
An Love Movie's Poster Analysis

 昵称22782680 2015-06-05
   When we see a movie's poster,sometimes it's easy for us to recognize which type the movie is.
   Take a simple example like the above poster.The vast plain in the far angle,the colorful sunset   and the branches of boy's and girl's back in perspective of harmony successfully creat a beautiful 
quiet atmosphere,which suggest that this movie is about a love story filled with warmth and sweet.
There slender back shows that the two main characters are very young and this movie may be
about a pure sentimental love.We also can guess that the tree play an important part in this film
on the basis of a tree occupying almost half of the poster place.
    According to love movie posters,many elements are almost the symbol of love,such as the
holding hands,the image of a pair of men and women,the heart and so on.The school uniform
usually means the love takes place on the campus.A poster tell us a lot.

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