This widget calendar is analog of standard calendar widget, with updated look to match style of 'SiMi Clock' widget (all credits are going to its author)

Support a lot of configuration options:
Different skins,
Possibility to choose which calendars to show
Font and background customization
Show or hide current day of month
Possibility to choose which application to open

Works with android version 2.3 and 2.2

這是模擬部件日曆日曆組件的標準,更新的外觀與風格相匹配的“西米時鐘”小工具(所有學分將它的作者)支持大量的配置選項:不同的皮膚,可能選擇的日曆顯示的字體和背景自定義顯示或隱藏當前月的天可能選擇哪個應用程序打開 ...

* How to add widget to home screen
On phone home screen press 'menu', then 'add', click on 'widgets' and choose 'Simple Calendar Widget' from the list
(If you can't press add button for some reason, workaround is to press and hold any space on the home screen and a menu pops up)
On most of devices with Android 4.0 widget can be found under 'Widgets' tab in app drawer
* Can't find simple calendar in list of Widgets
Try to restart home launcher application (or device)
* Re-size widget
Android 3.0+ supports by default. For older Android versions this can be dome by installing alternative home launcher application
* Options missing since Simple Calendar Widget 2.3 update (Alternative layouts, Line color, Scrollable hack)
The options can be found in menu under Skin -> Simi Skin -> Alternative layouts/Options
* Show weather forecast on the widget
Just set it up in settings of desktop version of Google calendar.
For steps just search for 'Weather forecasts in your calendar' in Google.
* Include more interesting calendars like holidays, birthday dates or sport news.
Search for 'Add interesting calendars from Google Calendar' and follow the instructions

READ CALENDAR - access to the calendar information
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Backup to sd-card,
BILLING - Used by Donate button in order to communicate with Android Market

People in some countries reports that thy cannot upgrade to the latest version, if you have this problem update it from AndroidPIT market ( )


5 18,990
4 6,179
3 1,850
2 807
1 1,471
每日更新任務太慢 日曆上的活動幾乎不會更新 要再自己新增一個桌面小工具才會更新到今天日期 很不方便 不然介面做的不錯 可惜
nexus 7 2013超級耗電 不知道為什麼,裝在sony xperia z很好,但是在nexus 7 2013 就極耗電啊
terry li
超级耗电 以前用得很好,现在耗电几乎能赶上屏幕耗电
qiang fu
it doesn't display tasks after gtask updated 此app在gtask升级后无法显示待办事项
習慣有這個app了…可惜無法在HTC eye開啟使用,能改善嗎?
Angela Hung
Widget disappear ed after reboot The widget disappear ed everytime after power off or reboot


* SimpleCalendarWidget is now owned by
* Fix donation bug
* Add icons and information
* Other minor bugfixes


1,000,000 - 5,000,000
需要 Android
2.1 或以上版本
每項 HK$7.66
前往網站 電郵至
MyColorScreen15615 Alton Parkway, Suite 320Irvine, CA 92618


Calendar Widget: Month+Agenda

This is a simple calendar widget where the month view and today's agenda are combined together. It gives you a good overview of your events at hand in your home screen.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a trial version with NO TIME LIMIT. After 7 days, you will be asked to buy the license key to unlock more options and support further development. But you could continue use this app for free as long as you want until you decide to buy it or not.

ALSO NOTE: It is NOT a calendar app. It's only a widget. To make it work you should add it on your home screen (like on the screenshots).

· Synced with Google calendars
· Shows markers for dates with events
· Shows today's agenda
· Shows week numbers (optional)
· Opens default calendar app by taping on date
· Beautiful and clean design
· Looks similar to HTC Calendar Widget (from HTC Sense)

The app still in BETA stage and may be not perfectly stable, so if you are getting problems or have any ideas, please let me know at

Don't forget to rate and comment it if you like it :-)

Google 日曆

安裝 Android 手機和平板電腦專用的官方 Google 日曆應用程式,您就能省下大把時間並充分利用每一天。
· 全新的 [時間表] 視圖 - 顯示目的地的相片和地圖,讓活動內容一目了然。
· 與 Gmail 完美整合 - 電子郵件中的航班、飯店、演唱會和餐廳預訂等活動資訊會自動新增到您的日曆中。
· 日曆填寫輔助功能 - 系統會提出有關活動標題、地點和人員的明智建議,讓您能快速建立活動。
· 多種日曆瀏覽方式 - 您可以只查看某一日的活動,也能一次查看多日活動,並在不同瀏覽方式之間快速切換。
· 所有日曆集中於一處,讓您輕鬆查看 - Google 日曆支援您手機上的所有日曆,包括 Exchange。

Month Calendar Widget

This is a simple calendar widget inspired in the former Calendar from Yahoo! Widgets. It just shows one month at a time, letting you navigate to previous and next months. If you were looking for a simple way to have a month calendar at hand in your Home screen, this widget is for you.

