

 牤牛河畔生 2015-10-09


作者:Alan E. Beer


校正和修订:赵金霞 刘湘源








Blood Clotting Defects

“In a normal pregnancy the mother’s ability to produce blood clots in the uterus and placenta is suppressed and the blood flows freely to the baby. Some mothers have a condition called thrombophilia where this clotting of the blood is not suppressed. This can cause many things to go wrong, including implantation failure, miscarriage, preeclampsia and even unexplained fetal death. Doctors are prone to counsel patients saying “it will be better next time” or “these complications occur for no good reason.” This is simply bad advice and poor judgment. Once diagnosed, this disorder can be treated and healthy, normally grown babies can be born.”

Alan E. Beer, M.D.

Mention the world thrombophilia and most people think of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) where a blood clot that forms in the leg travels to other parts of the body. Throbophilia (“thrombus” means clot and “philia” means a liking for) in the context of this Category 2 immune problem is associated with blood clotting, not in the veins of the body, but in the very smallest arteries and blood vessels- essentially the very lifelines that support the developing fetus.

Pregnancy is a time when the blood is hypercoagulable or prothrombotic, meaning it has a tendency to clot (thought to be due to an evolutionary trait to stop women from dying in childbirth). A proportion of women with recurrent miscarriages are in a prothrombotic state even when they are not pregnant. Alternatively, they may carry genes that make it even more likely for blood clots to happen.

Blood flow, or principally the lack of it, is one of the most important issues associated with chronic disease and is a prime consideration when addressing the problems of implantation failure, early pregnancy loss and recurrent miscarriage. Indeed, thrombophilia is found in approximately two thirds of women with unexplained pregnancy loss.

Many women have absolutely no idea they have a blood clotting disorder and that it may be a major factor in their inability to conceive or successfully gestate a baby. Thrombophilia, both inherited and acquired, is very common and is associated with the following conditions:


Intrauterine fetal death

Poor fetal growth

Low amniotic fluid level

Subchorionic hemorrhages or hematomas

Placental abruption

Toxemia of pregnancy

HELLP syndrome (Hemolsis, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelets, a severe form. of preeclampsia)

Premature labor (often called incompetent cervix syndrome)


Pregnancy induced hypertension (high blood pressure of pregnancy)

Preterm birth


Risk to the mother may include:


Thrombophlebitis (blood clots in the veins or the arteries that can occur during pregnancy)

Deep vein thrombosis

Autoimmune thrombocytopenia (low platelet count)

Anemia (low red blood cell count)

A blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism)

A blood clot in the brain

TIAs (transient ischemic attacks or “mini strokes”)







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