
My Understanding of Media Literacy

 昵称22763014 2015-04-05
    In my opinion,media literacy is an ability of understanding and identifying the news and the information.A person who has media literacy can distinguish what the true news is and can't be influened by the negative news.In the other hand,media literacy is also an ability of getting and expressing the news and information.
    As we alll know,media literacy plays an important role in our life.Of course,it does good to me,so I can learn a lot from media litreacy education.Firstly,I can learn to how to distinguish a piece of news correctly so that I won't be cheated by the false news.Secondly,if I have media literacy,I can express the news more convincingly and succinctly,which can save much time.Finally,the most important thing is that media literacy can make me live comfortablely in the society.
    In a word,we should accept the media literacy education and try our best to learn it.

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