

 昵称20669841 2014-11-30
E-mail is certainly not secure. While you may believe that the use of a password makes your business private, you should be aware that sending information without encryption has been likened to sending postcards through the mail. Your message is totally open to interception by anyone along the way. You may believe that your personal e-mail is not incriminating and does not contain content that you must keep secret, and you may be right. But there are many common situations, where users have a legitimate need for security both to protect that information and to insure that information is not tampered with: Consumers placing orders with credit cards via the Internet, journalists protecting their sources, therapists protecting client files, businesses communicating trade secrets to foreign branches, ATM transactions, political dissenters, or whistle-blowers -- all are examples of why encryption may be needed for e-mail or data files, and why it might be necessary to create a secure environment through its use.

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