
三步骤告别烧心和反酸-3 Simple Steps to Eliminate Heartburn a...

 rwm1110 2018-08-21

ARE MILLIONS OF US BORN with a genetic defect that makes us produce too much stomach acid? Do we just have a major evolutionary design flaw that requires us to take powerful acid-blocking drugs to prevent heartburn and reflux?

I believe that the answer to all of these questions is a resounding “no.” 

In this week’s blog, I’ll explain why, but more importantly, I will outline a simple 3-step approach that will help you prevent acid reflux and heartburn by treating its underlying causes.


我相信针对以上问题的答案都是 “NO” !在这篇文章中,我会解释原因并列出三个基本步骤,从根源上来进行预防。

The Truth about Acid-Blocking Medications

At least 10 percent of Americans have episodes of heartburn every day, and 44 percent have symptoms at least once a month. Overall, reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as heartburn) affects a whopping 25 to 35 percent of the US population! As a result, acid-blocking medications are the third top-selling type of drug in America today. 


Studies show that people who take acid-blocking medications for the long term can become deficient in vitamin B12.


Things have certainly changed since I was in medical school. In those days, GERD wasn’t even considered a serious disease. Instead, people had heartburn or ulcers, but that was pretty much it. When acid-blocking drugs first came on the market, even the pharmaceutical representatives warned us how powerful these drugs were. They told us not to prescribe them any longer than 6 weeks and only for patients with documented ulcers.


Now, these drugs are given like candy to anyone who ate too many hot dogs at a ball game — and one drug, Prilosec, is available without a prescription. Their manufacturers have created the illusion that we can eat whatever we want with no consequences, just by popping a pill. They even have commercials showing a family rushing to stop their father from eating a big sausage with fried onions and peppers — and he tells them not to worry because he took his acid-blocking pill!


I know someone who used to work for the makers of Pepcid, another acid blocker. He told me that when it first became available over the counter, teams of drug company representatives would stand at the gates of county fairs and southern barbeques and hand out free samples.


In reality, acid-blocking drugs are a double-edged sword. Let’s look at some of the recent research on the dangers of these drugs.


What the Research Tells Us about Acid-Blocking Medications

Acid blocking drugs obviously block acid that can cause symptoms of heartburn and reflux. But your body actually needs stomach acid to stay healthy. Stomach acid is necessary to digest protein and food, activate digestive enzymes in your small intestine, keep the bacteria from growing in your small intestine, and help you absorb important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B12.


There’s evidence that taking these medications can prevent you from properly digesting food, cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and lead to problems like irritable bowel syndrome, depression, hip fractures, and more.


For example, studies show that people who take acid-blocking medications for the long term can become deficient in vitamin B12,(iii) which can lead to depression, anemia, fatigue, nerve damage, and even dementia, especially in the elderly.


The research also tells us that taking these drugs can cause dangerous overgrowth of bacteria in the intestine called Clostridia, leading to life-threatening infections.(iv) For many more people, low-grade overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine leads to bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and diarrhea (many of the common “side effects” noted in the warnings for these drugs). This can cause irritable bowel syndrome.


In addition, a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that chronic use of acid-blocking drugs leads to an increase in the development of osteoporosis and increase in hip fracture because blocking acid prevents the absorption of calcium and other minerals necessary for bone health.


All this is only part of the problem. There have even been some reports that these drugs may increase the risk of certain cancers.


These are serious health concerns, and it’s pretty clear that in this case, the “cure” of acid-blocking drugs is worse than the “disease” of GERD. But that’s of little comfort when you’re suffering from heartburn.


So if drugs are not the answer, what is? We need to find the real causes of reflux and heartburn, get rid of them, and use the right foods, nutrients, and lifestyle therapies to heal the problem.


What Causes GERD?

Fried food, alcohol, caffeine, and soda can all trigger reflux. Spicy, tomato-based or citrus foods may also cause problems for some people. Smoking also increases the risk of reflux. Being overweight and having your belly fat push up on your stomach can prevent it from emptying, triggering reflux. Having a hiatal hernia (where your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm) can also cause trouble and can be diagnosed by x-ray. Eating large meals and eating before bed are two other main reasons for reflux. These are the most obvious causes, and the ones you have probably heard about. However, there are a few more that bear mentioning.



Stress contributes to reflux. Clearly, food is supposed to go down, not up, when you eat. That’s why there are two main valves, or sphincters, that control food going in and out of your stomach — the one at the top (or the lower esophageal sphincter) and one at the bottom (the pyloric valve). When you’re stressed, the valve on the top relaxes and the valve on the bottom tightens up. This may result in food traveling back up your esophagus. Practice active relaxation and you mitigate this problem.

