

 AND_AL 2015-03-05


China’s Go-To Website For Pursuing Your Career Development!































回复编号,阅读更多Larry Wang先生原创职业发展文章:








Q&A#179:How Do Employers Here View Overseas MBAs vs. Local MBAs

How do Chinese employers view an overseas MBA compared to a mainland MBA?

Career Expert Answer:

First of all, when you say Chinese employers, I'd like to distinguish that the ones our recruitment firm works with are mainly international companies and top local companies led by executives with international backgrounds and sensibilities. I’d also like to focus the comparison between MBAs from top overseas programs versus top local programs.

So regarding how top employers here view an overseas versus a local MBA, I would say that previously there was much less confidence in the quality of a local MBA. I'm talking about 8-10 years ago, and longer. Before, the learning in local MBA programs was mostly from books and classroom lectures that focused on information learning and technical business areas, like accounting, marketing, statistics, operations, etc. But they really underemphasized the nurturing and development of strong oft skills, or EQ. So although local MBA graduates were very bright and motivated, they were not as well-trained to think and perform in the ways that are expected of an international-caliber manager.

Conversely, with their greater exposure to practical learning situations and internships beyond the classroom, many overseas MBAs are more developed and mature as thinkers and leaders. Overall, they’re better prepared and able to solve problems and come up with solutions, handle new situations and face new challenges, and lead and build teams.

Personally, I feel that there's still a gap today between MBAs from top overseas programs and most top local programs (with the exception of CEIBS, which I believe is head and shoulders above all other China MBA programs). But local MBA programs today are definitely more mature and more modeled after top overseas MBA programs, and are giving their MBAs a more well-rounded and practical experience to better prepare them as future business managers and leaders. As a result, that gap is closing and I believe many executives of multinational companies who hire MBAs will say the same.

Q&A #180: Is It Better To Go Get An MBA During A Slow Or Healthy Economy

Which is better, to go get an MBA during a slow economic time or when the economy is healthier?

Career Expert Answer:

During a UCLA Anderson alumni function I attended last year with the Dean of the MBA program, she mentioned that top MBA programs are somewhat anti-recession. Meaning, top MBA programs receive many applications during both healthier and slower economic times. So from the point of view of whether it’s less competitive, it’s going to be highly competitive to apply to top MBA programs during either situation. As a result, the timing of when you should pursue an MBA really depends on your personal situation and career objectives, and less on the overall economic conditions at the time.

Actually, I’ve seen a lot of people accelerate their career development and distinguish themselves during a slow economy, because this is when strong performers are really needed and are able to stand out. In really good times, many people are able to perform well, so you can't tell as easily if their good performance is because of timing, luck, or their capability. In tougher times, however, it’s not because of luck or timing that people are able to be successful. It's because of their skill and capabilities.

My point is, just because the market is slow doesn't mean that the opportunities to advance your career in the market slow down too. Any successful executive will tell you that during tougher times when there is greater risk, there is also greater opportunity. So the timing of when you want to pursue your MBA should be based much more on your internal factors rather than on external ones. From an application and market opportunity point of view, there’s not a particularly big difference between pursuing your MBA during healthier or slower economic times.

Q&A #181: How Do MNCs View Or Value Candidates With Overseas Study Backgrounds These Days

Nowadays, more and more young people pursue overseas study. How do you view this? Do you agree that we have to spend a lot of money to study abroad? Do MNCs prefer the candidates with overseas backgrounds?

Career Expert Answer:

My response to young people in China to this question is that overseas experience never hurt anyone. At the same time, there’s a huge cost to it, and it’s not everyone who can do it or afford it. So is it necessary for your career success? Of course, it isn’t.

Mainly, today’s China has become very international, where the access to many things that you used to only be able to get overseas you can now get here in China as well. These include world-class training resources, exposure to international-caliber situations, chance to interact with foreign professionals, etc. A big reason is because of the internet, which has made the world much more accessible to everyone. Personally, I meet many international-caliber talents here who have never studied or gone abroad. I can’t even distinguish them from many who have. So don't think that going overseas is the key or a must have for your career success.

Actually, the most significant benefit of studying or working overseas is that places like the U.S. and Europe can better nurture your soft skills, or EQ. There’s a greater emphasis on practical learning and you get more real world exposure, beyond your classrooms and books. You also face more challenges and new situations that help you become more mature, independent, and confident.

As a great example though of the access to international-caliber resources and experiences here in China, there are organizations like Enactus that you can participate in as a university student. Your involvement in Enactus projects is just like the hands-on learning experience you get overseas, where you learn to figure things out more, be more independent, work in teams/with others, take initiative, develop your own ideas, etc. The point is that these days you don’t need to go overseas to pursue such international-caliber experiences. Many are available in China too. As a young person, you just need to be a bit proactive to identify and engage these situations beyond your campus, classrooms, and books.

Larry Wang先生(@LarryWang王承伦)是王李亚洲资源的创始人兼CEO,资深职业发展专家。20多年来一直投身于在华跨国企业招聘及职业人士发展指导,著有 Know The Game, Play The Game(《知己知彼》),How To Develop Yourself As A Future Executive, Today, or… How To DYFET(《如何成就未来经理人》)。他频繁受访于国内外顶尖商学院,如哈佛,麻省理工,沃顿,斯坦福,及知名媒体,包括:CCTV,ICS,第一财经,福布斯等。

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