
The Difference Between two Kinds of Version about Disney's Movie

 昵称22752074 2015-06-21

As we all know, Disney's Movies were divided into two kinds, one is anime version, another is live-action version, and there are some common points and differences between their posters.

    First of all, I want to analyze some common points of them. Firstly, as you can see, both of them put the name of the movie at the axle wire and emphasize the name by using italics, sizes and color. Secondly, you can find the logo, that is the word of the "Disney"in every poster. Thirdly, the images of the posters often use the film's characters or a major polt point which can create the dream world with magic or the supernatural to win the audiences curiosity. Last but not lest, they are all have the same target audiences, that is the children and the teenager with a loving wish and the parents who want to teach their children how to love and how to be a good person with the virtues.

    There are some differences between two kinds of posters. The image of the anime versions' about the posters always uses the cartoon's person and the color are bright which can attract more children but for the live-action version, the image always uses the real person, which seems close to the reality and there are the names of the main actor and actress.

    These are the differences between two kinds of version about Disney's movies' poster. Although there are some differences between them, they all have the same purpose that is to attract more audience and to gain more profit.



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