NEW IN 1.7.1:
Lockscreen extension users will find the widget in the list again
Link to extension apps in the Play Store fixed

· The calendar in Month Calendar Widget (MCW) is a home screen widget. The screen you'll see when opening the app is not the calendar, it's an introduction screen that tries to explain how to put the widget to work (more details below)
· MCW has been published here for more than 3 years. Its main purpose was always to provide a simple way to check dates on the home screen. It was never meant to be a calendar app to manage events. And it's free, and will always be (this is a rule enforced by Google).
· Since many people asked for events management, I have published the Calendar Events extension (a paid app). The reason it's a separate download is twofold: 1. People who want a lightweight calendar don't get overwhelmed by features they don't need 2. Making it a paid app helps me justify dedicating effort to continue publishing apps here in the Play Store

First of all, don't try to 'open' this calendar. It's a home screen widget, widgets work right on the Android home screen after you place them there. This is the way clock and weather widgets work, for example.
The introduction screen has more information. Just tap the 'Get started' button to learn more.

In case you have problems putting MCW to work, please visit the new Google+ community:

Perfect! Then you can help me by:
· Spreading the word about the app: Tell your friends about it, specially in social media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc
· Writing a review here: Write a nice review here and 5-star this app ;) (just kidding, be honest about the rating)
· Purchasing one of the extensions: You can purchase here on Google Play a Lockscreen extension and now a Calendar Events extension
· Making a donation: You can do it from the app's Settings screen or from http://mobiledevjourney./2012/05/im-accepting-donations.html

Thanks in advance!

If you have problems installing/using the widget, have found a bug or just want to make a feature suggestion, join the Google+ community or drop me an e-mail. I appreciate your feedback. I speak Spanish, English and Portuguese, and usually respond within 24 business hours.
You can reach me also on Twitter (!/Jose_GD)

Find Month Calendar Widget's source code in GitHub:

Calendar Widget

The Android calendar widget is home screen widget for your Android device. It displays a list of upcoming calendar events so that you can easily have a glimpse at your upcoming appointments. Tap on an entry to jump right into your calendar.

The app is open source. Do you want to contribute to the project? Start by translating the widget to another language. Visit the project at and be part of the next release. :)


* Displays all events from your calendars
* Automatically updates when you add/delete/modify an event
* Select only the calendars you want to see in the widget
* Customize colors of the widget background and texts
* Scroll through the list of upcoming events
* Customize the text size of the widget
* Fully resizable widget
* Indicators for alerts and recurring events
* Supports Android tablets

The widget is completely open source and you can find all the code and graphic elements up on github:

DigiCal 日曆

★“DigiCal 是一款功能實用,界面簡潔的日曆應用,推薦大家試試。” - 愛範兒
★“DigiCal 日曆是一款很實用、功能完整、介面漂亮的行事曆。” - 電腦玩物
★'就主打著介面簡潔、功能實用,並且跟Google的特色整合。” - Android 資料雜誌
DigiCal是一款時尚且使用者易用的日曆應用,可以與Google Calendar、Outlook.com和Exchange同步你的所有約會。
直觀的使用者介面 - ANDROID HOLO明、暗主題
乾淨和直觀的使用者介面可用於可運行Android 2.2+的智慧型手機和平板裝置。
6 款精美,易於自訂的(鎖定螢幕)小工具
使用此功能,Google Now (Android 4.1+)可知道你需要去哪裡。如果已儲存此位置,它會查看當前交通,計畫路線並在你應該離開時通知你。
- 全球氣象預報可用在所有日曆檢視和部件類型中。
- 今日和未來2天的氣象預報。
- 詳細氣象資訊: 濕度、降水、氣壓、雲量、風力、日出和日落。
訂閱高級氣象預報 (附加功能)
- 未來48小時每小時發佈一次和未來15日每3小時發佈一次的氣象預報詳情。
- 互動式氣溫和降水圖表。
- 輕鬆管理位置:選擇並儲存你最愛的地方。
支援Google Now (Android 4.1+),在該去約會時會通知你,可計畫路線、查看交通並計算路途時間Google Now (Android 4.1+)
DIGICAL+ (付費版) 高級功能
★ 無廣告
查看使用教程和常見問題解答,請訪問我們的支援頁面: https://digibites./hc




- 直觀的設計和可用性
- 美麗的設計和主題(默認情況下,現代的,黑暗的,半透明的,等等)
- 各種小部件的大小支持
- 兼容其他日曆應用程序(你可以啟動從日曆小工具其他日曆應用程序)
- 使用默認的Andr??oid日曆應用程序同步
- 讀取從默認的Andr??oid日曆應用程序的日曆約會
- 支持拒絕事件的可見性
- 支持的週數能見度
- 支持星期開始一天的選項



Month: 日曆小工具

Month是一個現代, 美麗, 實用日曆的小工具組合

● 超過70種手工製作主題的美麗小工具

● 完美無暇的與您使用的任何一種主頁面配置整合為一體

● 與Google日曆同步

● 顯示日曆的活動

● 顯示朋友的生日

● 支援陰曆

● 從小工具快速檢視您的行程表/代辦事項

● 選擇您要顯示哪些日曆

● 便捷, 現代, 直覺的Material Design使用者介面

用心製作 ?

