
The analysis of horror movie poster

 昵称22781366 2015-06-27
    A poster must have a lot of factors, including title, illustration, tag-line, data of release and so on. In the poster above, we can see the factors. Firstly, the title of it is The Haunted Ciname. Secondly, the words on the top of this poster is the tag-line and on the bottom of it is the data of release and the credits and stars. Last but not lease, the illustration of this horror movie occupies a lot of space of the whole poster. As far as i am concerned, the illustration is of great importanse.In the poster, sitting in the ciname, a woman who hold a bucket of popcorn looks terrified, in the meantime,  a blood-soaked hand sticks out of her mouth.

     In order to creat the terrified atmosphere, the designer use a dark tonal. Besides, the poster make use of close shot, which is beneficial to terrify the audience.

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