

 一戒窖藏 2014-12-09



节操何在 describes someone, something sleazy or nasty but actually it's a positive wordwith comic relief

这不科学 means it doesn't make sense at all or unbelievable

你为何这么屌 means how did you become such amazing

不作死就不会死 No zuo no die why you try, you try you diedon't ask why. Here, zuo(作) means try something dangerous. Thisphrase is used to mock up sb. who tried something dangerous or against tohimself.

哭晕在厕所 Someone is so angry/upset that he/she cries and blacks out in the toilet. Itis always used for amusement.例句:她最新的专辑首周大卖三百张,哭晕在厕所。

语法注释:It's already a pattern: verb 晕在厕所(black out in the toilet)
e.g. 气晕在厕所(some one is so angry that he/she blacks out in the toilet), 笑晕在厕所(laughing so hard and black out...), etc.

没图你说个贾斯汀比伯 People usually say this when they require to see a picture of what you justdiscribed. The literal translation would be (If there is no picture you're aretalking a Justin Bieber. The acronym of Justin Bieber is JB, which means penisin Chinese. Penis can mean a lot in Chinese, but in this particular context, itbasically means “nothing”.例句: A: 刚看见一个人长得好像贾斯汀比伯! B: 没图你说个贾斯汀比伯。

语法注释:adj 得/到没朋友(somebody is too ... to have any friend. It can be used as a compliment, withthe implication of self-mockery. Or it can be used as self-mockery completelywith a negative adjective. It can be offensive if you use this phrase with anegative adjective on other people.)

美得没朋友(beautiful) 帅到没朋友(handsome) 丑得没朋友 (ugly) 穷到没朋友(poor)

那画面太美我不敢看 Thescene is too beautiful for me to look at. It rarely takes the literal meaning,but usually the opposite as a sarcasm.

去年买了个登山包 F*ckoff

可耻地匿了 shamefully preserve anonymity

真是给跪了 to kneel down. When it is used on aperson, it either indicates that someone is outstanding in an area that youadmire him/her, or occasionally someone behaves in an extremely peculiar waythat you cannot understand. When it is used on an object, it implies that youare unconfindent of overcoming it. It is a clipped version of 'someone/something 跪下了'.


注孤生 Aclipped version of 注定孤独一生doomed to be alone all his/her life

逗逼 or 逗比 (dou4 bi1) both noun and adjective. Itdescribes someone who provides great amusement usually by making him/herselflooking silly.

吃货 People use this to describe someone wholoves to eat in a fanatic way (but not psychologically unhealthy) and they findthat somewhat adorable. It is very rarely used in assaults.

不忍直视 Something's too ugly or messed up that I can't even lay my eyes on it.

人生赢家 or 人赢 awinner of life. It describes someone who is successful in almost everything.


学霸=sb. that always gets high grades

学渣= the opposite of 学霸

泥煤=你妹=go to hell

前方高能 it's probably followed by something very amusing

多图杀猫 thereare so many pictures that would make your modem faile to work

逼格 thelevel of 装逼(showoff)

怒答 could'twait to answer the question


就酱 that'sit

卖萌 try to be cute to win favor

么么哒 momodato express affection

阿西吧/我勒个去 oh my god

你造麽do you know

人艰不拆 now that life is such toughplease don't unmask me

累觉不爱 too tired to love anyone

语死早 abbreviatedversion of 语文老师死的早 that mean someone's Chinese teacher (语文老师)allegedly passed away way too early (死的早) sothat he didn't learn enough to understand other people's words.

数体教 abbreviated version of 数学是体育老师教的that means someone's math classes was tought by a PE teacher. The latter's mathskills are usually quite bad, so this phrase is used to say that someone's mathis miserable.

我伙呆Meand my buddies shitted our pants! It's a very popular meme in 2013.

means He-girl,a girl who acts like man

233 means LOL

卧槽 means WTF

is a Chinese character which is widelyused as an emotion

高富帅 describes a male who is tall, rich andhandsome

白富美 describes a female who is white, rich andbeautiful

好基友 means very good friend

搞基 means hangout with somegood friends. This phase is normally used to indicate friends with samegender, especially men.

V is BigV, the verified people who have many followers on Sina Weibo.

土豪 literally means 'local tyrant', arich guy.

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