GO 日历小部件

GO 日历小部件是基于GO桌面的日历类应用,提供快速浏览每月日程及当日日程安排,上下划动切换每月日历,更可以快速添加日程任务,让你在桌面轻松处理所有事务。


●支持大小: 4x3、2x2、4x4 new、3x3 new
● 浏览日历
● 浏览日程任务
● 划动切换日历
● 添加日程任务
● 浏览农历
● 浏览月历

Free Calendar Widget

A simple calendar widget to provide month view on your home screen.

Allow multiple widgets with different month.
Tap the left or right arrow to advance to previous or next month.
Tap the month label to reset back to current month.
Resizable widget to fit your screen layout.
2 themes to work with different contrast on home screen.
Localization for different locale.
Option to set Sunday or Monday as starting day of the week.
View calendar or create an event on date click
No application permission required.
Free and no ads.

The settings can be found by launching the application.

If you have any question or feedback, please send email to

Jorte (備忘記事本)

NEW!:正式推出Jorte Premium加值版囉!
Jorte Premium加值版包含圖貼&桌布&主題無限使用(※Premium標識商品為主)、密碼鎖、私密行事曆。還有更大容量的雲端儲存空間及隱藏側邊選單!!

NEW!:Hello Kitty, My Melody × Jorte「我的Jorte行事曆。」活動開始囉!
可從Jorte內的『Jorte商店』免費下載,期間限定的「Hello Kitty」、「My Melody&My Sweet Piano」背景主題。
(c) '76,'14 SANRIO APPR.NO.S554521

NEW!新增背景主題切換功能,不僅只有背景、還有圖貼、按鈕及整個Jorte設計都會切換成您設定的背景主題。從Jorte商店可下載. (*http:///st/)

在全世界有超過2,300萬個下載, Jorte是一個兼具行事曆&記事簿功能的應用程式。
不論是在工作上或是日常生活中, 都是幫助您管理每天重要活動的好幫手。
關於最新的情報, 請參考:



可更改背景、自由黏貼小圖案(60個免費)、變更顏色、選擇字形等, 可隨心所欲的將Jorte改造成您專屬的行事曆&手冊。
當您處理待辦事項時,重要事項為可標為紅色或拖曳調整優先順序也可以跟Google 任務同步。
行程計畫、待辦事項、日記均可使用 CSV 格式自由匯入或匯出。
它可以對應 Google 地圖或 Google 語音搜尋。
具備多項強大功能例如與Jorte雲端及 Google 行事曆同步或使用 Widget 在桌面顯示行事曆資訊。
不需要註冊使用者資料, 上述的功能全部免費提供。

■ 推薦的使用環境(OS) ■
Android OS 2.1 以上
活動行事曆是可以免費的將自已感興趣的各式各樣的活動計劃及情報等, 追加到Jorte行事曆上的功能。
NBA球賽等的比賽時間表, 音樂會情報, 新聞, 天氣, 各地方的情報等, 有興趣的情報都可以顯示在行事曆的上面。
■Jorte雲端 ■【免費】
可將Jorte行事曆的計劃、待辦事項、日記的情報, 同步至Jorte雲端。
使用Jorte雲端, 可予許複數台的行動裝置共享檔案, 變更所使用的行動裝置時, 重要的資料也可以被妥善的保存在雲端並可以順利的被移轉。
也可以跟iPhone及不同的行動裝置, 共享行事曆。
可從住家或公司的電腦登入Jorte雲端, 生活上及工作上都能靈活運用。
點選設定中的Jorte商店圖案, 可免費下載可在Jorte行事曆中使用圖案及背景, 也可以購買需付費圖案, 讓您可以將Jorte客製化更貼近您的風格。
使用每天的行事曆功能時, 每天顯示的圖像會自動更新。
※每個禮拜都會提供新的物件, 敬請多加利用。
Little Twin Stars (kiki&lala)
My Melody
The Dog
Wish me mell
Hello Kitty
Jorte 獨創圖貼
※ 以上之外,我們提供各種圖貼和桌布。

Simple Calendar Widget

Have all your appointsments directly on your home screen!
Simple Calendar Widget is a simple but elegant widget which displays upcoming calendar events on your home screen. It is very customizable to perfectly fit your homescreen design.

If the widget doesn't show up in your launcher, reboot your device once!

Use these identifiers to change the date & time format: http://developer./reference/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html

· Android Wear integration
· Scrollable
· Resizable (only Android 3.1 and newer)
· Highlight options for todays events
· Lockscreen widget (Android 4.2+)
· Text size & color changeable
· Background color changeable
· Icons for reloading & configurating the widget can be hidden
· Look ahead time configurable
· Multiple widgets with different calendars and configurations
· Free & without ads!

- READ_CALENDAR: well, to read the calendar events...
- READ & WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: backup & restore widget settings
- READ_PHONE_STATE: required for communication with Android Wear devices

Icon by David Moore

Event Flow Calendar Widget

Event Flow is a clean and beautiful calendar widget that displays your agenda or calendar, with lots of features and customization options.

