
Treating Acid Reflux in Infants

 maggiecc123 2015-08-07

Part 1 of 6


Acid reflux, the backing up of stomach contents into thethroat, isn’t just an adult illness. Infants can experience this uncomfortablefeeling too. Parents of babies with acid reflux may become concerned if theirchild doesn’t want to eat, doesn’t gain weight, or doesn’t stop crying. Acidreflux in an infant may sound scary, but a confirmed diagnosis can help withmanagement.

The ways to treatacid reflux in your infant depends on your baby’s age and the severity of theproblem. Lifestyle changes and simple home remedies are often the first steps.


Part 2 of 6

How and When to Feed Your Baby


Bottle-fed babies may have less acid reflux with a modifiedfeeding schedule. Instead of a few larger “meals,” feed your infant morefrequently throughout the day so they eat less at each feeding. Feeding “ondemand” whenever your baby appears to be hungry may be helpful.

More Frequent Feedings

If you breastfeed, cutting back on the amount of time youspend nursing can help prevent reflux. Your baby may be more likely to refluxand spit up when their stomach is too full. This is due to the pressure that’sput on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is the ring of muscle thatblocks food from going back up the esophagus from the stomach. Pressure on thismuscle causes it to lose effectiveness, allowing stomach contents to rise intothe throat.

Check Bottle and Nipple Size

Your infant may gulp air while eating if the nipple on thebottle is too small. However, the milk will flow too fast if it’s too large. Usingthe proper sized bottle and nipple allows the right amount of milk to flowwithout allowing your baby to swallow air at the same time.

Thicken Breast Milk or Formula

Trying a different brand of formula may help reduce refluxtoo. If you’re a nursing mother, try eliminating certain foods such as dairyproducts from your diet, in case a food intolerance is causing reflux symptoms.

With your pediatrician’s approval, adding a small amount ofrice cereal to formula or breast milk can help prevent acid reflux. Thickeningthe food helps to stop stomach contents from sloshing up into the esophagus.

More Frequent Burping

Whether you bottle-feed or breastfeed, avoid feeding yourinfant two hours before bedtime. Burping your infant every one to two hoursafter feeding helps relieve gastric pressure and may help prevent acid reflux. Burpbottle-fed infants often during feedings, about every one to two ounces. Youshould burp breastfed babies any time they pull off the nipple.

Part 3 of 6

Change Your Infant’s Position

Experts recommend that infants sleep on their backs toprevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). But this position may obstruct theairways for babies with acid reflux. Your doctor may suggest that you put yourbaby to sleep on their side or stomach instead.

Place your baby in the crib, on a firm mattress, with theirhead turned to the side so that their mouth and nose aren’t obstructed. Gravityhelps keep the contents of the stomach from reverting back into the esophaguswhen your baby's upper body is elevated. Elevate your baby’s head by placingthe mattress on a slight incline to relieve acid reflux. A foam block placedunder the head of the mattress works well, as does a wedge pillow.


Part 4 of 6

Gripe Water: Is It Safe?

Gripe water is a natural remedy often used to soothe colickybabies. Ingredients vary depending on the manufacturer, but many versions ofgripe water include fennel, ginger, peppermint, lemon balm, and chamomile.

Although there’s no scientific evidence of itseffectiveness, gripe water is sometimes used by parents to ease symptoms ofreflux. The World Health Organization saysthat giving anything other than breast milk to infants under the age of 6months may increase the risk of bacterial infection, allergies, and stomachirritation.

Speak to your baby’s pediatrician if you’re interested inusing natural remedies to treat your child’s reflux. You should get yourdoctor’s approval before giving your baby gripe water. Avoid products thatcontain sodium bicarbonate, sucrose, fructose, or alcohol if your doctor givesyou the go-ahead.

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Medication Options & Surgery

Your pediatrician may want to treat your infant's acidreflux with medication if lifestyle changes don’t help. These can includeinfant doses of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as Prilosec or Prevacid, orH2 blockers such as Tagamet or Zantac. These drugs reduce the amount of acidthat’s present in the stomach.

Surgery may be an option if medications and lifestyleadjustments don’t help ease your baby’s symptoms and they aren’t gainingweight. Tightening the LES makes it more stable so that less acid is allowed toflow back into the esophagus. The need for this type of surgery, especially ininfants, is rare. The procedure, called fundoplication, is usually reserved forbabies whose reflux causes severe breathing problems or prevents growth.


Part 6 of 6

The Bottom Line

The last thing a new parent wants is to see their baby in discomfort.However, acid reflux in an infant is a treatable condition. Finding thelifestyle changes or medications that work for your child will help get their acidreflux under control. 

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