
Shanghai labor union adds 655 breastfeeding rooms

 3gzylon 2014-12-29

2014-12-29 09:10 Shanghai Daily Web Editor: Qian Ruisha

Breastfeeding rooms have been set up at 655 city workplaces and public places since the start of an initiative 18 months ago, officials said yesterday.

The "Love Mummy House" scheme was launched in June 2013 by the Shanghai labor union and has a target of 1,000 rooms by 2016.

It aims to create convenient, comfortable and private places for new mothers to feed their babies at workplaces, parks, shopping malls, hospitals and other public places, said union officials.

It seeks to promote breastfeeding in the city as many mothers returning to work after maternity leave of three to four months stop breastfeeding due to the lack of suitable locations and facilities.

"I'm glad that the program has been supported and praised by both employers and employees," said Shao Xinyu, director of the labor union's department of female employees

Some 3 million yuan (US$481,660) will be used to add facilities to rooms, such as TV sets, refrigerators, massage armchairs and sterilizers for breast pumps and nursing bottles, Shao said.

Training on the management of breastfeeding rooms, laws and regulations protecting women's rights and emergency first aid will also be provided, according to Shao.

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