What you get
- Agenda widget, with a list of your events grouped by day;
- Calendar widget, with a (resizable) month view;
- Weather forecast for up to 5 days on the agenda widget;
- Extensive customization: you can change the background and font colors, the font type and its density, customize the header, etc;
- Preset themes, with nice defaults for colors, fonts and other options;
- Select which calendar events to display;
- And more.

This widget is free, but some configuration options are locked. To unlock, click 'upgrade' and you'll be able to buy the premium version via Google Play.

We dislike apps that ask a lot of permissions without justifying them. So here's what we need and why:
Your personal information: To read your calendar events
Network communication and Your location: To show the weather for your location (only your approximate location)

Have fun and join us at

Business Calendar (日曆)

Business Calendar是一個功能完善的日曆應用程序,它能與您的谷歌日曆同步!

*組件可選不同大小的日視圖、月視圖、周視圖和事件列表界面 (每種列表的組件可選3個不同大小)
*新的直觀操作方式: 在月視圖中不同日期間滑動手指,可以選定多日視圖範圍並打開
*幫助系統可根據具體使用情況優化您的Business Calendar體驗

這是Business Calendar的免費版本。它的功能齊全,但是某些界面含有植入廣告。無廣告的正式版本還具有一些額外的功能:
*Business Calendar自己的提醒系統
*每個組件類型可選 11個不同的外觀


本程序將沿用默認日曆程序的提醒系統。設置事件提醒時,請確認您打開了默認程序的提醒系統。(正式版本中,Business Calendar有自己的提醒系統!)

aCalendar - Android Calendar

9/10 'an almost perfect calendar' - Softonic, September 2013

● intuitive navigation with smooth transitions between day, week and month view
● 48 colors per calendar, 12 per-event colors if supported by the calendar (Android 4.1+ with Google calendars only)
● flexible recurrences (e.g., every 2 weeks or every 3rd day - first select weekly or daily, then set the interval)
● birthdays with photos from your addressbook and editing
● Fullscreen widgets for all 3 views plus floating 7 days
● uses Android's native calendar backend and synchronization
● no battery drain (aCalendar gets push updated from the system instead of using frequent polling)
● moon phases and zodiac signs for birthdays
● QR and NFC barcode sharing of events
● free
● no ads

EXTRA FEATURES only in aCalendar+
With aCalendar+ you get a dozen of extra features including more views, advanced settings, Tasks, more color themes and public holidays.
Also you'll find business-oriented features like invitations, free/busy settings and sharing as text or file.
Finally your purchase helps protect the habitat of the endangered Mountain Tapir.

● move forward and backward by swiping vertically or volume rocker
● switch between calendar views with a horizontal swipe (opens the day or week you start the swipe gesture on) or double-tap for day view
● tap to open event
● long-press to add new event
● long-press on mini-month to go to today or jump to date
● tap on photo to open quick contact menu
● 3-finger-tap to go to today

native language support for around 30 languages. Those are mostly user-contirbuted, please contact me if there is a bad translation or you'd like your language added!

aCalendar only asks for mandatory permissions for its functionality: Read and write contact data for birthdays as well as read and write calendar data for events. 'Send Email to guests' is bound to 'write calendar data' by Google. NFC is for sharing events by touching another NFC-enabled phone, and requires manual confirmation.

Unfortunately app2SD cannot be supported, because homescreen widgets do not work from SD. This is an Android limitation. But aCalendar is optimized not only for speed but also for size.

aCalendar is made with love, sweat and tears in the heart of Munich. If you like aCalendar, please rate or comment and recommend it to your friends. Also consider upgrading to aCalendar+ for extra features ?

aCalendar is free and will stay free and ad-free. No features will be taken away, but some advanced calendar features might only come to aCalendar+.

日曆小工具 (Calendar widget)

日曆議程部件支持Facebook,谷歌或Exchange日曆+允許設置實時提醒,在任何日曆事件。您的主屏幕上查看所有議程,從來沒有錯過任何東西再從你的日曆組件 - 忘記短“嘀”的默認日曆提醒。


此日曆組件最重要的行動,可在短短1 - 從部件。我實現了“最高通緝”用戶的建議,強調使用方便。日曆議程的widget功能:


日曆 + 免費

日曆 + 是一個可怕的谷歌日曆應用程序,可以幫助您管理您的日曆上每一個事件。日曆自動同步您的Google帳戶和顯示事件通過各方面的意見和選擇。日曆+不僅提供每日,每週,每月和議程的意見,但也自定義視圖,你可以輕鬆地定制。日曆+提供快速添加功能,使用戶可以添加一個新的事件,在眨眼。隨著日曆+文字或語音輸入,你可以添加一個新的事件。我們的自然語言解析引擎能夠理解不同的日期和時間格式,並添加一個新的事件比以往任何時候都更容易。您還可以:

