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movie-The CroodsWith the development of the economy,more and more people go to the cinema to see the movies.In order to attract more people to go to see the movie,every company uses many ways to make a attractive poster.
The advertisement of DoveIt is an advertisement about Dove,which describes its effect and advantage.In orther to make the viewers see the woman''s smile,the woman is taken the photo from an oblique angle.In terms of framing,the woman is connected with the Dove,which makes viewers understand and clear.
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection The advertisement says that the wild animals are killed every year because the heroine''s family buy the things being made by the wild animals,which warns people not to kill the wild animals for their profit.The message says the reasons of ...
My Understanding of Media Literacy In my opinion,media literacy is an ability of understanding and identifying the news and the information.A person who has media literacy can distinguish what the true news is and can''t be influened by the negative news.In the other hand,media literacy is also an ability o...
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