

 长沙7喜 2015-05-05






Susan R. Johnson MD, FAAP, 2/3/2000

苏珊·R ·约翰逊博士,美国儿科协会成员,2000年2月3日

I still struggle getting my almost 7 year old son asleep by 8:00. It seems there is a magic window. If we eat by 5:00 and I start slowing down his activities by 6:oo then there is a good chance that he will fall to sleep soon after reading stories at 7:30. If I don't have dinner ready until 6:00 or 7:00 and slow down doesn't begin until 8:00 or 8:30 then my son seems to get a second wind that keeps him awake and active till 10:00 or 10:30 at night. The next day is difficult for him. It is hard for him to get up, eat breakfast, and get to school on time. He is tired and more irritable the entire day. What is happening?



If you go to see an anthroposophical physician with these complaints, then chances are your child will end up with a remedy for the liver. Often Hepatodoron (made from the leaves of the vine, Vitus vinifera, and the wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca) is given. It seems that the liver is involved in our ability to have a good nights sleep. It regulates our energy level for the next day and relates to our overall feelings of contentment or depression. The liver follows the cycle of the sun. Around 6:00 in the evening it wants to go to sleep and starts to store up the sugars (glycogen) to be used for the next day. It doesn't want to process any big meals (especially ones high in protein or fat after 3 pm).

 如果你带着这些关于入睡问题的牢骚去咨询一位人智学医师,那么很可能您孩子的肝脏会因此得到补救。他们通常会建议服用一种名为Hepatodoron的营养补充剂(人智学医药公司Weleda旗下的一种营养补充剂,以Vitus vinifera葡萄树的叶子和Fragaria vesca野生草莓为原料制成,可以促进肝脏修复和排毒)。如此看来,肝脏与我们是否能有良好的睡眠息息相关。它掌控着我们第二天的能量水平,并且关系到我们的整体情绪,满足或是抑郁。肝脏跟随太阳的周期运作。大约在晚上6点时它想要休息,以便开始储存各类糖份(以转化为肝糖原)以供第二天使用。这时它不想处理任何食物(特别是那些下午三点以后摄入的高脂肪或高蛋白质的食物)。


When our children (and us) stay up late at night we affect the liver's metabolism. It can no longer simply store sugar. Our body, by being awake and active, needs sugar in the blood stream and so we force the liver to reverse its process and breakdown glycogen to provide this sugar. We get a second wind, a burst of sugar in our blood stream, and yet we are really depleting our energy for the next day. Our liver can't store up the glycogen it needs for the next day and so the next day we have a liver that is depleted of glycogen. Our body THEN requires us to release stress hormones from our adrenal glands to keep us functioning. These hormones act to provide more sugar in the blood, but they also accelerate our heart rate, increase our blood pressure, and suppress our immunity (we get colds more easily). You can tell when stress hormones are acting since one also develops cold hands and cold feet during the day from the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels to the hands and feet.

 当孩子(以及我们成人)熬夜时,肝的新陈代谢就会受到影响,以至于无法正常存储糖份。我们的身体为了继续保持清醒,就需要在血液中消耗糖份,所以我们就等于在强迫肝脏颠倒正常的程序释放肝糖原以提供糖份。当糖份重新被释放到血液中运转时,我们就获得了第二股能让人重新振作起来的「风」。但实际上这是在透支我们第二天所需要的能量。因为肝脏无法备足第二天所需要的肝糖原,接下来的一天我们将会有一个糖原耗尽的肝脏。为了能够保持正常运转,身体就会命令我们的肾上腺释放出应激激素(stress hormones )。这些激素会起到为血液提供糖份的作用,但也会使心率加快、血压上升,且抑制了免疫力(我们会更容易感冒)。当应激激素发挥作用时你是能够感觉到的,因为它还会引发血管收缩以至于白天会有手脚冰凉的现象。


The combination of stress hormones and too little glycogen in the liver makes us develop a craving for sugar. When we eat something really sweet (like candy or cookies), especially on an empty stomach, the excess load of sugar overstimulates our pancreas to produce too much of another hormone, insulin. Too much insulin causes our cells to take up or absorb too much sugar so that there isn't much sugar left in our blood. We become hypoglycemic with a low blood sugar. We feel tired, irritable and lightheaded and, for children, their body movements become more impulsive and overactive (less purposefull). Being hypoglycemic makes us crave sugar again and the whole process repeats itself throughout the entire day.



Some children and adults are more sensitive to these changes than others. Their pancreas may release more insulin in response to sugar. Some children and adults release more stress hormones in response to sleep deprivation, but this physiologic response occurs in all of us. For children that are already very active and have difficulties paying attention in school, going to bed early and cutting down on sugar really can help the child and family function better.



They say that any sleep you get before midnight is restorative and counts for double, and therefore it is far better to go to bed early (7:00 to 8:00 for a young school-age child and 9:00 to 10:00 for an adult) and wake up early to get your work done. Maybe this is the truth in that saying by Benjamin Franklin: Early to bed, early to rise, makes (one) healthy, wealthy, and wise.






- The End -


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