- 添加一個新的事件,語音輸入
- 通過文字添加一個新的事件
- 創建,編輯和刪除事件
- 附加和事件相關的照片
- 附加和事件相關的地圖
- 開關週開始一天,而觀看賽事
- 開關電流,同時查看事件的自定義視圖設置
- 獲取事件的通知的時間提前
- 發送電子郵件至所有被邀請的客人
- 查看事件通過各種家用小工具
- 更改事件時區旅行時,
- 日常事件指望通過議程視圖
- 篩選日曆顯示,同時觀看賽事
- 事件標題搜索事件
- 查看最近搜索過的位置在地圖上的視圖
- 設置默認日曆添加一個新的事件(快速添加視圖和所有編輯觀點)
- 隱藏已拒絕的活動
- 設置通知和提醒設置(彈出,聲音,震動設定)
- 設置默認提醒時間
- 添加一個新的谷歌日曆帳戶
- 長按日期或時間,快速添加新事件
- 每月/每週/每兩週/ triweekly / quadriiweekly的日曆上看到事件的標題和位置
- 指定各種復發的規則,如“每3個月15天,5次”等。
在家裡部件 - 點擊日期查看事件信息或添加新事件



Zooper Widget Pro

Minimal, classy, extremely customizable, and battery friendly 'Do It Yourself' widget with almost limitless possibilities!

If you like the software and want to support the development please rate it! If you have issues or requests send me an email or use the forum at http://zooper.

- GALAXY S2 http:///Yuhzh2
- GALAXY S4 http:///aTmJ6W
- PRO widgets disappear after reboot: http:///4bqhJu

- Sample templates included, no need to download anything else
- Some custom fonts already included, additional can be added on sdcard/fonts
- Create your templates easily, no functional limit, tons of variables and controls
- WYSIWYG editor with layers like Photoshop / Gimp
- Build your style and change everything: color, text, shapes, position and more!
- Completely customizable date and time (day of the year, week number, number to text...)
- Date calculations (countdown, time to or from any date, calendar event or system attribute)
- Full Math s supported (like Star Trek stardate)
- Battery info (remaining time, percentage, temperature, voltage)
- World clock (multiple timezones on the same widget)
- Weather for current or multiple locations on the same widget
- Up to 5 days forecast from multiple providers (Open Weather Map, YR.NO)
- Calendar info with free customization
- System info, like uptime, next alarm, SD card space
- WiFi network name, cell operator, signal strength, connection type
- Network traffic data stats for current day, week, month and more
- Missed calls, unread SMS, unread GMail (multiple accounts and labels)
- Sunrise, Sunset and Astrological Nautical or Civil twilight
- Moon Rise, Set and Illumination percentage
- Series for days, months and more!
- Completely dynamic and customizable TTF and PNG iconsets
- Static Bitmaps (PNG with alpha and JPG)
- Progress Bars customizable with any numeric variable such as min/max and value
- Tasker integration (see website)
- Jelly Bean lock screen support

- No Ads
- Widget on tap action / config lock (and 'module' click action)
- Load and Save templates on SD card
- APK themes support
- Buzz launcher support

Zooper Widget has been built from ground up with battery in mind; nothing will be done while your phone sleeps, no weather will be updated if you have no weather information on screen, and no location will be updated if you do not ask it to.

Zooper Widget does not use much memory when it's running - even with 10 widgets on your screen it won't exceed more than 10 megabytes. However, during configuration RAM usage can climb up to 25mb. This is normal and the space will be released shortly after config is closed. If you're using Bitmaps, due to the heavy caching, usage will be higher.

SUPPORT: http://zooper./
TRANSLATIONS: http://www./zooperwidget/
PERMISSIONS: http:///uqbcVJ
TASKER: http:///DSpb2
ICONSETS: http:///5oL5F
APK SKINS: http:///mh3nty
BETA (PRO): http:///DXoig


Themer也使您的手机更加智能,“智能分类”功能自动分组您的应用程序,使它们更容易找到。其他功能还包括完全可定制的应用程序抽屉(可选深色或浅色主题),与Zooper Widget Pro的高度集成,使得桌面高度可定制。
“Themer就像一个魔术。” - 纽约时报
“Themer会让你的Android手机惊艳...更有吸引力,功能更强大。” - WIRED

- 所有的主题都是免费的,每星期增加10多个新的主题!
- 完整的图标包支持。
- 超过325个设计精美的主题可供选择:Card UI, Nature, Space, Minimal,等等。
- 轻松地回到你的旧的桌面应用,如果你想要的话。
- 所有的主题都可配置。
- 应用程序图标可设置手势。
- Themer Action学习你的应用程序的喜好。无论你使用Pandora或Spotify听音乐,无论你使用WeatherBug或AccuWeather的天气应用。 Themer将了解你喜欢什么,点击Themer Action,可以启动你想要的应用。

*As seen on The New York Times, CNET, WIRED, Lifehacker, and XDA-Developers*

Themer launcher has themes with HD wallpaper, icon packs, and pre-configured widgets for any mood or occasion. Flip through our extensive library of free, premium themes. Your phone will instantly look amazing and feel brand new. Just hit 'Apply' and everything is set up for you.

