的天然位置,都有各归其所的倾向……。轻的东西的天然处所在上面,重的东西的天然处所在下面,在各归其所倾向的支配下,它们自动地出自本能向上或向下运动。虽然这些运动的形式有所不同,但目的只有一个,那就是:求生——求活。如果万物没有这个“自因、自为、自然、自在” 的本能追求,只是依靠外部条件,那万物将不得生存。事物发展的动力正是源于这种趋向自身平衡的内在本性——生存。
According to Aristotle, movement in nature is classified into two kinds: natural movement and forced movement. Light things have the “light nature,” such as gas and fire, going up naturally; heavy things have the “heavy nature,” such as water and earth, going down naturally. Such natural movements are decided by their nature. Everything in the world has its natural position and tends to go to stay at its proper place… The natural place for light things is high above while that for heavy things is down below. Controlled by the tendency to stay at the proper place, they automatically and instinctively move upwards or downwards. Although forms of movement are different, the goal is the same – to survive or to be alive. If things did not pursue instinctively “self cause, self conduct, natural presence, and self existence,” and just relied on external conditions, all things would not survive. The driving force of development originates in the nature of the tendency toward self-balance – subsistence.
Although of all these there is no absolute balance as there is relative and better balance, it is certain that things have the nature to maintain and develop toward self-balance.
3. The development of things is an eternal movement from balance to imbalance, to new balance… (This is the law of movement.)

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