
my analysis of the car advertisement

 昵称14289437 2015-06-22
First,let's talk about the reason of choosing the cars' advertisement  as our group' theme.I think the most important part of that is the success of analysing the car post in the class that miss. han gave us ,during that discussion we found it's not different for us to analysis a post and we also found it that our menbers is too careful that we can discuss many single part of it.it 's quite interesting thing.
  So,after a unsuccessful presentation,i have learned a lot of things.

As we can see that ,the first sight of the post is using a close shot,and the car takes the biggest part of the post,attracting our eyes.Besides, a large slogan“拥有好内涵,才能跑得更远” echos the middle part of the post ,which is the main role of the cool post.The main role of the  post is  a teared part of the car ,letting us to see the inside part of the car that appuasl more about the function.As my opinion,it's quite good for attracting the customs and creative.
    After that ,we can analysis the backgroud of the post ,we can know that the car is running on a mountain ,which also suggest that the car's quality  is good enough for the travelers.

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