Themer also makes your phone smarter with Smart Categories that auto-categorize your apps, making them easier to find and launch. Other features include a completely customizable app drawer (with your choice of a dark or light theme) and full integration of Zooper Widget Pro allowing for the utmost in customizability.

'Themer feels like a magic trick.' -The New York Times

'Themer will make your Android phone look amazing... Both attractive and functional.' -WIRED

'My phone looks better than it ever has and I didn't even have to do anything but press a couple of buttons. If I had to recommend any application to try out right now, this would be the one.' -PhoneDog

- All themes are free, more than 10 new themes added per week!
- Full icon pack support.
- Over 325 premium themes to choose from: Card UI, Nature, Space, Minimal, and many more.
- Easily go back to your old homescreen if you want.
- All themes are customizable, or you can use them as they are.
- App icon gestures.
- Themer Actions learn your app preferences. It doesn't matter if you're using Pandora or Spotify for music, or WeatherBug or AccuWeather for weather. Themer will learn what you like and always get it right.

If you want some help, contact our excellent support team at http://support..

By the way: Themer is still in beta, which means that we are working hard to fix bugs, improve performance, add new features, and increase compatibility with more devices. Thanks for your patience and support.

List of supported devices: http://support./knowledgebase/articles/263019-what-devices-are-supported-

Zooper Widget

Minimal, classy, extremely customizable, and battery friendly 'Do It Yourself' widget with almost limitless possibilities!

If you like the software and want to support the development please rate it! If you have issues or requests send me an email or use the forum at http://zooper./

- GALAXY S2 http:///Yuhzh2
- GALAXY S4 http:///aTmJ6W
- PRO widgets disappear after reboot: http:///4bqhJu

- Sample templates included, no need to download anything else
- Some custom fonts already included, additional can be added on sdcard/fonts
- Create your templates easily, no functional limit, tons of variables and controls
- WYSIWYG editor with layers like Photoshop / Gimp
- Build your style and change everything: color, text, shapes, position and more!
- Completely customizable date and time (day of the year, week number, number to text...)
- Date calculations (countdown, time to or from any date, calendar event or system attribute)
- Full Math s supported (like Star Trek stardate)
- Battery info (remaining time, percentage, temperature, voltage)
- World clock (multiple timezones on the same widget)
- Weather for current or multiple locations on the same widget
- Up to 5 days forecast from multiple providers (Open Weather Map, YR.NO)
- Calendar info with free customization
- System info, like uptime, next alarm, SD card space
- WiFi network name, cell operator, signal strength, connection type
- Network traffic data stats for current day, week, month and more
- Missed calls, unread SMS, unread GMail (multiple accounts and labels)
- Sunrise, Sunset and Astrological Nautical or Civil twilight
- Moon Rise, Set and Illumination percentage
- Series for days, months and more!
- Completely dynamic and customizable TTF and PNG iconsets
- Static Bitmaps (PNG with alpha and JPG)
- Progress Bars customizable with any numeric variable such as min/max and value
- Tasker integration (see website)
- Jelly Bean lock screen support

- No Ads
- Widget on tap action / config lock (and 'module' click action)
- Load and Save templates on SD card
- APK themes support
- Buzz launcher support

Zooper Widget has been built from ground up with battery in mind; nothing will be done while your phone sleeps, no weather will be updated if you have no weather information on screen, and no location will be updated if you do not ask it to.

Zooper Widget does not use much memory when it's running - even with 10 widgets on your screen it won't exceed more than 10 megabytes. However, during configuration RAM usage can climb up to 25mb. This is normal and the space will be released shortly after config is closed. If you're using Bitmaps, due to the heavy caching, usage will be higher.

SUPPORT: http://zooper./
TRANSLATIONS: http://www./zooperwidget/
PERMISSIONS: http:///uqbcVJ
TASKER: http:///DSpb2
ICONSETS: http:///5oL5F
APK SKINS: http:///mh3nty
BETA (PRO): http:///DXoig

Simple RSS Widget

Have all your important news directly on your home screen!
This app is just a customizable, simple widget which displays RSS feeds on your home screen.

- Scrollable
- Resizable (only Android 3.1 and newer)
- lockscreen widget (Android 4.2+)
- multiple feeds in one widget
- text style, size & color changeable
- background color changeable
- icons for reloading & configurating the widget can be hidden
- user defined update interval
- multiple widgets with different configurations
- free & without ads!

If the widget doesn't show up in your launchers widget category, try rebooting your device!

Note: Google Reader will no longer exist after July 1st. Import functionality will be affected

- INTERNET: to receive feed content
- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: to test if internet connection is available before trying to update
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to cache feeds and display them even when offline
- GET_ACCOUNTS & USE_CREDENTIALS: to request access for importing Google Reader feeds

Media Utilities

*** Public Open Beta ***

- Crash fix for Google Music
- Android 4.3 support
- Native Support for Zooper, UCCW and minimalistic text. When enabled the following variables are made available without the need for Tasker.
MU_ALBUM - Album name
MU_ARTIST - Artist name
MU_TRACK - Track name
MU_COVERART - Path to Bitmap containing current coverart
MU_ISPLAYING - 1 if playing 0 if not
MU_CURR_APP - Current media app 'pretty' name
MU_CURR_PACKAGE - Current media app package name
- Rewrote direct mode from scratch. Should be far more reliable now.
- Added new option to launch music application if Android killed it or it is not currently running. Will launch when user attempt to control a dead music application.
- Added Pebble watch support.

