

 牤牛河畔生 2015-06-06



Question 问题

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is diagnosed when the ascitic fluid absolute polymorphonuclear leukocyte count is at least 250 cells/mm3. What is the proper antibiotic treatment for SBP?

当腹水中绝对中性粒数超过250/ mm3时,可以确诊为自菌性腹膜炎SBP)。什么是对SBP的正确抗生素治

Answer 答案:

IV 3rd generation cephalosporin (cefotaxime 2g Q 8 hrs or ceftriaxone 2g Q 24 hrs). PO of loxacin 400 mg BID may be used in hospitalized patients without shock, hepatic encephalopathy, renal dysfunction or prior quinolone use.

静脉第三代头孢菌素(2克头孢噻肟,8小时一次或2克头孢曲松,每天一次)。 没有休克,肝性病,功能不全或使用过物住院患者可以口服氧氟沙星400毫克,每天两次(Clin Liver Dis,4/15,100)



Question 问题

Patients with ascites frequently present to the ED. The development of ascites in the setting of cirrhosis represents a landmark in the natural history of cirrhosis. Why? In other words, how does the development of ascites determine prognosis?


Answer 答案:

The development of ascites in the setting of cirrhosis predicts a poor prognosis, with 50% mortality within 3 years.

肝硬化出现腹水后提示不良的预后3年之内的死亡率将为50%(Ther Adv Chronic Dis.2015 May; 6: 124)



Question 问题

Erythema multiforme is an acute hypersensitivity reaction with a characteristic rash: an erythematous ring or target lesion with a dusky or pale center. Infections and drugs are the most common causes. What are the 2 most common infectious causes?


Answer 答案:

Herpes simplex virus and mycoplasma pneumonia are the most commonly cited infectious causes.

单纯疱疹病毒和肺炎支原体感染性原因中最常(Ann of EM, Vol. 64, pg. 119)



Question 问题

Only 0.5-2.0% of acute sinusitis cases have a bacterial etiology; studies confirm that 60% of presumed acute bacterial sinusitis cases resolve spontaneously. Despite this evidence, antibiotics are prescribed in what percent of acute sinusitis cases?


Answer 答案:

Antibiotics are prescribed in 81% to 92% of acute sinusitis cases.

81-92%急性鼻炎病例用过抗生素(Mayo Clin Proc, 5/11,pg. 427)



Question 问题

The use of ECMO in status asthmaticus has been a successful option for severe acute respiratory failure and when mechanical ventilation becomes unmanageable due to lung hyperinflation and auto-PEEP. Can ECMO be used for pediatric status asthmaticus?

当哮喘持态病人出现严重急性呼吸衰竭和由于肺度充气或自PEEP导致机械通气以管理时,ECMO已成为一个成功的选择 ECMO能用于小儿哮喘持态吗

Answer 答案:

ECMO has become a vital tool in the management of pediatric acute respiratory failure. Pediatric patients in status asthmaticus placed on ECMO have had a reversal of hypercapnia and acidosis in as little as 2-4 hrs of treatment .

ECMO已成小儿急性呼吸衰竭抢救的一个重要工具。哮喘持儿童患者在使用ECMO2-4小时内就可以纠正高碳酸血症及酸中毒(JEM, epub, 5/15/15)

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