压力可以导致反酸。很显然,吃进去食物的时候是向下的,而不是向上,这就是为什么我们的身体有两个阀门(括约肌),控制着食物在胃里的进出,一个在胃的顶部(食管下端括约肌),一个在胃的底部(幽门瓣), 当压力来袭时,胃顶部的阀门放松,但底部的阀门收紧,这就会导致胃内容物涌入食道。尝试练习放松,可以缓解这个问题。

Magnesium deficiency is another cause of reflux because magnesium helps the sphincter at the bottom of the stomach relax, allowing the food to go down.


While controversial, I believe that a common infection can cause not just ulcers but reflux as well. This bug is called Helicobacter pylori and can be identified by a simple test blood or breath test. In my experience with patients, this treating the bacteria can eliminate reflux even if you don’t have an ulcer.


Food sensitivities or allergies can also cause reflux. Common culprits include dairy and gluten-containing foods like wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Plus, overgrowth of bacteria in the small bowel or yeast overgrowth in the gut can cause reflux.


These are all treatable conditions that you don’t need powerful acid blocking drugs to fix.


To properly diagnose the causes of your reflux, you may need to do the following.


1. Ask your doctor for an H. pylori blood antibody test or breath test.

2. Consider a test for IgG food allergies and celiac disease.

3. Get a breath or urine organic acid test to check for small bowel bacterial overgrowth.

4. If you don’t get better with the suggestions below, consider getting an upper endoscopy or upper GI series x-ray to see if there is anything else wrong.

1. 血液检测或呼吸实验诊断是否有幽门螺旋杆菌感染。
2. 检测食物过敏,排除乳糜泻。
3. 呼吸实验或尿液有机酸检测肠道菌群过度生长状况。
4. 如果下面的建议对你并没有起到什么帮助,可尝试上消化道内窥镜或放射线检查是否存在器质性病变。

3 Steps to Permanently Overcoming Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Step 1: Treat the Bugs if You Have Them

  • If you have H. pylori, treat it with triple antibiotic therapy from your doctor.

  • Treat yeast overgrowth with antifungal drugs such as nystatin or Diflucan or herbs such as oregano or caprylic acid.

  • Treat bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel with Xifaxin (see my blog on irritable bowel syndrome).



  • 如果存在幽门螺旋杆菌感染,使用三联疗法杀菌。

  • 治疗霉菌过度生长,抗霉菌药如制霉菌素、氟康唑,或草药如牛至叶、亚羊脂酸。

  • 肠道坏菌过多,使用Xifaxin。

Step 2: Change Your Diet

  • Try to eliminate dairy and gluten (see www.celiac.com for sources of gluten in the diet).

  • Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, citrus, tomato-based, and spicy foods.

  • Don’t eat within 3 hours before bed.

  • Don’t eat junk food.

  • Avoid processed foods.

  • Eat cooked foods, like fish, chicken, cooked veggies, and rice; avoid raw food for now.

  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals, at least 4 to 5 times a day.


  • 限制奶制品、麦麸蛋白摄入。

  • 避开酒精、咖啡因、柑橘类、番茄类、辛辣食物。

  • 睡前3小时不再进食。

  • 不吃垃圾食品。

  • 限制精加工食品摄入。

  • 可以吃熟食如鸡肉、鱼肉,煮熟的蔬菜,大米,不吃生食。

  • 少食多餐,4-5次每天。

Step 3: Try Some Natural Remedies to Help Soothe the Gut

  • Take 2 to 3 capsules of digestive enzymes with each meal.

  • Re-inoculate the gut with healthy bacteria by using probiotics.

  • Try 75 to 150 mg of zinc carnosine twice a day between meals — this has been extensively studied and is used frequently in Japan.

  • Take 3 to 5 grams of glutamine powder in water twice a day to help heal the gut lining.

  • Chew 2 to 3 chewable tablets of DGL (a form of licorice) 15 minutes before meals.

  • Try 200 to 400 mg of magnesium citrate or glycinate twice a day.


  • 每日每餐的同时服用2-3颗消化酶。

  • 使用益生菌重建肠道健康菌群环境。

  • 每日两餐间服用锌75-150mg ,一日2次(在日本有深入的研究,应用较广)。

  • 谷氨酰胺粉剂3-5g温水冲泡,每日2次,可帮助修复肠道内皮。

  • 餐前15分钟咀嚼2-3片DGL(甘草片)。

  • 甘氨酸镁或柠檬酸镁200-400mg,一日两次。

As you can see, there’s no need to suffer from heartburn and reflux — or to take expensive and dangerous acid-blocking drugs. I hope the changes I’ve suggested here will soothe your stomach and have you feeling healthy in no time!


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