Check out the reviews:
- http:///media-utilities-beta-review/
- http://galaxy-note2./how-to/control-all-your-music-apps-from-single-widget-your-samsung-galaxy-note-2-0146583/
- http://www./android/take-control-of-multiple-players-with-generic-music-controls/

Other links

Media Utilities NOT a music player but a collection of widgets, notifications and tasker plugins that works with you media players. Media Utilities automatically determines your current music application and integrates with it providing seamless integration to simplify your life.

Media Utilities provides over 10 widgets each with a different looks and feel and most of them configurable to your specific tastes. Widgets show track, artist, album and coverart for the current music application no configuration required, seamlessly showing information from Pandora to Spotify in a single widget.
Widget configuration:
- Background color (transparency, gradient)
- Border color
- Border width
- Several button skins to match your personal taste
- Show/Hide buttons based on need
- More all the time

Media Utilities provides both state and action plugins to allow you dream up your own applications without having to deal with figuring out how to control each individual music application.
- State – Is playing whenever music is currently playing
- State – Is Not playing whenever music is paused/stopped
- State – Notify when play state is changed
- State – Notify when any metadata is changed. (play state, track , artist, album)
- State – Notify when track is changed but not when play state changes.
- State – Notify when current music application is changed
- Action – Play/Pause – Simulates play/pause for current music application
- Action – Play – Simulates play for current music application
- Action – Play (Smart) – Simulates the action of a play command without doing a play command for current music application
- Action – Pause– Simulates pause for current music application
- Action – Pause (Smart) – Simulates the action of a pause command without doing a play command for current music application
- Action – Next – Simulates next for current music application
- Action – Previous – Simulates previous for current music application
- Action – Current Media – opens the current music application

Media Utilities provides notification controls that automatically control your current media application.
- Configurable buttons and look and feel
- Automatically shows when a music application starts playing
- Optionally only shown for music applications that don’t already have notification controls for example Pandora.
- Behavior is configurable to match your specific needs

Simple Dialer Widget

Place phone calls from your home screen without opening the dialer app!

The widget offers a dial pad, shows your call log or all your contacts. The widget is resizeable and the log and contacts tab are scrollable too.
Also, you can fully customize the widget (change every color, text size, ...) and put the widget on your Lockscreen (later requires Android 4.2, I recommend to disable the 'dialer'-tab when placing the widget on the lockscreen)

L Theme

Get the look and feel of Android L before it’s released with this beautiful homescreen theme. It features frosted glass panels with flat, bold highlights of teal, turquoise, royal blue, and salmon, against a modern blurred wallpaper. This theme contains all functionality and widgets so there is no configuration needed.

Theme Features:

1. Time, date, agenda
2. Local weather current conditions and four-day forecast
3. Quick access to Google search
4. Easy access to phone, camera, email, and messaging
5. Music controls with album art (works with any music player)
6. Smart folders automatically categorize apps on your phone: games, multimedia, news, productivity, travel, social, and games
7. [Fictional] This theme grants you three wishes

After you install this theme, you will be asked to download the Themer launcher, which gives you access to hundreds of other free, premium themes.

Please note: this theme works on phones only.

Travel Theme

This single-screen theme puts everything you need at your fingertips. It’s perfect for those that travel because it manages to present you with all the information you need to get where you are going in a quick glance. A white card is set against a crimson background. Within the card, you’ll find fast access to Google search, next alarm, and the date. Below, weather info shows you the wind speed and humidity wherever you are, and at a quick glance you can see the upcoming weather forecast. Towards the bottom, above the dock, you’ll find calendar agenda.

1. Date display with current local weather conditions and forecast
2. Next alarm display
3. Fast access to Google search
4. Agenda display shows you your upcoming calendar appointments
5. Dock icons for phone, SMS, email, and camera
6. [Fictional]: This theme smells lovely

Please note that after installing this theme you will be promoted to install the free Themer launcher, which grants you access to hundreds of premium themes.

LCD Retro Theme

Get the look of a retro LCD display with this homescreen theme. This two-page setup offers a big, bold clock with date and current weather conditions. Within easy reach are shortcuts to your music, camera, photo gallery, sms, email, phone, and more. On the second page is a customizable live news reader that you can have show your favorite news sources.

Theme features:

- Glanceable time, date, battery percentage, and current local weather conditions
- Easy access to calculator, Facebook, web, Play store, and more
- Scrollable news reader
- [Fictional] This theme will make you more attractive

Please note that installing this theme will prompt you to install Themer launcher, which offers access to hundreds of other free, premium themes.

