

 一生灬桀骜 2015-02-08

王冉:1970年生于北京,北京美协会员、中国国家画院苗重安工作室画家、山水画研修院研修员。从小跟随父亲学画、目睹耳染,深受父亲启迪和熏陶走上绘画道路。又师从苗重安、王中年、张广志等书画大家。作品多次参加北京市、及国家各类画展屡获大奖,深受评委及观众好评。作品多次发表报刊、杂志及电视专题片均相报道宣传。极具潜力实力派画家,作品被国内外友人、机构及爱好者收藏,深得藏家追捧。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" />

Wang Ran: born in 1970 in Beijing, Beijing Artists Association, China National Academy of painting, landscape painting studio artists Miao Chong an academy training. I followed his father to see, ears dyed, enlightenment and edification by father went on drawing road. And under the tutelage of Miao Chong an, Wang Zhongnian, Zhang Guangzhi, painting and calligraphy. Many works in Beijing City, and national art exhibitions many awards, well received by the judges and audience. Her works have been published in newspapers, magazines and television topic piece homogeneous publicity. Potential power painter, works by the domestic and foreign friends, and lovers collection, much sought after by collectors







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