

 Albert说英闻 2021-03-07

背景音乐:Sleepless beauty - sacred beauty air mix


Wall Street Journal/华尔街日报:

Chinese consumers, who five years ago barely knew what a cranberry was, now snack on the dried berries and toss them into smoothies and baked goods believing they are healthful and unique. Their increased appetite for the Craisin has helped vault China to the second-largest export market for U.S. processed cranberries in 2016, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, behind the Netherlands.

Cranberry experts point to a number of reasons for its sudden popularity, including the appeal of a red fruit in a country where that color connotes good fortune. In addition, new e-commerce sites in China have helped U.S. companies introduce American staples to Chinese shoppers.

Fred LaVenuta

I love cranberries. I have a glass of cranberry juice daily and put Craisins (dried cranberries) on my morning cereal. Very good stuff.

Dan Laroque

Wolfberries have been the rage for decades in China, especially in tea. The cranberry has much better taste and medicinal properties.


What a nice story! This could be a great American export. China doesn't have much land suitable for growing cranberries.

Bryan Smith

The cranberry is a good source of vitamin 'C'. They will have to work more on the 'hina' however!

Daniel Cerny

Soon China will grow their own, and we'll buy it on Alibaba.

cranberry 蔓越莓;小红莓

snack on… 把…当零食吃

smoothie 水果奶昔

healthful 对健康有益的

Craisin 小红莓干

vault 撑杆跳

export market 出口市场

connote 意味着

staple 主食

cereal 麦片

wolfberry/Goji berry 枸杞

rage 流行

medicinal 药的;药物的

property 特性;属性




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