Dark Pro UI Theme

This dark, flat theme is perfect for a professional look on your home screen thanks to its classic black and white design. Experience the utmost in productivity with access to your extended agenda, music controls, and more. This theme applies instantly and contains all widgets, wallpaper, and icons needed to complete the look.

Theme features:

1. Time, date, location
2. Features stunning map wallpaper that shows you your current location with a dropped pin
3. Quick access to camera, internet, email, phone, and messaging with missed numeric badges
4. Music controls (works with any music player) with cover art
5. News feed (you can choose where the news comes from)
6. Device storage, RAM, and battery meter
7. [Fictional] This theme makes you a delicious spaghetti dinner

Applying this theme will prompt you to download the free Themer launcher, allowing you to choose from over 300 free premium themes.

Please note: this theme is for phones only.

Greece Seascape Theme

Experience the beauty of Greece with this gorgeous homescreen theme. It comes with everything you see in the screenshots so that there is no configuration needed. Besides the incredible wallpaper, you’ll get a theme that contains a customizable news feed, an agenda, and music player (that works with any music app you have).

Theme features:

1. Clean, three-page design
2. Easy access to phone, SMS, email, and camera
3. Current local weather conditions and battery percentage
4. Live news feed with images that can show you news from your favorite source
5. Agenda shows you your upcoming appointments
6. Music controls (works with any music source)
7. Smart folders that automatically categorize your apps: games, social, media, and more
8. [Fictional] This theme can make you fly

When you download this theme you’ll be asked to also install the free Theme launcher, which grants you access to a library of other amazing free themes for your Android.

Please note: this theme is intended for phones.

Green and Gray Pro UI Theme

This theme is perfect for people that want a homescreen experience packed with useful functionality. On the main page, get a glimpse at your next calendar appointments, along with the date and time, plus a full monthly calendar with day indicator. The adjacent screen contains the current weather conditions plus a weekly forecast, while another swipe reveals a full-screen music player with album art, a customizable news reader, and even a page with smart folders that automatically categorize your apps. The entire theme is decked out in a pleasing gray, green, and white color scheme that is super readable and clean.

Theme features:

1. Date, time, and fast access to Google search
2. Full calendar display with next appointments
3. Current weather conditions with high and low temp, plus weekly forecast
4. Live and active news reader that can be customized to your favorite sources
5. Full-screen music player with album art (works with any music player)
6. Smart folders automatically categorize your apps: communication, news, travel, and more
7. [Fictional]: This theme contains the keys to success

Please note that after you install this theme, you'll be asked to install the free Themer launcher, which contains access to hundreds of other premium themes.

Quick Info Theme

Set against the New York City skyline, this black, green and white theme is packed with information. Time, date, battery percentage (with estimated time left until depletion) and next calendar appointment helps you stay organized. Missed indicators for phone, messaging, and email will alert you to new communications. A music player lets you control your tunes, while system info shows you key device stats such as available storage and WiFi connection status. And on the left, you can see the current weather conditions along with a three-day forecast.

Theme features:

- Time, date, and next appointment
- Battery percentage with icon and estimated time left
- Indicators for missed calls, texts, and email
- Current local weather conditions with forecast
- Music player (works with any music source)
- [Fictional] This theme makes you feel like a kid again

Doodle Theme

Simple and charming, this homescreen theme offers a single page that contains all the functionality you need in a homescreen. Icons are “doodled” onto the homescreen against a background of lined notebook paper. With a quick glance you can see the date and time, current weather conditions, and battery percentage. Icons for phone, email, SMS, web, and camera let you quickly access your most-used apps.

Theme features:

- Time, date, battery percentage
- Current weather conditions
- Fast access to phone, sms, email, web, and camera
- [Fictional] This theme comes with a new laptop with week-long battery life

When you install this theme, you'll be asked to install the free Themer launcher which gives you access to hundreds of other premium themes.

Flat Icon Theme

This homescreen theme features flat, beautiful icons against a blue and purple gradient background. With a quick glance you can see the date and time, plus your next calendar appointment. The main screen also features the current weather conditions in your area (an extended forecast is available on the second page), while icons below for phone, email, SMS, and web keep you connected.

Theme features:

- Time, date, and weather with high and low temperature
- Next appointment reminder on main page with extended agenda on second page
- Beautiful, flat icons
- Four-day weather forecast
- Quick access to phone, email, web, and messaging
- [Fictional] This theme lets you walk through walls

Please note that after installing this theme, you will be asked to install the Themer launcher, which comes with hundreds of additional free, premium themes.

Cool Beach Theme

This fun theme is perfect for the beach-lover. Colorful icons representing your most used apps are set against a tile grid that makes it easy to find what you’re looking for. Links to phone, email, browser, and camera make this theme super-usable, while smart folders for games, news, communication, and social keep you organized by automatically categorizing your apps.

Theme features:

- Full notification bar access
- Single-screen layout makes it easy to find what you need
- Fast access to phone, camera, mail, sms, and more
- Smart folders automatically categorize your apps: social, media, games, news, and more
- [Fictional] This theme comes with a puppy

Please note that installing this theme will ask you to download the free Themer launcher, which comes with hundreds of additional premium themes.