
10 Material Design iOS components for OSX and iOS development

 wintelsui 2015-11-16

Some of you might say that Material Design has been explicitly built for Android and plethora of other Google products. And this statement is true in some sense. The main purpose of Material Design is to create unified look and feel to all Google platforms and to unify each product design into one cohesive vision. However, Material design is simply design guidelines and constrains, but that doesn’t mean you can’t apply them to any other platform you wish.

In fact, some businesses might do exactly the same as Google did, and contain visual unification of the ecosystem of their products. Unified look and feel of the online product or brand across all mobile and web platforms, certainly improves the user experience. It may not always be easy as you may be stuck with the different platform’s paradigms and diverse fundamental structure. Companies such as Apple or Google put out designs limitations for a reason – to keep product consistency.


This list of iOS components aims to help you add Material Design modules to OS X and iOS applications. If you are coding and designing app for iOS or OS X, these elements and examples will keep you on track and save lots of your valuable time.

1.Material design components for iOS written in Swift


Download on GitHub

2. iOS Material Design Library


Download on GitHub

3.Material Design Icons Font for iOS


Download on GitHub

4. Material Design colors for OS X and iOS


All colors defined in Google’s Material Design spec, available for OSX and iOS development.

Download on GitHub

5. Material Design iOS checkboxes


iOS checkboxes inspired by Google’s Material Design.

Download on GitHub

6. Material Design iOS Buttons


Available on GitHub

7. iOS UI TabBar with Material Design


Download on GitHub

8. iOS card view


A simple UI card view subclass with rounded corners and a drop shadows inspired by Material Design.

Download on GitHub

9. Material Design iOS activity spinner


Download on GitHub

10. Chrome Mobile Angular Application with Material Design


A generic app framework that can run as a standalone webpage, a chrome extension, an android app, or an ios app.

Download on GitHub

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