
(Most amazing) Cranberry Cream Cheese Chip

 EllenH69 2014-12-22

Most Amazing Cranberry Cream-Cheese Chip Dip


1 (12oz) package fresh cranberries

1-2 jalapenos without seeds, depending on desired taste. (I used 2 and loved it – it’s not spicy!

bunch green onions

– ? C chopped fresh cilantro (I used 2 entire bunches, the crowd loved it – not too overpowering)

C sugar

teaspoon cumin

1 Tablespoon lemon juice

2 (8oz) packages cream cheese, softened


Finely chop cranberries, jalapenos, green onions, and cilantro. Using a food processor is nice and easy!  Mix together. Add sugar, cumin, and lemon juice. Stir and serve over cream cheese with crackers.

Notes: I didn’t use the green onions or cumin last time, and it was still amazing. Be playful with it! Don’t concentrate too much on measurements. I basically eyeball it every time and it’s never disappointed me.

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